13 Replies to “If Women Ran The World”

  1. Read through the comments to see the pic of Dr. Phil with the caption:

  2. “You talk about women
    I love ’em all
    I love ’em big and I love ’em small
    But if you ain’t what I want,
    don’t come around at all.
    ’cause you got to weight foo hunded pounds
    because the Doctor is mighty hard to please.”
    Old song, black singer, distant memory….. I think it was called “They call me the doctor”. Wish I could find the original on Youtube.

  3. Women already know about their body diversity, they didn’t need to be reminded.
    Countless studies show that most women are not happy about their body, feminist rhetoric notwithstanding.
    A product sales campaign based on feminist rhetoric, but designed to remind them how unhappy they are in reality, is destined to fail.

  4. This HAS to be a male idea – all those images of machines followed by those weird bottle shapes. And did anyone try testing the “holdability” of some of those shapes, in the shower, with wet hands?

  5. Some of the big corps` trying to be warm and fuzzy, trying to sell their wares, will go completely bass awkward.
    As another song goes ‘you can’t please everyone, may as well please yourself.

  6. I presume Dove knew exactly what it was doing. From Australia to North America this is enraging snowflakes and having normal women shaking their heads. Either way, they’re thinking and talking about Dove products. There’s no such thing as bad publicity.

  7. Where is the Dove bottle with a hijab? or the one dead from a stoning/honor killing?
    Until they come up with those they are not really that diverse.

  8. So I guess the special “My 600 lb Life” body shape collectors’ Costco edition bottle is out?

  9. “There’s no such thing a bad publicity.”
    Colin Kaepernick and Hillary Clinton disagree.
    Also, there are $billions spent on advertising campaigns every year. Why spend even one nickel if it doesn’t matter?

  10. Fat white women have nothing better to do with their lives than complain.
    This is why the First World needs some sort of heavy, fast-moving stellar body to crash into Beverly Hills or Toronto.

  11. I bet all the women buy the bottle with the hourglass figure and all the other bottles go unsold.

  12. They should have a laugh-track on the intercom when some blimpo tries to push through a svelt model purchase.
