32 Replies to “May Day!”

  1. Someone should mention to the cops that if they take those “lead balls” and stuff ’em down the barrel of an old .58 caliber Zouave, they can be propelled at up to 1400 fps depending on the powder charge, right back to their original owners.
    The French government has to find some balls,(of a different type)or next thing you know,the cops will be on strike,and I wouldn’t want to be there if that happens.

  2. The Portland thing is an aggravation and ironically silly. Like the LA riots they turn on the people they have on their side.
    The French news is far more serious. When you start trying to burn police officers to death it’s time to start shooting the bad guys in the street with real bullets. Shoot them dead. It will be the only lesson they will learn, albeit the hard way.

  3. Come back Ohio National Guard! All is forgiven! Lol
    …..TBH, those Kent State rioters had it coming.

  4. Absolutely correct. The only thing muslimes respect is brutal uncompromising retaliation.

  5. Hopefully the police will arrest and charge these antifa thugs. And that they end up with a criminal record that has serious consequences, like not being able to travel to countries that object to admitting convicted criminals. Except probably Canada, of course.

  6. “Shoot them dead.”
    But … but … if you shoot them dead, they win. – JT

  7. We’ve watched the immigration trends in Europe literally over decades, and the last 15 years in particular when we’ve visited Europe as tourist a couple of times or more annually.
    We were in Venice Italy just last week and the female owner of a small restaurant started talking to us about how she feels unsafe, she can no longer go out at night, and what’s happening is crazy. Yes, she mentioned “Muslims.”
    Being inoffensive and sympathetic tourists, we’ve had numbers of such conversations over the years – in France, Germany, and the Netherlands. I swear we didn’t start them. There are a lot of unhappy “ordinary working people” (to paraphrase the NDP) in Europe.
    Mark Steyn is a prophet.
    Of course, that could never happen in the US or Canada…

  8. Very strange , the way the media and police are colluding to convince the taxpaying public,that we have no protection.
    The very reason for the existence of government and police.
    We shall reason together thus; Evil people will always be, our paid agents are useless and appear to be enabling the stupid and evil.
    Why for shall we continue to pay these non-performers?
    The stupid and evil must be restrained,those who protect and enable them are stupid and evil.
    Sensible people will hesitate to take the necessary action.
    So we will do nothing until we are no longer sensible.
    Then we will let the beast out to roam.
    Trouble is you can never get the beast back into the bottle.
    Of course that would be a good thing in the long run,encouraging government to fear the citizens.
    All hail Dischordia.

  9. Having spent a warm summer day (and night) on the streets of Portland a couple years ago … I am having trouble distinguishing between TODAY’s Anarchy … and EVERY other typical DAY on the streets of Portland. The permissive, liberal, city is a magnet for disaffected youth who are treated as curious pets by the City Council. The streets are teeming with young, able-bodied, “alternative lifestyle” white kids who panhandle and harass the straights. I guess they view such activities as better than “working for the man”. Bring it alllll dowwwwww nnnn. Maaaaahan

  10. About Europe being supposedly safe despite all those refugees and terrorists,
    a couple weeks ago on the traveling show on PBS ( can’t remember the name ) the guy looked so uncomfortable while he lied to us and said the millions of refugees have absolutely no effect, to not worry…
    him and the woman interviewing him both looked uncomfortable having to lie to us about this.
    We live in a crazy age, almost everything our media tell us are lies.

  11. The French police should deploy snipers and take out anyone throwing Molotov cocktails. That’s not protest, it’s civil war.

  12. Good point. They need to fight this like a war, not ‘civil unrest’. When ‘protestors’ start falling over because their heads exploded, only then will they realize it’s not a game anymore.

  13. General Pinochet was right, free* helicopter rides for commies.
    *offer valid with no strings attached.

  14. The European cops have helped enable this, what with their cover-ups of Muslim violence.
    There is money to be made selling the Europeans arms.

  15. Aiming for the head is a movie thing, doesn’t happen in real life, unless:
    1. the shooter is an idiot, or
    2. The head is the only part of the target visible.

  16. You may recall Rolling Stone member Keith Richards was unable to enter Canada due to a drug conviction. I think it was related to marijuana. It did however let him get off one of the great burns of all time: “I don’t know what they’re on about, it wasn’t me who was f@cking the Prime Minister’s wife!”

  17. JR, your points in precis: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.” Edmund Burke.

  18. Ditto here. Over the last ten years it has been noticeable, in the north in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland; in the middle area of Kassel, Frankfurt, Switzerland, Austria, not so much Hungary, and in Greece. Many people even among the guiding group are not happy and in fact scared.
    So why do they keep electing the filth that is bringing in the danger?

  19. or
    4. You’re a well trained sniper with a good rifle and a bit of a shmick. You don’t aim for the head because it’s a small part of a (usuallu rapidly-) moving target; a quick jerk or turn that he’d be doing anyways just about now, and his head’s out of the way; and your bullet is past him and speeding merrily onward toward an innocent bystander who was just trying to get past the disturbance and home to a cold beer.
    Aim for the centre of mass – much harder to move out of the way, and every bit as effective.

  20. I dont much care. Paris, Portland – they raised and cuddled the vermin. Getting what they voted for.

  21. I highly doubt that unionized police, whose affiliated labour organization are probably supporting these “protestors”, are really going to start shooting their fellow travellers.

  22. Molotov cocktails are lethal weapons – reply with bullets. I’d be tempted to do the same with rocks.

  23. Well, at least one can recognize the folk here who have never used a firearm.

  24. The Izzies know how to handle this. They deploy snipers with Ruger 10-22’s.
    Rock throwers, Molotov throwers and protest leaders in the back ground are shot in the legs or crotch with rimfire .22’S.
    Ideally a couple of bursts from crew served weapons would work best but that is unlikely to happen.

  25. I wonder if somebody will advise the Alberta Federation of Labour that conservatives kick back?
    D’you think anybody will? Or, just let ’em find out the hard way?
