46 Replies to “BC Provincial Election”

  1. I predict that BC, being majority stupid, will vote overwhelmingly for the further destruction of Canada in general and BC in particular.

  2. In a South Park episode, the school election was between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. How close to reality. Between the Liberals, NDP, and Greens it is a shame they all can’t lose.

  3. But will it be slow further destruction under the Liberals or accelerated further destruction under the Endeepee?
    What a choice!

  4. “What a choice!”
    Aye. Do you want the express ride to the cesspool, or the LRT?

  5. Looks like a nail biter but hope the BC Liberals pull it off. Yes they have their flaws and plenty of knocks against them, but at least they are economically competent unlike the NDP. The NDP was a disaster in the 90s and hasn’t worked out well in Alberta so lets hope BC doesn’t make the same mistake as Alberta.

  6. Really hoping that the ndp get the most votes and the LP wins an easy majority so we can watch liberal twits explain why that’s okay when it wasn’t for trump.

  7. Cannot vote ndp. Christy Clarke is not a nice person. I am supporting the independent in my riding mainly for that reason. The greenies will make some gains — this is bc after all. Whoever wins, it will be another term of crap. Google ‘tunnel replacement’ and have a look at the monster bridge the Libs are railroading ahead with. Sigh.

  8. The BC Liberals have zero relation to the federal Liberals. The BC Liberals are a centre-right pro free enterprise coalition made up of Blue Liberals and Conservatives. Amongst federal Liberals the party splits pretty evenly with the progressive wing voting mostly NDP while the fiscally conservative wing favouring the BC Liberals. By contrast federal Conservatives overwhelmingly go BC Liberal as the BC Conservatives are moribund and only have candidates in 10 ridings as well as our leaderless. Many on the left complaining about Trump are probably voting NDP or Green although most BC Liberal supporters hate him too as in BC he is pretty much universally despised, but at least many BC Liberal supporters would be okay with an establishment Republican whereas most NDP and Greens hate all Republicans including even moderate ones like Kasich or McCain.

  9. The NDP was a disaster in the 90s
    People seem to forget that the Dippers ran B. C. during the early 1970s and, yes, they were a disaster back then. There was a reason why they were turfed out of office 3 years after being elected.

  10. Go over and look at warren Kinsella’s site and get back to us with your correction/apology.

  11. Polling schmolling. In all the talking heads had the NDP winning at least a minority government, well ahead in the polls on election day.
    All of them; and they were all wrong. This time it’s “too close to call?” Sure. In 2013, a “poll” predicted (actual results):
    NDP 49 seats (34)
    Liberals 35 seats (49)
    Green/Other – 1 seat (1 Green)
    So, I’ll wait for the actual vote results thanks. These pundits haven’t got a clue, that’s all they’ve demonstrated to me.

  12. Election day, my enemy of the people is better than your enemy of the people.

  13. The BC Liberals are a coalition that is about 2/3 Conservative in membership and 1/3 Liberal. Unlike other provinces the NDP is so strong in BC that if you had a separate Liberal and Conservative party you would have the dippers winning all the time thus why unlike other provinces the two unite under one banner. BC has always been the free enterprise coalition vs. socialists.

  14. God help BC if the NDP get in. The platform I saw is spend spend spend, tax tax tax…they have been a disaster in Sask. Manitoba and now Alberta. I pray they don’t get in in BC or we’ll see housing prices plummet, people declaring bankruptcy…no job creation except government jobs, little business investment. Sorry but I have no faith in the NDP and their policies..and when I listen to my NDP friends I can’t believe that they think government should run everything and love the “leap manifesto”. Of course most are ex teachers on fat pensions so I’m not surprised.

  15. Kind of like Saskatchewan with the Commie NDP Party and the Sask Party.
    felis gracilis, exactly. It is hard to understand why the people continue to vote for parties that will destroy their livelihoods.

  16. The BCNDP has already said they will shut down the Site C dam project and the Kinder Morgan pipeline project. They have no idea how to deal with Trudeau and Trump over the new softwood lumber tariffs. Mining and oil and gas permits will become almost impossible to get. Tax the rich? There won’t be any rich. If the NDP get in BC is boned. Also, Sask gets to pay ALL the transfer payments to everybody. That should go over well.

  17. What you described is pretty much what happened when Dave and the gang took over after B. C. voters booted out W. A. C. Bennett’s Socreds.
    B. C. is still paying for that disaster.

  18. The current BC Liberal party is a deeply corrupt, spent force that does not have one ounce of honesty left in its useless bones.
    Yes, you can sometimes blame voters for stupidity, but if the NDP win tonight the blame lies squarely with the Liberals. They should have long ago tossed Ms. Hard Hat and her fake smile and fake concerns for the average person, and they should have stopped allowing themselves to be managed almost exclusively by wealthy special interests. These steps would have been a good start.
    I have been voting for 30 years and never has the supposed “best choice” been so utterly bloody awful.
    If the Liberals do win tonight then in the next election they will be catapulted into the outer edges of deep space, where they will spend a long, cold time out of power. The party has overstayed its welcome.
    I do not know a single family member, friend, colleague or business partner that has any love whatsoever for the Liberals, even those who are voting for them.
    Parties that get accustomed to winning only because the alternatives are so much worse eventually get their comeuppance. They do in time, out of sheer laziness combined with corruption, become worse than the alternatives they are supposedly better than. It is a stupid, stupid strategy, and it why for example Alberta currently has a NDP government.
    The Liberals can rot at this point as far as I am concerned.

  19. The current BC Liberal party is a deeply corrupt, spent force that does not have one ounce of honesty left in its useless bones.
    Yes, you can sometimes blame voters for stupidity, but if the NDP win tonight the blame lies squarely with the Liberals. They should have long ago tossed Ms. Hard Hat and her fake smile and fake concerns for the average person, and they should have stopped allowing themselves to be managed almost exclusively by wealthy special interests. These steps would have been a good start.
    I have been voting for 30 years and never has the supposed “best choice” been so utterly bloody awful.
    If the Liberals do win tonight then in the next election they will be catapulted into the outer edges of deep space, where they will spend a long, cold time out of power. The party has overstayed its welcome.
    I do not know a single family member, friend, colleague or business partner that has any love whatsoever for the Liberals, even those who are voting for them.
    Parties that get accustomed to winning only because the alternatives are so much worse eventually get their comeuppance. They do in time, out of sheer laziness combined with corruption, become worse than the alternatives they are supposedly better than. It is a stupid, stupid strategy, and it is why for example Alberta currently has an NDP government.
    The Liberals can rot at this point as far as I am concerned.

  20. My sincere apologies for the double post. I tried to correct a typo or two, and I was too late and the first submission got through.

  21. BC Liberals are essentially the happy-faced, nominally pro-business socialists while the NDP are the dour-faced, anti-industrial and union-brand socialists. The greens hopefully split off more green theocratic inquisition voters from the NDP than the awful but preferable BC Liberals. Slow decline vs politically-assisted suicide. That’s as good as it gets in a hopelessly moribund welfare state.

  22. I agree, for the most part, with you. But this isn’t really a “horns of a dilemma” decision. The NDP also has wealthy special interest groups, and they are all unions for taxpayer funded employees.
    Clark is a moron, but Horgan is socialist moron … must worse.

  23. I agree. A choice between commie light, full commie, and stupid commie isn’t much of a choice.

  24. Things I like about Clark:
    Things I like about Horgan:
    Things I like about Weaver:

  25. Looks like liberal majority to me. Put me in the screencap

  26. Yes you can never underestimate the stupidity of the BC voter.Just look at the wasteland of the 1990’s the “good ol days”.

  27. According to the Mop and Pail, the Dippers have a 1-seat lead over the Liberals with the Greens leading in one riding. In other words, it’ll be the NDP by 2, because the Greens will never support any centre-right party.
    G’bye, B. C., it was nice knowing you.

  28. Already some funny business going on here. Oak Bay riding has yet to report a single poll. The RO is dirty.

  29. They are reporting the phones aren’t working so they will have to drive the results somewhere.
    I guess no one has a cell phone. This is very fishy.

  30. Sitting in a motel room in Gravelbourg Saskatchewan watching CTV. They are serious cheerleaders for the NDP. Haven’t watched tv election since the hanging had of 2000.

  31. CTV reporter in Surrey is talking to candidate and strategizing on what “we” need to do to win.

  32. NDP in minority lead territory.BC we are officially screwed,get to feel Albertas pain.

  33. Gravelbourg, Sk. is NOT an NDP town, trust me. That was Yogi Huyghebaert territory. The Sask Party have taken that seat (Wood River) since 2000 with POP vote as high as 82%. Yogi is an ex Snowbird captain. If you drive from Lafleche to Gravelbourg on Hwy 58, , or from Gravelbourg to Hwy 2 on Hwy 43, tip your hat to Yogi for the smooth ride. I
    I’m not a Clark fan, however she does cater to both sides.
    My grandmother was from Mankota, not too far from where you’re at. . She once told me that they were so anti-CCF (later NDP) that in 1944, Tommy Douglas tried to hold a meeting in that town. No one would rent him a hall, so he had to hold his meeting at a public school out in the country. Hardly anyone showed up. Many people from that area were of German origin, originally from Odessa, and the Crimea. They came to Saskatchewan to avoid commies. Little wonder they despised Douglas.

  34. Meant that CTV was NDP cheerleaders not Gravelbourg citizens.
    Looks like it will be a NDP/Green coalition

  35. The Greens will be in hog heaven now as they’ll be the ones that will dictate government policy.

  36. Yeah this looks really bad. Minority government with Greens being king maker. Really, really bad. One of the Green MLAs is probably one of the dumbest people I’ve ever known.

  37. Hmm not such a bad result. I’m not fan of Liberaldom, but Christie is by far the better leader of the candidates, her party now muted somewhat by a strong minority. All she has to do is fight off the greater statists for a couple of years, then retire or hand the mantle off to another for another majority.
    Unless the Greens & NDP coalesce in parliament or Christie gives in to the leftie loonies, not much is going to happen, but bad for oil & gas.
    Big government having to look inward rather than outward at our wallets and liberty? Having to play off their back foot? That’s a good day for me.
    I hope this minority government does the right thing and eliminates business and union contributions, as they are for federal parties, thanks to Mr Harper.

  38. Once the dust and recounts have settled, the only positives from this election is that they won’t be able to accomplish much and the BC Liberals get to decide which issue is best for them to fall on for the next election. The Greens did take thoroughly mindless middle votes from both the NDP and Liberals. I predict it will either be pipelines or Site C, both issues would resonate better after a few years of economic decline which is well underway.

  39. Pipelines that could go south from Hardisty, into Montana or Washington State, , west to Seattle, and out to the rest of the world.

  40. I can’t see Petronas’s LNG B.C. coast project having much hope now. My guess is there’s lots of people at Progress Energy (Petronas’s B.C. gas development arm) feeling the heat this morning from B.C.’s progressives. How long until pink slips follow? It sucks to have invested so many billions of stranded capital into such a loser backstabbing anti-business province. Vancouver’s green-brained mayor may yet get his wet dream realized of banning natural gas from his city without even having to ban it. The gas wells might end up chained shut due to mass bankruptcy. Idiots.

  41. Not Seattle, Anacortes. Seattle is more hostile and green. It would be poetic justice if Alberta Crude was shipped out of Puget Sound as in addition to the hundreds of thousands of barrels per day of tanker traffic in front of Victoria (straight of Juan de Fuca) going to Anacortes from Alaska, an additional half million per day of Alberta Crude heading out to sea in plain view from Victoria. Meanwhile the idiots on BC’s left coast will pay a premium for increased volumes of refined products coming north from Anacortes.
