13 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Our Enemy, The Deep State.
    “All of which makes me wonder what’s really going on inside the collective mind of the Deep State.”
    Cellec said:
    “Harry Reid’s nuclear option is a gift that keeps on giving to any party in power.”
    Indeed, it is.
    It just goes to show you how certain they were that Hillary would win the last election. If they’d known they were simply giving the “nuclear option” to the other side they surely would have begged off.
    All of which makes me wonder what’s really going on inside the collective mind of the Deep State. It would not surprise me if there were more than a few who’ve come to the conclusion that 2016 should be the last time they let the deplorables decide anything.”
    “Less and less nuance”
    “Our Enemy, The State
    by Albert J. Nock – 1935
    His Classic Critique Distinguishing ‘Government’ from the ‘STATE’.”

  2. Meanwhile on the domestic front the BC election results are in. There wasn’t much of a choice for the electorate, Left, further Left, and idiot Left. The result that have come in would indicate that it may be a government of either Left, or further Left, dictated to by the idiot Left. What can you expect when you live on the West Coast.

  3. When Democrats do it, that means it’s not illegal…
    Obama administration underreported number of Americans who were unmasked by NSA in 2016
    …the 654 unmaskings reported last year for fiscal 2015 was underreported by a factor of more than three times. The correct number was actually 2,232.
    Apparently, it was a case of providing statistics from the wrong category.

  4. AGW RIP.
    “Analysis Confirms Global-Warming-Defying Protracted Northern Hemisphere Winter!”
    “As the following Environment Canada chart shows, snow is running at well above normal levels across the Northern Hemisphere””
    “Europe had an extended period of colder-than-normal weather in April accompanied by lots of snow.
    Now much of the US is experiencing an extended period of colder-than-normal weather as we transition from early-to-mid May.
    Snowfall has been running at above normal levels this winter across the Northern Hemisphere and continues at those higher-than-normal levels as we head towards the middle of May.
    Arctic now cooler than normal
    In addition, temperatures in the Arctic region – which have been generally running at above-normal levels in recent weeks – have actually dropped to below-normal in recent days and, if this trend continues, it should prevent any chance for sea ice extent to reach record lows up there this summer.”
