Renegade Regulator

On November 25, 2016, in a small office of Provincial Court in Toronto, and before a Justice of the Peace, a series of criminal proceedings were commenced against certain of the leadership of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA).
RestoreCSA was there, it was our submission.

7 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. I expect Abella to dismiss it out of hand. Government protects government; all branches.

  2. I wish you the very best of luck. I doubt very much that the Crown Attorney’s office will touch your case, and you can rest assured that every effort will be made to bludgeon and bury your efforts…but you already know that.
    The entire legal system wears a Medic Alert allergy bracelet when it comes to the investigation/prosecution of federal government agencies, brass, and enforcement apparatus. The CFIA vs. Montana Jones case is a one recent example, and the lack of trials and tribulations experienced by our federal Ag Minister’s Chief of Staff, Mary Jane McFall, is another.
    And it’s not just the legal system that is derelict – our MSM is complicit by its steadfast refusal to turn over these rocks to see what crawls out.
    One lonely little Agriculture Journalist, Ontario Farmer’s Ian Cumming, has tried and tried to get the stink out into the wind.

  3. It’s a sisyphean task you’ve set yourself, all right. I’d love to see this have a happy ending, but I fear like Mark Steyn and Robert Kearns, the winning won’t be worth the cost.

  4. Over my life, I’ve seen private prosecutions tried but have never seen one succeed. I’ve never heard of one actually making it to trial.

  5. P.S. Knight deserves the Order of Canada.
    The man is a hero, in the real sense of the word.
    He should have a GoFundMe page.

  6. Bravo,you threaten the heart of Kleptocracy.
    Never fear, the Just Us System will rise to this challenge, blindly defending their fellow fools and bandits.
    What you make private challenge to,is the method by which the bureaucratic bandits make their theft appear to be legal.
    Unfortunately history indicates the successful cure is bloody, brutal and only has short term effect.

  7. Meanwhile the CEC grows at a rate only slightly slower than Moore’s Law. They have to show results for all the bribes taken. And the code additions furnish an excuse to force everyone to buy the new CEC, at a steeply higher cost each cycle.
