26 Replies to “The Children Are Our Future”

  1. I’d piss in the hall or in the Dean’s office because I wouldn’t feel safe in their progressive bathrooms.

  2. This sort of thing is just getting too crazy, in trying to figure out the rational… I guess it’s some kind of out-of-control collectivism mentality, everything in your daily lives, even including urinating, requires examination within the context of collectivism, you’re not a free individual, you are at all times just a part of the communist collective… some kind of deranged social fad or loony fashionable philosophy that has taken hold of the low IQ/intellectually degenerate masses.

  3. I fail to understand how a sign encouraging respect for transgender
    people infringes on non trans people’s rights.

  4. these people cant keep this up. They will eventually go mad and ostracize/hate each other.

  5. They might as well drop any pretense of secular language and replace the “do” and “don’t” with “Thou shalt and thou shalt not”.
    Considering the neo-religious fundamentalism driven by progressives that has befallen the University system, there obviously needs to be an alternative for non-believers and heretics (aka. non-progressive white people). White devils who reject redemption and refused to be Saved by the word of SJW postmodernism must be banished. Separate but equal education facilities to protect progressives, feminists, POC, all non-Christians, etc. from the barbarians.
    There the white trash will learn racist,misogynistic knowledge like physics, chemistry and biology without the cleansing message of critical theories. Humanities and social science studies will be forced to focus on Western history, philosophy and culture without the benefit of intersectionality to impose guilt and shame. Professors will be denied the excitement of trigger warnings and the threats of being denounced to diversity officers for ungood lectures and non-conformist research. No safe spaces, no Microaggression policing, cultural appropriation complaints ignored, scary free speech everywhere on campus, politically incorrect speakers. Conceal carry will be optional for men but mandatory for women (for self protection since campuses are apparently one of the most dangerous places on Earth for young women)
    In short, it’ll be an absolute hell hole of conservative and libertarian thought. For their own physical, emotional and mental protection from the white heathen hicks…no tender and sophisticated liberals and progressives will be subjected to enrollment. Just learning about Greek philosophers, Roman culture, Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution and (shudder) Christianity’s and old white men’s contributions to science, art, history and humanities without progressive revision would be cruel and unusual punishment.

  6. At my age I pee whenever or wherever the urge hits me.
    Question: What in the hell did these unique snowflakes do before the progressives found this cause de celeb?

  7. Morons ruling and instructing morons has a certain inevitability to it.

  8. “I fail to understand how a sign encouraging respect for transgender
    people infringes on non trans people’s rights.”
    I fail to understand why a guy in a dress with a 10 inch woody should be changing with 12 year old girls but maybe that’s just me.

  9. How can you even learn physics, chemistry and biology without the post colonial feminist perspective?

  10. The hard sciences need feminism, postmodernism, critical theories and intersectionality like a fish needs a bicycle…Obviously.

  11. That is probably because you also fail to understand why it maybe problematic when a man in a dress masturbates next to your daughter or niece taking a dump.

  12. I think if I read far enough between the lines this concept gives me the right – and privilege! – to pee on a transgendered person. I could be wrong but I’ll give it a ‘shot’.

  13. @Scar Your comment “guy in a dress with a 10 inch woody ”
    FFS, in what world would such a guy have a 10 inch woody, a 3 inch woody maybe.

  14. The Komsomol was outlawed in Russia and just moved to North America.

  15. FTR, as a woman and parent, it’s not transgendered women I would be concerned about. It’s perverts pretending to be a transgender woman that are dangerous. I’d suspect that statistically there’s more perverts and predators than transgendered. Far, far more. In fact I’d bet most women have had the misfortune of running into a few pervs in their life.

  16. Seeing the picture of the poster about whether one has “privilege” to use the facilities reminds me of a brief scene in 2001: A Space Odyssey in which one of the characters has to use a spacecraft’s toilet.
    Views of the details are near the end of the article:
    Apparently, Stanley Kubrick included that scene as a bit of comic relief.

  17. So if a student identifies as a dog, does that mean that they can pee on the corners of the Arts, Sociology, and Wymyn’s Studies buildings? Does it grant licence to hump any leg the “dog” wants to?
    Sadly, I think that any enterprising frat boy who tries it will discover that neutering is still a pet project (no pun intended) of the left.

  18. until I get the up-flush toilet in my basement working, I direct male partygoers to present themselves at the remotest nether region of the backyard, at night, to relieve themselves.
    except in the hot summer when it lingers and stinks.
    I got lots of rules for tenants and guests. it’s a right of OWNERSHIP which I earned after 30 years on the payroll.

  19. oooooh lordy.
    this is why I click on SDA link.
    Im so, so grateful to my Creator for endowing me with the analytical skills and library like memory to spot the references and accompanying humour.
