14 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. Where is the Canadian government so caring about refugees and people in need……of food and security?

  2. The USA should take over Venezuela and become the world’s largest producer of oil. Because if Russia did…imagine how much oil it would control.

  3. The UN represents mostly those who support the communist butchers of Venezuela. The UN is a communist organization, a collective of majority ugly statist regimes. Why any civilized nation would put up with membership is testament to the ruling classes need to play in collective sandboxes with fellow despots. Trump needs to give them an eviction notice and convert the real estate to something useful. It should be headquartered in Somalia.

  4. I believe that ALL the major (capitalist Pigs) oil companies were already IN Venezuela … teaching the people how to extract and ship oil for FUN and PROFIT. Then … Chavez SEIZED everything the oil companies owned and built … for the “people” (and Chavez’s daughters who deposited $ Billions in their offshore bank accounts). Now … the government (the “people”) are struggling to maintain the facilities without help from the Capitalist Pigs … who want to be paid in American DOLLARS for their spare parts.
    Socialism is GREAT! … until you run out of other people’s spare oil drilling parts

  5. The UN was created with international diplomacy as it’s reason for existing.
    What about Venezuelans messing about within Venezuela has anything to do with international relations or the UN at all?
    Which individual nation as a UN member state is supposed to demand:
    Urgent sessions
    OR give a good diddly damn at all about Venezuela?(as if they don’t have their own problems to work on)

  6. WRONG.
    The world should instead wall it off. They voted for it. They kept voting for it. THAT SHOULD MEAN NO BAIL OUTS AND NO WHITE KNIGHTS. If you send aid, what do you think they will actually learn? If you let them move here without them having learned any lessons, what will they vote for here?
    People who risked life and limb to get out of Cuba know things. They learned. Yuri Bezmenov; look him up.

  7. The UN coming in to save a Socialist country? That’s not going to happen. They’d have to first admit there’s something wrong with Socialism. Not very good optics

  8. Here is another telling stat – more than 1000 infants below the age of one died in Venezuela in 2016. Time to drain that swamp.

  9. Kevin – are you saying that Venezuela has free and fair elections?? Head shake time, Kevin.

  10. I believe Trump is waiting for an excuse to take out Maduro. There’s probably a SEAL Six team training right now for the task. Trump acted when Assad crossed a line against Syrians and he’ll do it if atrocity-scale actions happen in Venezuela. The UN showed itself to be worse than useless in Rwanda when it comes to protecting innocents being killed by their governments – and the stripes on that bloated zebra haven’t changed one hair since.

  11. is sean penn amongst the dead and injured? no? mebbe he intends to make a movie about the injustices of it all. the hollyweird version of course. patterend after the tried and true propaganda approach of mixing in some actual well known truth with a ‘message’ of some sort.
