23 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Kim Dotcom Offers Congress Evidence to Prove Seth Rich Was WikiLeaks Source
    From the comments, “I going to make a prediction that congress will have no interest, the special investigator will have no interest, the FBI will have no interest and naturally the democrat media/press will have no interest.
    They are all too busy chasing some phantom Trump/Russian collusion(or anything they can gin up along the way,”obstruction”) in an all hands on deck effort to implement a bloodless coup, as their primary objective.
    So identifying the true leaker and solving his murder and getting to the bottom of anything that might be bad for democrats isn’t ever going to be on the agenda.”

  2. I was watching the journalists at CTV and CBC TV today, working hard at their daily rhetoric. Bashing Donald Trump. Going into long winded rants about his alleged wrongdoings, and minimizing his efforts in Saudi Arabia. Blah Blah Blah.
    Meanwhile, while the Canadian media is obsessed with Donald Trump, look at what’s happening on our borders. Could it be that Trump is being used as a camouflage net for Trudeau’s immigration policies and other failures by the Liberals?? Interesting to note that Gretna has a population of 541. Ideal place to hide illegal immigrants fro the media.

  3. Re: Vietnam War
    If losing 65,000 young American lives to save a few rice paddies and a political ideology was worth it, then I guess this was a good video. I just bought new Merrill runners last week. A tad over priced, but it looks like a good shoe, and damned comfortable. Where are they made?? In Vietnam. Never mind the fact almost all of the North American shoes factories are now shut down.
    This is just a thought. Those 65,000 young men and women (21 that were born on the same day, month and year as I was) may have been better off staying at home in the USA and making boots, shoes, AA batteries, bicycles, lawnmowers and cars. Pardon my Liberal views on Vietnam, but I still get sad when I think of those kids.
    God bless their souls!

  4. So, the guys whose job it is to foresee doom and gloom managed to miss a story that has been in the headlines nearly every day for decades.
    I wonder, are they part of the 97% of scientists who support the theory of AGW?
    BTW – I don’t see the world flooding anytime soon, and now I also consider the seed vaults another example of stupid scientists seeking fame, glory, and a long lasting gov’t stipend.

  5. Richard M. Nixon was elected President of the United States on the promise that he would bring the Vietnam War to a close and withdraw the United States in an closure that would be honorable.(it was the biggest issue of the day and was an issue that brought grievous division among the citizens of the United States)
    The POWs used to say to each other, Stick with Dick!, Dick will get us out with honor. I had American cousins who wore the bracelets with individual POW names that reminded them to say daily prayers for those POWs imprisoned in Hanoi back then.(my father was in the RCAF, we thought constantly of the political state of the world and had discussions at the dinner table daily)
    To that end, President Nixon brought about a strategy called LineBacker I, which was a bombing campaign that brought the North Vietnamese to the Paris Peace Talks. True to the Democrats that we are familiar with today, the Democrats and what was then known as “the New Left”(but which has since taken over the entire Democrat Party of the U.S.A. and driven the reasonable Democrats out of the Democrat Party out; see Zell Bryan Miller and Ronald Wilson Reagan as examples of the reasonable Democrat American Patriots who used to populate the American Democrat Party, but whose Patriotic ideas had become rejected by the invasion of the 60’s New Left which formerly were members of the American Communist Party who insinuated themselves into that party and became the intolerant anti-Americans who control and steer that once honorable party today)
    That said, LineBacker I was only supposed to be LineBacker ‘period’-no-one, but the New Left fought President Nixon’s bombing campaign tooth and nail and made LineBacker II necessary.(which killed a lot more people than would have been necessary)
    Vietnam was never meant to be won.
    If President Johnson had intended to defeat the Vietnamese Communists, he had only to use those same B25s that Nixon used and bring the Vietcong to the Paris Peace Talks and settle the issue within a month or two at most of assuming the presidency, if at all. America should not have spent so much blood and treasure with infantry war engaged in Asia, and should have ended it quickly fore America had not tired of the conflict.
    Vietnam was, after all, a Democrat American engaged war begun by the Democrats.(after America had withdrawn some called Vietnam ‘the 10,000 Day War’, it lasted nearly twice as long as American involvement in WWII less than 20 years earlier and in WWII they rubbled millennium and a half year old European cities with irreplaceable architecture and treasures to win inside of 3 years)
    This fact, the ongoing conflict without end, watching the war footage on TV news ever night, the lists of the NAMES of those killed at the end of each news forecast, that was the seed, the poison pill, which opened the door for the New Left to take over the Democrat Party and impute to the American Patriot Democrats the disrepute that gave the New Left the leaverage to drive those true American Patriots out of the Party, replacing them with criminals, Communists, and traitors.

  6. “But looking at Venezuela now, … it was a failed experiment partly because Chavez was unable to diversify the economy away from natural resources and partly because he failed to engage the private sector to help him transform the economy.”
    No. The reason for a failed Venezuela is that Chavez was successful in stealing private assets in the name of the people but then he turned those assets over to his friends, relatives and close supporters instead of to the people.

  7. Subtle eh? I am so sick of CBC propaganda. I am not sure if they actually believe this stuff, or of they are simply ignorant.

  8. Exactly! Don’t expect the all the time socialist CBC to tell the truth about communism. The think next time they will get it right.
    Lindl, they believe that Marxist garbage.

  9. Re: CBC coverage of the Venezuelan situation…
    I’m not checking the CBC reportage, the damage they’ve done to “truth” is permanent, I’m not returning to their trough.
    There was a protest again in Venezuela on Saturday, 20.May.2017, not receiving too much coverage outside of some of the news sites I regularly visit.
    Daniel Duquenal from Venezuela News and Views was there, and noted a few things, with photos:
    “Saturday 20 it was the 50th day protests started. And far from people getting tired, or scared because of increased repression, the opposition did a massive show of force that overwhelms any attempt the regime could do to counter. The street now belongs to the opposition, the world saw that yesterday, unless you report for Telesur or some paid for propaganda channel.”

  10. AGW RIP.
    “With the weather, we’re in the lap of the gods.”
    “Now he would return to JPSP with the most amazing research he’d ever done—that anyone had ever done, perhaps. It would be the capstone to what had already been a historic 50-year career.”
    “Daryl Bem Proved ESP Is Real
    Which means science is broken.
    It seemed obvious, at first, that Jade Wu was getting punked. In the fall of 2009, the Cornell University undergraduate had come across a posting for a job in the lab of one of the world’s best-known social psychologists.
    A short while later, she found herself in a conference room, seated alongside several other undergraduate women. “Have you guys heard of extrasensory perception?” Daryl Bem asked the students. They shook their heads.”
    “English vineyards hit by ‘catastrophic’ frost, wiping out half of harvest”
    “… at this moment we are indeed asking ourselves whether we were mad to try and grow vines in England.”

  11. “Think only of the odious phrase “social justice.””
    “Rex Murphy: Notley learns a hard truth about social licence — it’s not meant to be granted, ever. That’s the point”
    “Notley would have had more success chasing a moonbeam than satisfying social licence. In the meantime, for all her honest efforts on this front, how much public help has she been getting from Trudeau. Precious little, if any. He has conferences to attend, dinners to speak at, democratic reforms to jettison, peacekeeping missions to define, cutouts to distribute, and electoral reforms to forget.”
    “Hayek & the intellectuals
    On the changing relationship between the Austrian economist and bien-pensant thinkers.”
    “We were the first to assert that the more complicated the forms assumed by civilization, the more restricted the freedom of the individual must become.
    —Benito Mussolini
    In fact, Benito, you weren’t the first. The palm for first promulgating that principle in all its modern awfulness must go to V. I. Lenin, who back in 1917 boasted that when he finished building his workers’ paradise “the whole of society will have become a single office and a single factory with equality of work and equality of pay.” What Lenin didn’t know about restricting the freedom of the individual wasn’t worth knowing. Granted, things didn’t work out quite as Lenin hoped—or said that he hoped—since as the Soviet Union lumbered on there was less and less work and mostly worthless pay.”
    “Hayek’s inestimable value is to have dramatized the subtle insidiousness of the socialist enterprise. “It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once”: that sentence from Hume stands as an epigraph to The Road to Serfdom. It is as pertinent today as when Hayek set it down in 1944.”

  12. The Sound of Settled Science….
    The history of human evolution has been rewritten after scientists discovered that Europe was the birthplace of mankind, not Africa.
    The discovery of the creature, named Graecopithecus freybergi, and nicknameded ‘El Graeco’ by scientists, proves our ancestors were already starting to evolve in Europe 200,000 years before the earliest African hominid.

  13. Actually, American involvement in Viet Nam began during Eisenhower’s term. The first American soldier to die there was killed in 1956.
    JFK began sending “advisors” but the escalation began when LBJ ordered large numbers of troops there in 1965. By then, things started heating up.
