36 Replies to “O, Cascadia Subduction Zone”

  1. My MLA got in…
    Greens holding the balance of power with about 3 seats…perhaps a minority government.
    I gather BC and Alta will be ‘have not’ provinces in short order.
    Vancouver Island and urban Vancouver going NDP/Green; maybe an 18 month government till the next election.
    A few swing ridings to be decided…
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  2. Vancouver Island and urban Vancouver going NDP/Green
    Do we really want them as part of Rupertsland?

  3. We’re screwed.
    Question: if BC and AB become ‘have not’ provinces, are there any ‘haves’ left to pay for all the ‘have not’ goodies??

  4. Wishing I had a government workers union job or teachers union job right about now. Even with 39 years in the IWA/Steelworkers, as much as I love my logging road building job, I don’t know how much longer I’ll have it :(…..hell, if I’d a had a government job, I could afford to retire with the pension they get is more then what I make working 🙂

  5. My MLA is Kang, if you’re familiar with the Simpsons, you’ll know why I stay indoors quite a bit.

  6. Given the missteps of the Liberal government (with the HST and real estate debacles, among others), I’m astonished that the NDP hasn’t managed to run a campaign yet that appeals enough to voters to get them to throw a tired, corrupt 16-year-old government out. The Liberals should still win 40+ seats.
    If you’re into counting moral victories, it’s shocking that the Liberals managed to force a minority here. The only thing I can conclude is that the NDP’s approach is so repugnant to voters that a solid 60% of them aren’t willing to vote the NDP in.
    As for Alberta being a ‘have not’ province, there’s still Keystone XL. I suspect Canada will be a ‘have not’ country sooner than Alberta will be a ‘have not’ province. But neither of those happenings may be too far off.
    Question: If Trudeau reverses his position on Kinder Morgan, will that rekindle the Western separatist movements that were defanged by the rise of the Reform party?

  7. NDP won by 9 votes in Courtenay/Comox so I wouldn’t call it a done deal yet.

  8. Yep, there will be some automatic judicial recounts.
    43 Lib 41 NDP absentee ballots to be counted yet
    Christy is not conceding tonight…as she is currently speaking.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  9. A couple of weeks ago, polls had the NDP winning by about 20%. Right now, the Liberals have 43 seats, NDP 41 and the Green 3. A majority requires 44. A bit of a nail-biter.

  10. Al, when there are no more jobs like yours there will be no money to pay government wages or pensions. Taxing those who are paid by taxes doesn’t cut it. Governments do not create any wealth they only destroy it.

  11. The Libranos know how to turn a tie into a majority. They’ll buy 2 of the Green MPPs to cross the floor and formally join the Liberal Party in return for meaningless / powerless cabinet positions that have a higher salary and higher pension than a regular MPP. Watch and learn how it’s done …they’re called the Libranos for a reason.

  12. -politically flavored Kang for pres:
    Kang: My fellow Americans. As a young boy, I dreamed of being a baseball; but tonight I say, we must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!
    Kang: Abortions for all.
    [crowd boos]
    Kang: Very well, no abortions for anyone.
    [crowd boos]
    Kang: Hmm… Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others.

  13. Assuming the NDP force (with the help of the Green whackos) the Liberals to do stupid things, will BC stop paying into the equalization fund. Maybe Quebec could pick this time to start paying back some of the largess the rest of Canada has lavished on them. I’ll believe that when I see it.

  14. “If you’re into counting moral victories, it’s shocking that the Liberals managed to force a minority here. The only thing I can conclude is that the NDP’s approach is so repugnant to voters that a solid 60% of them aren’t willing to vote the NDP in.”
    Nailed it. Imagine if the Libs had a leader that people liked. This is the best the NDP can do with a hated leader of the other party. The upside is that BC has changed, the Dips can’t do any better than this.
    Weather the storm.

  15. What is wrong with this country?!!!!
    Ontario has welcomed Alberta into the fold and now BC.
    Commies all.

  16. Like Venezuelans, the people will have to learn the hard way that there is no free lunch regardless of all the lies the left peddles.
    And Manitoba has a progressive who is not much better as premier.
    So, the Luddites hold the balance of power. Plenty of resource employment will bite the dust I expect.

  17. Plenty of resource employment will bite the dust I expect.
    When I was a grad student at UBC nearly 40 years ago, the lefties and hippies I encountered there would have liked nothing better.
    However, they were only too willing to make use of the products that those resources were made into. I guess they were either too proud or too lazy go cast everything aside and adopt a life of gathering roots and berries. (Hunting would, of course, have been out of the question for them as it would have meant killing and eating Bambi.)

  18. Long ago, I came to the realization that Canada is majority stupid. Every province is majority stupid. Every city in every province is majority stupid.
    Canada is basically like Sodom at this point; there is no way Abraham could find 50 non-stupid people in any region of the country, no matter how you divided the ridings. We’re at the point where we don’t even need the Lord to rain fire and brimstone; the stupid will simply take care of itself. Public education and teacher’s unions ensure that no matter the death toll, no matter how obvious the mistakes are, the stupid will perpetuate itself forever.
    Canada in general is basically the gasoline fight scene from the movie Zoolander. No one even knows that gasoline is flammable. And we all just bathe in it, and light our smokes…

  19. I was aware that none of B. C. was geographically part of Rupert’s Land. However, if that part of Canada should become independent, parts of B. C. might be given special status and allowed to join.

  20. Well Rachel…Whatcha gonna do now eh..?
    The same Question applies to the CEO’s of CNRL-Suncor-IOL-Husky-Encana/Cenovus and whomever else is left in the Sands.
    Whatch you all gonna do huh.? the Eco-Lunatics hold BC…..and will likely NEVER let go.
    You know DAMNED well that Kinder Morgan won’t see product flowing for at least 5-7 years if EVER..!!…right..? Plus that stupid twat in the PMO has a Tanker Ban on the BC coast..compliments of the Eco-NAZI in Chief sitting on his shoulder – Gerald Butts…..Sooooo, Whatcha gonna do.?
    And we absolutely need tide water access.
    How about this:
    Build a Twin or Triple set of 48″ Pipelines / Rail lines from Ft Mac and environs to ALDEZ Alaska…seems to me the Alaskans have no issue with a commercial entity that brings in state revenue (like “Normal” people would), nor do the Natives in the affected lands as they would welcome it too. And you could erect a massive sign with a closed fist and middle finger upright pointing to Ottawa and another pointing to Victoria.
    Once done – we opt out of Equalization by becoming our own country.
    Adios MoFo’s, 40 years of being SCREWED Over by Ottawa and now BC….enough is enough.
    Time to show some Leadership & VISION Rachel…or call an election and let someone that can.

  21. @Ken(Kulak)
    Manitoba’s premier is not much of a Progressive, it is the ’80s smell in his cabinet.

  22. Ken (Kulak)>
    “Like Venezuelans, the people will have to learn the hard……”
    The biggest difference here is that Canada is willingly selling itself away politically and economically. An abundant Easter Egg basket of resources for the world to take.
    Currently the world is just purchasing and colonizing property, later they will stake their claims and fight for others. Canada has the great potential to become the new Middle East of the future, multicultural, multinational, everyone including a fractured US scrambling and killing for territory.

  23. Posted in Reader Tips before I saw the contents of the Cascadia heading since I equate Cascadia with Washington and Oregon. The problem as I stated in my previous post is that the electorate didn’t have much of a choice, Left, further Left, and idiot Left. As most of you have commented we are truly scr*wed. Ontario and Alberta were not enough of a warning for West Coasters, no we had to go one better and now we have the idiot fringe holding power and dictating how we are going to live until the electorate wake up. The next election can’t happen fast enough but the Liberals and the NDP will jockey for position, whoever desires the power more will come to a deal with the Greens. We will all suffer!

  24. A Liebel majority rests on 7 votes on the Island? The Dippers carry the Island and the urban cores? The Greenies are simply more radical Dippers. Their claims to fiscal responsibility is a sham.
    The BC Liebel Party is equally a sham but just less of one than the other two. Their strength that they inherited from the Socreds is the hinterland. That said they have NO ground game, at least they do not in my Kootenay riding. The Dippers & Greenies do have a ground game. They have year around workers who attend all the events where local public opinions are formed. It builds accountability and trust. I don’t see anything near that from the Liebels.
    I am sure that Clark is eying up Dipper or Greenie MLA’s who she can get to cross over in exchange for position or money. She can only hope the Greens will see a cabinet post in a Liebel government more voter influential than throwing in with the Dippers. I consider the Dippers less philosophical so their cross over probably comes from that side.

  25. When your voting choices are crazy, stupid and cynical, I think even a cynic would … wait a minute … even a non-cynic would figure out their best option.
    I would expect that very close riding (Courtenay Comox area) to fall into the Liberal camp once they count the absentee ballots.
    That will mean a bare majority of one, assuming no other reversals, and just a non-stop challenge of organizing the caucus in the Legislature to avoid any election-forcing defeats on important votes.
    This likely means that Site C will go ahead to the point where even the NDP won’t call it off when almost finished. The Greens are of course (in my perhaps constitutionally protected opinion) lunatics but they have a very persuasive (to other lunatics) leader now and this is probably their high tide so far. Let’s hope that their political luck is no better than their climate science luck in terms of future higher tides.

  26. So where is the Conservative Party in La La NorthLand? An extinct species?

  27. BC Conservatives? Unable to sustain an election.
    For all intents and purposes, the BC Liberals are the federal Conservatives plus the portion of the federal Liberal voters who are less socialist than some. Their election results are just about identical, same with the NDP who do a bit better provincially than federally because in provincial votes they pick up the left wing of the federal Liberal vote.
    There is a BC Conservative Party, they ran a few candidates, just looking over the results now, the best showing they had this time was about 7% of the vote in Kelowna-Mission. They only ran candidates in about a quarter of ridings, unlike when they did a bit better in 2013 with almost a full slate, but then they still failed to elect anybody. There were two ridings where the Conservative vote added to the Liberal vote would have changed the NDP winning result, namely Courtenay-Comox (which may still be reversed when absentee ballots are counted) and Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows where about 700 more votes would have been added to change that result. Otherwise the Conservative candidates had no effect on the outcome. In some Fraser valley ridings, there is a CHP candidate who seems to get roughly the same kind of vote total and no Conservative in those ridings. This suggests to me that perhaps the BC Conservatives as they now exist are more or less a social conservative protest vote. The BC Liberals have essentially the same economic platform as the federal Conservatives and were never as socially conservative even ten to fifteen years ago. Nowadays the differences are rather slight unless Trost wins the leadership.
    Most conservatives in BC will tell you that they vote Liberal not because they are wildly enthusiastic but because they are by some margin the lesser of two evils or the least of three nowadays. But the BC Liberals are only vaguely aligned with the federal Liberals. What they really represent is the former Social Credit voting bloc who deserted en masse to the formerly tiny Liberal Party as a strategic counter to the NDP in the early 90s, and that created a whole new Liberal Party that is probably not what the 1980s Liberals had envisaged for their future.
    Complicated politics in BC.

  28. In response to Canuckguy, the Conservatives in BC have been infiltrated by the NDP in order to split the centre-right vote. Most people have recognized this, hence their fourth=place position.

  29. soooooo my decision in 2010 to never return to the west coast twilight zone until having been to the maritimes AND europe appears to have been spot on.

  30. “Question: if BC and AB become ‘have not’ provinces, are there any ‘haves’ left to pay for all the ‘have not’ goodies??”
    There’s still good old Saskatchewan to pass on the largesse to the east so that provinces like Quebec can continue to provide irresponsible, unsustainable social programs, spend recklessly and leave their resources in the ground. It’s beyond infuriating when the Quebec finance minister brags about a balanced budget (due entirely to equalization) while Saskatchewanians must be the adults in the crowd and take the responsible steps, although painful, to get the books in order. I realize that western separation will never come in my time but hopefully my children and grandchildren will be around to witness it.

  31. Let’s wait to see what the absentee ballots show. Could be several weeks before the final outcome of this gong show is known. I suspect that if it remains a minority government, it won’t last long.

  32. Putin might have had a tough time deciding who to fix this election for.
    On one hand the NDP … commie? for sure, they would destroy the province, but like all commies they like to feather their own nests to much.
    Greens? they would destroy the province, and because of self-loathing would destroy themselves … and normal people. Greens have Weaver – the great Detective Weaver, who discovered the Russians riffled through papers on his desk. They have a proven relationship.
    I think Putin made a master call – back both of them.

  33. @Peter et al:
    Interesting, made me realize I knew nothing about BC politics but perhaps that is understandable living in NB. Far away.
