Swamp, Draining

“Having refused to admit his errors, the Director cannot be expected to implement the necessary corrective actions.”Full text of the Memorandum for the Attorney General on the firing of James Comey.
More: “The surprise is it took so long”.

Republicans have never bought into the story line that Comey cost Clinton the election. And they fault him for not recommending criminal prosecution of Clinton for her alleged misdeeds. But their main complaint was that he gave the Russia story more weight than it deserved. In March, Comey revealed that there had been an active counterintelligence investigation on “the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”
This was an unprecedented admission, and it might have been an attempt on Comey’s part to make it politically difficult to fire him. Clearly, not difficult enough. And while Comey said he had “no information that supports” the idea that President Trump had been “wiretapped,” the full nature of the surveillance that Trump’s campaign and administration have been subjected to has yet to be revealed.
The bottom line was that Comey repeatedly made himself the issue. His mandate was to enforce the law fairly and impartially. Instead, he appeared time and again to be gaming the system.

18 Replies to “Swamp, Draining”

  1. I found this guy to be playing a silly game. Announcing the investigation during the election campaign is one thing, but then pretending that the investigation was concluded and found no wrongdoing so soon made him and the FBI look like a bunch of twats. And then for him to be playing along with this “Russian investigation” of Trump was the final straw. Get him gone and get one of the good guys in there.

  2. This is not about ‘Russia’. That’s a side show. The deputy AG has only been on the job 13 days he was acting under orders to get to the bottom of the emails. This is part one of many. Let’s also remember that comeys unprecedented closIng of the investigation got Lynch of the hook of doing it as it would have been correctly seen as being a political cover-up. Comey was doing her /obama’s dirty work.

  3. Further to the above – Lynch – comey’s boss – met bill Clinton on the Tarmac in June 28th – 7 days later comey stated he said there wasn’t enough evidence to prosecute.
    Not a co-inky-dink in my opinion.

  4. I think McCabe is now the acting director.
    Remember him? The guy that was overseeing the Hillary Clinton Investigation. His wife was convinced by Terry McAuliffe to run for Congress, and Terry and the Democrats supplied lots of money for her run. But that was not a bribe. No, nothing to see there.

  5. Comey’s actions reeked of political gamesmanship. Every move he made felt like he was selling his next action to the highest bidder. Maybe he is just a power hungry attention whore ? The closest person I am reminded of by him … is Judge Lance Ito … and virtually everyone involved in the OJ Trial, from the prosecutors, to the Detectives, to the Coronor. They all seemed to be attention whores who were less interested in doing their jobs and obtaining justice, than mugging for the cameras and working on book deals. Public Servants, my ass. Comey feels like a slimeball … the kind of creepy “straight” man who shaves his body and pays women to say he is a naughty boy and put a diaper on him.

  6. Last night Mark Levin played a clip of deranged moonbat Maxine Waters [(D)-Mexifornia] admitting there’s no evidence of any “Russian collusion”. Not that the Ds and the media will stop with this nonsense. They’re always on offense – the facts be damned.

  7. “…and virtually everyone involved in the OJ Trial, from the prosecutors, to the Detectives, to the Coronor. They all seemed to be attention whores …”
    Dead on.

  8. President Trump is, as far as I can tell (I barely graduated from high school), both malevolent and incompetent.  So is Secretary Clinton.  As constructed, our mixed democracy / republic is dependent on the two dominant parties providing the electorate well-intentioned and competent candidates.  In this they have failed.

  9. The Truth that all the criminal activity occurred under an incompetent Obama Administration… Why the little coward, Sessions did not fire ALL the Obama corrupt fools & impanel a Grand Jury to prosecute Hillary for her actions UNDER an Obama administrations was a failure… Fire Sessions Too
    1. Obama must be investigated for his failure to prevent Russia from interfering during 2016…
    2. Obama must be investigated for obstruction of Justice by Lynch & Clinton…
    3. Lock Hillary UP for her actions under an Obama Administration…
    The Obama administration was totally incompetent & criminally engaged
    during his RULE…..
    These issues were not created by Trump…An Indictment of Susan Rice and be done with the Obama Swamp…Move on
    Time to stop ignoring the elephant in the room..Yes! Obama needs to be investigated, he is responsible

  10. Democrats are losing their minds!
    Can’t wait for Rush.
    You can tune-in on I-Heart: Radio 1290 wjno (in 5 minutes); 550 KFYI (in an hour)
    This will be fun.

  11. Slap Shot;
    You pretty much nailed the list. Anything less is a betrayal of all those who rejected the Clinton/Obama usurping of power and the USA democracy.
    Some one above said that Comey had politicized the FBI by his handling of the ’emails’. I would suggest the FBI back to Hoover has always been politicized. Not much different than the RCMP. These orgs will always kowtow to those who pay them. Budgets are power!
    The entire governing infrastructure was used by the Obama/Clinton Democrats to carry out vendettas against opponents whether Republican or simply citizens who opposed them. If worried about the FBI why not add in the IRS and the Attorney Generals office?

  12. @Mack: You commented ” President Trump is ….both malevolent and incompetent.  So is Secretary Clinton ”
    You’re 100% correct but most here adore Trump.

  13. agreed. the only player NOT preening for the camera was oj himself. he just wanted the whole thing to ‘go away’.

  14. Correction: We ADORE the MANDATE we gave Trump to execute. Trump is our vehicle … our ONLY vehicle … our flawed, but so-far effective vehicle. Every other candidate would have maintained the Washingtonian status quo, which is no longer tolerable to the majority of Americans (yeah, yeah, SHE got more votes … meh.). Trump has ALREADY done MORE to shake-up the creeping Communism of America than any other candidate would EVER have done. Trump has our MANDATE to keep kicking ass and taking names (for future reference).

  15. Well said, and hopefully he gets a lot more done to clean out the cesspool. Our own cesspool in Canada is just as deep.
