11 Replies to “Those Moderate Muslims!”

  1. The “Progressives” are going to have a very hard time of things once a Muslim majority in reached in European countries.
    Oh well.

  2. I agree. Sadly though, those who have been opposed to the progressive destruction of western liberal democratic civilization will also have to suffer the body bags and beheadings.

  3. Ken (Kulak)>
    Very true, sadly or not nothings stopping it for now, so brace for impact albeit in slow motion.
    Of course there’s always the option of learning a little Arabic, converting to Islam when necessary, then helping round up Lefties – Just say’n 🙂

  4. If leftists didn’t get what kind of country Indonesia was after three Christian schoolgirls were beheaded (they may have cheered for that) or the bombing in Bali, this will have zero effect on them.

  5. Canada under the liberals will soon feel the same fate,when the muslims they invited in take over. I predict muslims will control Canada by 2050

  6. Canadians will soon experience the same thing. Is it not now an offence to tell the truth about islam???

  7. “Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag — if they do, there must be consequences — perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!”
    Donald Trump

  8. Kangaroos aren’t only in Aussieland and zoos. Indonesia’s courts have lots too.

  9. As far as I know it’s OK to criticize Christians and Christianity, it’s not considered hate speech or”racist”. Not so with Islam, we must not be caught showing any sign of “Islamophobia” or risk being tagged with all the usual adjectives or risk being hauled before the jack booted HRC. Yeah, Canada is well on it’s way to putting down everything the country was built on and stood for from it’s beginning.

  10. @UnoMe: Probably the only Christian country that does, if not, there are damn few others. Even so, do you think the offender is in danger of being stoned to death?
