Renegade Regulator

Here come da judge!

Well, we researched. We found that prior to his appointment to the Federal Court, Michael Manson spent his career at the law firm of Smart & Biggar, eventually presiding over the place as Managing Partner. He arrived there in 1982 and left for the Bench in 2012. That’s thirty years, folks. And that’s important, because Smart & Biggar has a longstanding relationship with CSA.

Don’t miss this one. But take a gravol.

9 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Has this story with CSA, ever broke in the MSM? I can’t say I’ve ever heard any discussion about this other than the few blogs that post about this scam. Has this story ever been on any “investigative journalist type shows” like W5 or 5th estate?
    If not, why not?

  2. The only thing missing from that article is one more line.
    “Mic drop.”
    Amazing how thorough RestoreCSA is. Bravo to them.

  3. Holy mackerel. A textbook example for the word recuse.
    I mean, the greenest municipal Councilor from Pumphandle, Ontario would recognize this as a conflict-of-interest minefield. But hizzoner sailed right in and on. I’d be taking a long hard look at how this case ended up with this judge.

  4. My thoughts exactly. The people (person) at have impressed me with their persistence and attention to detail.

  5. Smart and Biggar sounds like one of those joke law firm names along the lines of “Dewey, Cheetum and Howe”.

  6. And hence we lost a democratic society to a Kleptocracy.
    Every member of the “Just Us” system is guilty.
    This careful selection of judges to manage the great unwashed, is part of the system and every lawyer and law society condones and protects this perversion.
    Bet you it is not even (technically) criminal behaviour,under Canadian Law.
    For in a functional Kleptocracy society is run by and for the benefit of the thieves.
    Now I admire P.S Knight for their courage and sheer grit, how ever I doubt they will ever see justice from our self serving criminal elite.
    These state run extortion rackets are what will collapse our political system,yet these same fools and bandits are totally dependent on the “Rule of Law” they are destroying.
    Rules are for the little people,especially when you can select the “correct” judge for each case.
    As trust in our institutions is banished, the correction approaches faster.
    After all property owners know the cops and the courts declared war on us decades ago.
    High River and Caladonia just rubbed it in.
