Renegade Regulator

Renegade Judiciary.

It turns out that Justice Odida Quamina isn’t actually a Judge, he’s a Justice of the Peace (JP). In Ontario, a JP can preside over certain trials. In Quamina’s case, it gets even more interesting. Odida Quamina isn’t even a lawyer. In fact, he has no legal training whatsoever. Prior to his appointment in 2006, Quamina had been a part-time faculty at a community college and a sometime ombudsperson at another community college.
Quamina’s antics have made the news before…

Grab a coffee first.

12 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Wow.
    I’ve been around a while, but I’ve honestly never encountered a situation where I could properly use the word “imbecile”.
    This judge – er, Justice of the Peace, however…

  2. No doubt this judge was a product of Ontario’s “Identity Industry” TM.
    I would prefer judges not being from the Legal Industry, as this guy was not, if they have been screened by the public at large not strategically placed by the “Elite” thugs who run the upper echelons of our political parties.

  3. Many Justices of the Peace lack legal training. In Ontario, the purpose is mostly to show how diverse we are, not to uphold the law. Unfortunately, those that are promoted based on their identity group usually wouldn’t be promoted due to competence.

  4. Well, not that I’m defending this JP or any other, but there are judges who are just as bizarre.

  5. I pray this ends successfully.
    The fallout could cause a paradigm shift much like the sponsorship scandal did.
    This could leave a lot of the administrative arm of the government covered in excrement.

  6. Slightly off topic, but this sounds like a dispute resolution hearing I attended in Victoria.
    The arbitrator had done no preparation, formed opinions out of the gate, failed to consider relevant testimony which proved prima facia the landlord had conducted an illegal condition inspection or that the landlord had misrepresented a Notice, and went as far as to award $1200 for counter tops (really?) based on only an estimate, with no proof the countertops were ever installed.
    And he wasn’t a judge either. Most of the Rental arbitrators are solid professionals who know and apply the Rental Act.
    A very few are outright idiots with the amazing ability to get their cases precisely wrong, whether it be on behalf of the landlord or tenant.
    Is that a talent is these quasi judicial circles?
    BTW I’m in the business, I would never have let this happen, but it was out of my control, with actions taken against my advice.
    Luckily the payment hearing judge (a real judge I understand) must have sensed some chicanery, because he awarded a ridiculously low monthly payment in consideration of the arbitrator award, and now the landlord can’t touch them as long as the paltry monthly payment is made.
    IOW rental karma, not that I actually believe there is such a thing, just that what goes around comes around if you’re patient and stick to your values.

  7. Folks, this is the decision that the Liberal Party of Canada has been looking to get for years. Once the CSA has won their case, bribery is accepted as totally legal in Canada. No more hiding behind speaker’s fees. Justin will be able to publish a price list and remove any doubts as to how much the fee for each “favour” would be.

  8. Very revealing.
    This is how the Kleptocracy works its wonders.
    Due process and laws..are for the little people.
    When a carefully chosen judge makes wilfully obtuse rulings, the bandits will chant in unison; “The judge has ruled”.
    We are heading for France 1700 redux.
    These thieving parasites are always with us,entitled leeches come in human form as well as insect,once they come to dominate a system that system is doomed.
    Lawfare is an effective means of stealing and justifies using the force of government to protect the thieves.Forcing the compliance of the victims.
    For they cannot be criminals if they write the laws.
    Canada chose to cast aside rule of law with Pierre the Idiots Constitution.
    France had revolution after revolution and still never beheaded enough of these to save their Republic.
    All power to Mr Knight but this charade will indeed only continue, however it will be most revealing.
    The wrath of the Anglo Saxon may , nay will be the only cure.

  9. Justice Odida Quamina missed his calling to be a Telus service representative.

  10. this is Canada. why would one need experience or knowledge to do anything?
