36 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Oh that depressing, unmistakable stench of run down, build without any amenities, poorly maintained communism. If you haven’t experienced it you can’t really relate. Reminds me of the 70s/early 80s Poland.

  2. Observations.
    A: It was raining.
    B: Car had electric wipers.
    C: North Korea has small carbon footprint.

  3. I skipped over the interesting parts and was left with 3 minutes of dreariness. I’m sure our Dear Leader would see things differently.

  4. Some of those people walking in the rain seemed like they had a long way to go. No individual housing and no stores/gas stations or commercial enterprises to be seen. Roads seem to be in better shape than most western cities but that could be because there’s very little traffic. The word dreary covered more than just the weather.

  5. This must have been the “alternate” route to the airport … the one that bypasses the Commercial District. Nothing but odd-colored pink and green mid-rise housing. It’s almost as if the Dear Leader watched too much Miami Vice in the 1980’s and fashioned the Communist Paradise after Miami’s South Beach District.
    And WHERE are the bicycles ? Seriously!? I didn’t see a single one. Everyone was walking the massive pedestrian way that appears to be hell and gone from anywhere. Are all the bicycles running on a really kewl, high-tech, underground tube ? Out of sight ? What the hell ? Did the Dear Leader declare that … “walking is good for everyone” … much as Michelle Obama declared that … “Kale is good for you” … and force-fed it to all the little ghetto EBT card holder’s children ? The Dear Leader must have decreed bicycles to be too Bourgeoisie for the NKorean peasants.

  6. Certainly cleaner and more orderly than what I’ve seen on the other side of the iron curtain ,Croatia Serbia Slovenia Kazakhstan and few others. And let’s not even start on the levant

  7. file under: it’s probably nothing, and Canada isn’t on the list, yet.
    U.S. issues travel alert for Europe, citing threat of terrorist attacks
    The U.S. State Department issued a travel alert for Europe on Monday, saying U.S. citizens should be aware of a continued threat of terrorist attacks throughout the continent.
    In the alert, the State Department cited recent incidents in France, Russia, Sweden and the United Kingdom and said Islamic State and al Qaeda “have the ability to plan and execute terrorist attacks in Europe.”
    The State Department’s previous travel alert for Europe, issued ahead of the winter holiday season, expired in February. A State Department official said Monday’s alert was not prompted by a specific threat, but rather recognition of the continuing risk of attacks especially ahead of the summer holidays. The alert expires on Sept. 1.
    Malls, government facilities, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, airports and other locations are all possible targets for attacks, the State Department’s alert said.
    The U.S. State Dept. should have added a list of countries in Europe and the U.K.
    where criticizing the government policy on mass Islamic migration can get you arrested.
    Western countries where the Sharia law of blasphemy has brought Europe to a growing crisis. One it is unable to publicly discuss or analyize a rational response to.

  8. Sure beats the Third World Hellhole that is Camden, New Jersey. Also run by Bolsheviks for the last half century.

  9. Interesting interview:
    Published on Apr 22, 2017
    Heartland Institute President Joseph Bast is interviewed by Dean Reynolds of the CBS Evening News about Heartland’s programs on climate change on April 3, 2017.
    Apologies if this was posted here by someone else earlier.

  10. AGW RIP.
    “Montana Democrat Rob Quist Encourages Climate Skeptics to Consider Suicide”
    “I challenge you to go into your car in your garage, start your car and see what happens there.””
    “Colorado Climate March Postponed Due to Heavy Snow”
    “The People’s Climate March rally in Colorado Springs, scheduled for April 29th, was postponed due to heavy snowfall and treacherous conditions.”

  11. For true driving excitement, you can’t beat the “Driving in Russia” videos on YouTube.

  12. http://fuelfix.com/blog/2017/05/01/offshore-fracking-baker-hughes-builds-deep-water-tool/
    To create the device, the company adapted hydraulic fracturing technologies and techniques from the U.S. onshore shale revolution, said Jim Sessions, vice president of completions at Baker Hughes.
    DEEPFRAC will allow companies to frack 20 stages — up from just five, in some cases — and cut certain well completion steps from weeks to days, the company said.
    On a recent job, DEEPFRAC saved about 25 days of rig time and $40 million on a first-ever 15-stage deep-water completion in the Gulf of Mexico, Baker Hughes said.

  13. Great clip! If the Norks keep threatening the rest of the world, what we saw in that video will be the “before” picture. I can’t wait for the sequel when the US finally gets too pissed off at them.

  14. “downtown Pyongyang toward the airport”
    I dunno, politics aside it’s clean and orderly.
    Parts of it reminds me of Singapore off the main shopping districts, other parts on the way out of town looks much like parts of Hokkaido Japan.

  15. Besides being very “clean and orderly”, the light traffic would make driving there amazing, especially in the downtown areas.
    In order to be among the chosen few allowed to have a vehicle there, one would need to get on the good side of the communist functionaries reigning in Pyongyang, but how much trouble could that possibly be?

  16. Greg W >
    “In order to be among the chosen few…….”
    Don’t get me wrong, I have no care at all for the Norks, but I do think we give our own “leadership” too much credit. They don’t live, shop, eat, travel in the same places as the average Canadian, American or European either.
    There is a distinct “Us and Them” in western society, and the “Us” rules completely. Wars are always created by the “Us” then fought and died for by the “Them” everywhere.

  17. “Montana Democrat Rob Quist Encourages Climate Skeptics to Consider Suicide”
    Obviously Mr. Quist has confused carbon dioxide with carbon monoxide, a common mistake …. if you’re incredibly stupid.

  18. Question: Are there South Korean cars in North Korea? I would imagine they would have a lot of anti-Nork propaganda value by their very existence. It would probably behoove the Nork authorities to see that they’re kept out.

  19. …I do think we give our own “leadership” too much credit.
    I try not to do that. When I vote it’s to choose what I hope is the least bad of the two or three choices. However, even allowing for the natural affinity I have for the place where I was born and raised, I can’t think of a better country in which to live in spite of all that’s wrong here in Canada. If there is one most of us probably can’t migrate there anyway. Perhaps a better place existed in the past but it does me no good now. This is in spite of our selfish, uncaring and shortsighted leaders.
    When I was an atheist I naturally placed all my hope in my brief existence here. I now understand that this is futile, although I still try to appreciate and make the best of the situation. (As difficult as that may be sometimes, I’ve never had to live through the Great Depression or go to war as my parents’ generation did so I had better not start feeling sorry for myself.)
    However my main hope is in the God who made the universe and revealed himself to us in the Bible. This isn’t “pie in the sky when we die by and by” as some think. It’s more real than this earthly life which is going to end abruptly for all of us sooner or later.

  20. “clean and orderly” Yes, a good description.
    Sterile, lifeless, soul-destroying sounds like another good description, which I made up myself.
    Imagine a community where the easiest job would be that of the street cleaner. Or do they even need a street cleaner as who would dare drop anything; and take it further, how many people living under that regime would have anything to drop I wonder.
    I love photos of new houses where not one single spot looks as if it has been touched by a human hand or foot, no sign that anyone sat in the chair, slept in the bed, or had a shower.
    That’s what that video reminded me of: heaven for Virgos.

  21. It reminded me of Bejing in 1980 when Iwas there. 5 lane highways each way with almost no traffic.
    Landing in Shanghai at night with no lights on in the city as we came in. Maybe saw half a dozen 40W bulbs on as we drove in from the airport.

  22. “Sterile, lifeless, soul-destroying sounds like another good description”
    True from a certain vantage point. I’ve spent a couple of years in India, from north to south, east to west and I found it the exact opposite of “sterile and lifeless” but very much soul destroying:

  23. Anyone who has ever traveled or seen pictures of traffic in other than first world countries will notice right away the complete absence of scooters. That, by itself, condemns that government and all it stands for.

  24. PET Cemetery Report.
    Liberal Justine-Sajjan Cut’n’Run.
    “Harjit Sajjan pulls out of fundraiser for veterans over ‘scheduling issue’ amid Afghan battle controversy”
    “Sajjan had been scheduled to speak at the 8th annual “To the ‘Stan and Back” event Tuesday, but founder Cheri Elliott said she was told a scheduling conflict had arisen and he would not be able to attend.”

  25. Bicyclists like I saw in Belgium. No city should be without bicyclists sitting ramrod straight while driving through traffic. It showed a stoicism that would make a NK leader proud. A bicyclist or two riding on that street wouldn’t be a challenge, so say a thousand.
