7 Replies to “Blowout 178”

  1. The comments by the Germans helped cook the Paris Agreement.. When you try to put a real CEO between a rock & hard place..Your FU##ed
    Trump has already informed all those needing to Know..That he has ended the suspense.. He now knows who is just plain Stupid and who is a crook..The USA is not NOW part of the AGW fraud…Run rabbits
    Those that need to know are also investors who have money at risk…

  2. And then we have “ITER…. the future of energy production”. Doesn’t get much respect and doesn’t seem to be on anyone’s radar.
    ITER, the huge tokamak being constructed in France as an EXPERIMENT in fusion power, has been underway since 2007 (10 years). Billions of dollars spent, billions more needed…..wouldn’t surprise me if it exceeded 100 billions. Maybe by 2035 the experiment can reach the test phase, maybe. It wouldn’t surprise me if during the period between now and 2035 it becomes an obsolete design. Science marches on and all that. But if I’m wrong, if it’s a huge success, then what? Who can afford to build them?

  3. ITER is absolutely necessary. After all, if it wasn’t there, think of what’s going to happen to all those scientists. Why, they might have to go out and get real jobs or go work for Little Kimmy and his NK gang, who, by the way, have shot off yet another rocket or something like that.
    (sarcasm = off)
    ITER is a white elephant. It’s little more than a make-work project. If someone wants to work on a feasible fusion field, they should try focused fusion, such as inertial electrostatic confinement (sometimes referred to as the polywell).
    Research by people such as the late Dr. Robert Bussard has shown that this indeed has potential and would be worth investigating further.

  4. It’s obsolete now.
    Fission-fusion hybrids are much more likely, are based on existing technology and much simpler in configuration.

  5. We (I mean “we, collectively”) already know how to get enormous power from a fission-fusion reaction. The problem is making it last more than a fraction of a second…

  6. Fusion..? .well maybe. and only in the mind of those that are paid to put this Joke of a project into service…2120..maybe.?
    Where Governments aught to put their money is into a 1940’s design that uses Liquid Salts to control the Fission and THORIUM as the the fuel.
    Common F’n Sense…but where do you buy that these days..?? …its all SOCIALIST – MARXIST – Faux Green IDEOLOGICAL BS that controls Everything these days and always in an attempt to empty ones wallet of ones hard earned dollars.
