It’s Probably Nothing

Looks like we picked a bad time to fall behind the export curve.

Commercial development of the globe’s huge reserves of a frozen fossil fuel known as “combustible ice” has moved closer to reality after Japan and China successfully extracted the material from the seafloor off their coastlines.
[…] Commercial-scale production could be “transformative for northeast Asia, particularly for Japan, which imports nearly all its hydrocarbon needs,” said James Taverner, a senior energy industry researcher at IHS Market, a London-based consulting firm.

h/t Sask Watch

10 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. Don’t let the eco-nuts and SJWs hear about that. They’ll claim that the climate is now so warm that “ice” now catches fire.

  2. No matter what happens, Trump will be blamed for it.
    The fact that the material is combustible “proves” climate change and it’s Trump’s fault for making it possible. After all, he’s a “denier”.
    If the deposits can’t be developed for a long time, Trump is meddling with it in order to prevent that region of the world from becoming economically self-sufficient.

  3. Flaming cocktails figure prominently in the second-last scene of the movie Auntie Mame.

  4. That means methane hydrate reserves could meet global gas demands for 80 to 800 years at current consumption rates.
    Better hurry up and create a “Peak Flammable Ice curve” ! Or at least get Bill Nye the Scienci-guy to create a really frightening looking “experiment” to show how Flammable Ice will make us all diiiieeeeeeeeeee !!!

  5. Yeah, there is this thing they call super water, it is the first fractions of a millimetre on top of any water anywhere.
    It goes nuclear when collected.
    And then they woke up.

  6. “Combustible ice is a frozen mixture of water and concentrated natural gas…
    it can be lit on fire in its frozen state and is believed to comprise one of the world’s most abundant fossil fuels.”
    I predict:
    Japan opens a chain of coffee shops serving Hot/Iced Coffee, called Tora, Tora, Tora!
    Their first shop will open in Hawaii.

  7. “Or at least get Bill Nye the Scienci-guy to create a really frightening looking “experiment”
    Just because Bill Nye did that fake global warming experiment doesn’t mean everything he does is fake, does it? Okay, maybe it does.

  8. I think the math in the article is incorrect, or the reported numbers are wrong. 280 Trillion Cubic meters current production 3.5 billion is 80,000 years. So either this is a typo and we have 80 years of NG reserves on top of what we have in conventional NG or we have more fuel then we’ll ever need for what is likely the remaining length of human existence.
