49 Replies to “The court of Lilliput”

  1. Isn’t there a bit of dork factor going on here? Couldn’t say that about Bernier.

  2. Interesting and odd take by a Toronto paper but not unexpected either.
    Perhaps he is unknown to them and their readers because the media didn’t do a very good job reporting about CPC leadership candidates? Although it’s just as likely Alexandra Jones wrote it this way trying to get noticed by the PMO to get one of those coveted government jobs being given liberaly to journalists these days?
    I’ve noticed a few journalists using some rather tenuous connection to Scheer being “rural” as an insult. Not only a bigoted, snobby opinion but also quite ignorant unless being raised in Ottawa and representing a riding based in a provincial capital city is now considered rural. The mask, it always slips.
    What’s next: scary hidden agenda, too many kids, imperfect French, wrong hairstyle, shakes his son’s hand, wafers gate part 2?

  3. I can see the next federal election becoming one of how many selfies each candidate can take and with whom. Actual issues or policies will be completely ignored.
    Then again, most politics are little more than Punch and Judy shows with people instead of hand puppets.

  4. So much for the Toronto Star Who?
    Andrew was the Speaker of the House fer crissake…Jackassery is alive and well at the Torstar.

  5. That is exactly what is going to happen. I was having breakfast at my local diner this morning and it was on the TV. They didn’t interview a single conservative party member in their coverage on the leadership race. Everyone they talked to was a Liberal MP.

  6. Don’t get your knickers in a knot people, remember “the cream always rises to the top”. This guy was a great choice.

  7. I remember from a long way back the studied cruelty of the press. Just one segment by them can virtually wipe out a careful image of anyone. Few may remember the job done on Bob Stansfield when he awkwardly caught a football. He had a goofy look on his face. It is said it killed his chances as prime minister. Then a Quebec politician who toured a cheese factory. He had on a tightly fitted green plastic cap. Required for sanitary reasons.
    One sentence out of place (their place) and they can have a poor individual virtually grovelling or even teared up.

  8. What difference does it make. The Reform party is dead the regressive cons rise from the ashes. All parties are now Progressive Green Scammers

  9. The Media beat down begins… The Media hates Scheer, wow that escalated quickly. Weird because Scheer has nice hair, he is young and can presumably do a somersault, isn’t that all thats required for the job of PM? Maybe if Scheer starts talking about his admiration for Chinas basic dictatorship or his undying devotion for El Commandante, or perhaps wear some fancy coloured socks then the Media will love Scheer as much as they love the imbecile with the name. Nah, just kidding.

  10. Could we be witnessing the run up to the election of the 4th Prime Minister from Saskatchewan?

  11. “How DARE you Cons castigate our Leader for his glorious hair, personal popularity and hip urban attitudes. You completely ignore his substance and achievements…”
    1. Well, might I observe that our Dear Leader is actually more than just a little bit monotonous and boring?
    2. “You completely ignore his substance and achievements…” There is simply nothing to ignore; he has neither substance nor achievements.

  12. I’ll grant you second. The other 2 probably weren’t west of the Lakehead in their lives. Prince Albert has had a lot of MPs as PM.

  13. For info, those are Laurier, Mackenzie King, and Diefenbaker. Laurier served as MP for the District of Saskatchewan which included PA.

  14. The Toronto Star…primper and fluffer for all things LIEberal?
    Seriously, these “illiterati” are going to enunciate on Conservatives in a cogent manner? Well probably not in anyone’s lifetime.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  15. I’d be careful using that quote Sheila.
    Scum also rises to the top. Just saying.

  16. Taranto , Taranta leaders of the universe and epicentre of liberalism . Trudeau ‘s little garden of vegetables that elect him and a,Wynne to boot..

  17. I almost jetted my whiskey across the room through my nose when I read your comment (Amrut fusion, Indian single malt, I would have cried afterwards).
    It turns out it was just my Spooneristic tendencies coming to the fore. I thought you were saying that many liberal MPs, including the PM, have Prince Alberts…..

  18. Toronto Star “WHO” is right! “WHO” the Toronto Star is losing readership, so they will hang-on to anything they think might give them a story. ANDREW SHEER can speak a lot better than our PM. Toronto Star had better watch out…segments of Trudeau could show up trying to talk Umm, Umm, Umm, Ahh, Ahh, Ahh, listen to Trudeau in the House sickening.

  19. It’s what all Canadian media seem to be saying.
    Global Vancouver introduced the segment with “You would be forgiven for not who he is….”

  20. Andrew Sheer…He will make a good PM…I imagine he has lots of experience spoon feeding & changing diapers.
    About all you really need to be popular with much of the Cdn. electorate.

  21. “Jackassery is alive and well at the Torstar.”
    Indeed. It is its stock in trade.

  22. The Toronto Star?
    Isn’t that the guy who drives the Zamboni at a Leaf’s game??

  23. I didn’t support Andrew Scheer during the leadership campaign. I had problems with some of his campaign staff in Regina, it’s in the past. Andrew Scheer won, Bernier, lost, worst things have happened.
    I can however see that Trudeau’s propaganda machine at the Star are worried. Much like they are at CTV and CBC. They (fake news TV) were throwing subliminal snippets at Scheer all day Sunday. (Ex: ”Does he have a hidden agenda concerning………..”) Who knows what they’re thinking at the fake news outlets?? And who cares?? With the number of people cancelling their cable or satellite service, they probably won’t have enough viewers to cover the next federal election anyway? They’ll be lucky to cover the fireworks on Parliament Hill, July 01-19.
    I think Scheer will need the first few months to test the shark infested waters. I do believe he can make it. I would start by exposing the climate change and carbon tax fraudsters. And one thing I know for sure. He won’t be wasting his time at gay parades and tax havens in the Caribbean.
    Screw the Toronto Star, CBC, CTV and the rest of the grifters at fake news.

  24. I hope it isn’t foreshadowing that most people spell his name without a C.

  25. “I would start by exposing the climate change and carbon tax fraudsters”
    The last thing he should do is get out front of AGW…Let the liberals
    explain their failure & all the money they must provide to the EU/UN
    It is best to just watch the Clowns spin, and keep playing the music faster

  26. Are the conservatives still the only liberal party in Canada? I’ve been away for a few years.

  27. A possible explanation for that is that he was doing a good job as Speaker.

  28. Are the conservatives still the only liberal party in Canada? I’ve been away for a few years.

  29. Every single article about Scheer has descriptives such as social conservative, right wing(not yet extreme), church-going and mentions abortion at least twice.
    I can’t ever remember any Liberal candidate anywhere with such a descriptive.
    You would think a Liberal politician that expresses admiration for communist rule in China and chums with late Uncle Fidel would be worth at least a Socialist- Liberal or Communist-Leaning-Liberal label.
    The Canadian media is the enemy of Canadians and Conservatives.
    It sure would be nice if someone, anyone, would start explaining who owns the Media and why they so love the brokerage Liberal Party.
    Time to stop being a p*ssy and fight the Laurention elite.

  30. Conservatives need to publicize how many journalists have gone to work for the Liberal Party. I bet it is an illuminating number.
    Publicizing the Liberal Party, Media and Business Cronies cozy little disgusting setup is the only way to kill it.
    Conservatives,some courage, light and disinfectant please.

  31. don’t know Scheer, but every thing I’v just read in here about him brings John Tory to mind, with the sound of a flushing toilet in the back ground

  32. Truth is Stanfield caught all footballs thrown at him. The one he dropped was the photo raced across the country. Typical media “news”.

  33. Andrew who?
    Toronto star concedes with that headline that they don’t actually pay attention to what goes on beyond their narrative.

  34. today was Scheer’s first day as leader of the conservatives in the House of Commons and I think he was outstanding, he asked smart questions and had the respect of parliament
    conservative party members have made a brilliant choice in electing Andrew Scheer
    I retract any comments I previously made which may have castigated our new party leader

  35. NME666:
    ”I retract any comments I previously made which may have castigated our new party leader.”
    I did the same, although the problems I had was with his staff. I heard him in the house today, sounds bright as a whip!!
    Ditto on the brilliant choice.

  36. that NME666 was a “fake news” guy, not the real NME666, the real NME666 stands by his statement that he is paint and sounds like he could be Tory redux. Tory was a good business man but had few political skills, and dropped the ball in the final inning. I hope Scheer does well, but will wait and see as to what I (the real NME666) thinks of his chances, I still would prefer “the guy who dated the biker bit*h” :-))
