30 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. The European nation not suffering from Islamist jihadi terrorism remembers history.
    Back when the largest cavalry charge in European history routed the jihadis.
    Sabaton – Winged Hussars (Lyrics English & Deutsch) (turn up the volume, sing along)
    Mr. Poland, Manchester needs help, as does Londonstan, Frankistan and Germ-Arabia.

  2. One of my favorite Sabaton tunes together with Back in Control, 40 to 1 and Counterstrike.

  3. Well, you gotta know the Liberals and their media are running on empty when they’re attacking Scheer out of the gate calling him a social Conservative…and asking him about abortion. Where do they expect to go with that? MORRISON 200m

  4. AGW RIP.
    “Calculating when your climate will start to seem weird” (arstechnicauk)
    “Highest aviation alert level issued after Alaskan volcano erupts”
    “Bogoslof volcano remains at a heightened state of unrest and in an unpredictable condition,” according to a report issued by the Observatory, which added that “additional explosions producing high-altitude volcanic clouds could occur at any time.””

  5. An open letter from 130 German scientists questioning AGW:
    In Canada, we should be asking why Trudeau is not tagged with the label “anti-science” — and yet Harper was . . . despite Harper doing nothing to warrant such a slur. In forcing us into the CO2 tax ostensibly to reduce CO2 emissions, Trudeau simply perpetrates a deception and he should be called on it.

  6. Mohammed’s OPEC = Loser.
    “… today OPEC looks like it’s playing to neither win nor lose. The game is over”
    “Even if it wins it loses: How OPEC is cutting itself into irrelevance as oil falls below US$50”
    “It surprised no one, but disappointed many. Last week, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) agreed to extend the production limits it brought in last November for another nine months; the largest non-OPEC producer, Russia, also signed on for the extension. And what did oil prices do? They dropped five per cent to below US$50 per barrel. Go figure.”
    “California Fracking Boom Set to Lift U.S. Production to New Record”
    “The California Division of Conservation has received a 543 percent increase in “Oil & Gas Notices” this year, as a Golden State fracking is set to lift the U.S. to a production record.
    California’s field oil production peaked at almost 1.2 million barrels a day in January 1986, but steadily fell by 62 percent to a post-1940 low of 443,000 barrels a day in February 2017. Many blame California’s fiscal crisis on the shriveling of oil & gas extraction taxes.”

  7. “This is not going to happen: hundreds rally at Kinder Morgan terminal gates” (metronews)
    “Husky Oil to proceed with West White Rose project off Newfoundland”
    “ST. JOHN’S, N.L. – The Newfoundland and Labrador government was exultant Monday as Husky Energy announced it will finally proceed with the multimillion-dollar West White Rose project, with first oil five years away.
    The company said it will use a fixed wellhead platform tied to the SeaRose floating production, storage and offloading vessel, known as an FPSO. First oil is expected in 2022 and could reach a gross peak production rate of approximately 75,000 barrels per day by 2025.”

  8. oBLAMa must have gotten his MO from Turdeau 1.0. he of the WW I german helmet racing around Montreal on a motorcycle, mocking the CANADIAN military personnel embarking in the great liberation of europe from naziism, too many of whom are ‘still there’.

  9. Nadrew Woh?
    “New Tory leader Andrew Scheer no stranger to making history”
    “When he first sought federal political office in 2004, he beat out the NDP candidate who at the time was the longest serving MP in the House of Commons.
    Seven years later, his Conservative party won its first majority government and Scheer, then only 32, would soon be elected Speaker of the House of Commons, the youngest person ever to hold the storied post.”
    On Saturday, he nabbed another place in the history books, becoming only the second leader ever of the federal Conservatives…”

  10. New so-called servant same as the old so-called servant…
    Trump administration lawyers are urging the Supreme Court to reject a 2nd Amendment claim that would restore the right to own a gun for two Pennsylvania men who were convicted more than 20 years ago of nonviolent crimes. –LA Times
    Daniel Binderup, for whom the case is now named, had a consensual sexual
    relationship with a 17­year­old in 1998. He was sentenced to probation for three years
    under a misdemeanor conviction in Pennsylvania for corruption of a minor. Julio
    Suarez, the other person challenging the government in the cases now consolidated,
    was convicted of possessing a handgun in a car without a license to carry [permission
    from the government] in Maryland in 1990. –Reason
    “…the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

  11. Scheer now has a key hire to make. One that other than a factor that is out of his control – who the NDP elect as leader – will determine the fate of the party and conservatism in the next election: The Campaing manager.
    PMSH lost the election first and foremost because he hired Jenni Bryne to run the campaign. It was the worst decision of his politicl career – she ranks up there with Bill Tory for he level of incompetence.
    Scheer needs to find a Doug Finlay 2.0 and quick. Nothing will settle down the party more than an excellent campaign manager. I wish him godspeed.

  12. Hollywood suffering the worst boxoffice for a long weekend in over 19 years… might it be that folks are tired of being preached to by the hollyweird elite? shut your pie hole and do your job. distract me from the miseries of life, don’t make yourself the face of those miseries, don’t preach to me about non existance miseries and lastly stop mocking half the country that don’t live in the lap of unreal luxury. shutup and dance, sing, play what ever just shut up off the screen.

  13. Lest We Forget.
    “WATCH: Rex Tillerson Rides with Rolling Thunder to Honor U.S. Military on Memorial Day”
    “Secretary of State Rex Tillerson joined almost one million bikers on Sunday as a rider in a massive caravan of motorcycles that rode from the Pentagon to the National Mall and the Vietnam Memorial on Sunday.
    A video posted on YouTube shows Tillerson posing for pictures with other bikers and preparing to mount his own bike for the trip…”
    ““We knew T-Rex was awesome, but who knew T-Rex was Rolling Thunder level awesome?” said the post, which included the 2-minute video of Tillerson in the staging area at the Pentagon.”

  14. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    “Liberals waste no time playing the anti-Christian card” (g-m)
    “Trudeau asks Pope Francis to apologise for schools” (bbc)
    “Trudeau takes selfies at mosque where he spoke about CDNs killed by Islamic terrorists”
    “Six Canadian humanitarian workers were among the 28 murdered by Islamic terrorists in the African country of Burkina Faso on Friday evening and Liberal PM Justin Trudeau’s first public event after was to tour a rebuilt mosque in Peterborough with female minister Maryam Monsef:”

  15. Political drama in BC. The Green party and the NDP just announced a coalition and they could form government. Imagine a dipper minority propped up by greens.

  16. The difference between the greens the liberals and the NDP is that one has rebranded communism, the other claims to be only socialists, and one campaigns on communist platform while claiming to be centrist.

  17. B.O’narcissist’s legacy.
    “The board’s water experts …”
    “Hawley Blasts Obama Over IJC Plan 2014”
    “How dare President Obama make such a disastrous and cowardly decision with mere weeks left in office and leave our community to deal with the consequences.”
    “On the other side of Lake Ontario, soaked New Yorkers want Trump to roll back Great Lakes flood-control rules
    A new plan for regulating Lake Ontario water levels went into place just four months ago.” (toredstar)
    “High water has Seaway considering suspending shipping
    Heavy rainfall has kept the St. Lawrence River at record highs, leading to the possibility that water-level authorities might shut down shipping on the Seaway to allow the dam at Cornwall to release more water.
    Rob Caldwell, Canadian regulation representative of the International Lake Ontario-St. Lawrence River Board, said the board has opened the taps at the Moses-Saunders power dam at Cornwall to record levels. The outflow volume at Cornwall is 10,200 cubic metres per second, equalling the highest outflow since recording began there 117 years ago.
    The flow is at the maximum volume that the system can take before the Seaway is closed to ships,…”

  18. I think the Greens and NDP are dreaming in technicolour if they think the Lieutenant Governor is going to agree they can govern a stable parliament:
    – minority governments are generally short-lived, this one will be on life support from day one, with the Liberals waiting in ambush.
    – a one seat majority, contained in the Speaker’s chair, having to back money and confidence bills, meaning the Speaker who is providing the “balance of power” support, needed for every bill, motion or other action of the Legislature, so BC on legislative hold as NDP/Greens forced to face reality.
    – Liberals waiting in ambush, refusing to provide one of their own as the Speaker (no BC Liberal throws hat in ring), no sick/absent NDP/Green possible.
    – By-elections to upset the “balance.” Greens realizing they have been played, accepting second fiddle for propping up the NDP, which won’t last long.
    – IOW, an extremely tenuous “agreement,” compromising the neutrality of the Speaker above politics, in fact, a requirement of the new government.
    The NDP and Greens are rolling the dice big time for a glimpse at power. I can’t wait to read an “agreement” requiring the Speaker’s vote on every issue.
    If they fail to convince the LGov they have the confidence of the Leg, she goes back to the Premier who says no go, therefore dissolution and another election, with the statists to blame. Or, they get power, with the Liberals chipping away at them, mess up, we get another election soon, with the inevitable NDP/Green gong show on display, to get the public understanding what statist idiots can do to a great place called BC. Result: BC Grits back to majority.
    Really dumb call by the Greens, clearly not thought through, just grabbing at the golden ring of power, hoping the LGov looks past the Speaker problem.
    Why this gamble to carry the NDP’s water?

  19. I agree I think at this point a floor crossing nuclear option by the liberals will be deployed. Either that or delay the throne speech process in time for fall election resulting in majority. All the green voters who actually wanted a liberal government will switch back.

  20. I spoke to a few people about the election when I was in northern B. C. a few days ago. The general feeling was that it was–surprise! surprise!–Lotusland that voted for the Greens and Dippers.
    Having spent a year in the Vancouver area when I started grad studies, I can see why. Most of the people I knew in the area were, at best, enthusiastic lefties, the rest being hard-core.
    They’d vote a trained monkey into office if it ran as a socialist.
