5 Replies to “The UK General Election”

  1. there is no such thing as zero carbon. wind turbines, carbon, solar panels, carbon. stupid people, carbon.

  2. They don’t actually mean zero carbon. Refer to ‘Animal Farm’; they mean zero carbon for everyone else, while they continue to jet set around the world, want for nothing, and have 75 Humvee motorcades everywhere they go. All socialists aspire to be Napoleon, taking all the cream and honey for themselves. Most end up as Boxer, working themselves to death for Napoleon, then being shipped to the glue factory. A few get used as antifah/the hounds, killing people for Napoleon. Snowball always tries to set up somewhere else, where he can be Napoleon…

  3. How is it that normal people can be coerced to support inter-national socialists, communists, fascists and other such ‘ists?
    Well, you take some really, really rich capitalists that don’t know how else to make themselves important. They, though have the money they extracted without any actual productive work. These are the actual real capitalists, they have the capital.
    Those they call capitalists that produce stuff that people buy actually are free enterprise, they generally borrow money from the capitalists to run the free enterprise.
    The capitalists don’t actually run anything, they just got the money and loan it out and just sit there collecting the interest, for all one cares they can eat the money and show it up their….
    Nothing particularly wrong with that as long as they just stick to it. Once though, they start telling other people how to live, how to behave, how to be and so on …… they become fascists, owning the politicians, the learning institutions and basically owning everything that breathes.
    One thing they generally leave alone is agriculture, you see, if they screw that up, they won’t eat just like everyone else.
    The socialist extremists that currently run the government of Alberta, are working as we speak, on screwing up that too, we will see how that will turn out.
    The really, really rich capitalists are funding assorted, otherwise utterly useless people to generate the impression that they are the right people to run things. They also run the institutions that produce “journalists” that will help to bring the totalitarian dictatorship about by propaganda, omission, lies and other such attributes that they deem appropriate.
    All of this will eventually pass, though not before destruction, political kill and murder that apparently the coming generation wants.

  4. Either the UK is a rational country, and they will vote to keep getting rid of the EU, unreliable power, and all the rest; or they are majority stupid like the rest of the world. I am putting my money on majority stupid. I am willing to bet that if Churchill or Thatcher or Jesus Christ himself was their current PM, they would trade that for Nero or Notely or Wynne or Stalin or Mao or Pol Pot or Idi Amin, or anyone else they could cheerfully line up to be slaughtered by in the name of “progressive”.
    Just like Saskatchewan, you will notice how 100% of their leadership hopefuls worship at the alter of “carbon free”. Since their only choices are “Titanic slow ahead”, “Titanic all ahead full”, or “Titanic ahead flank”… well you get the picture. No one is proposing to change the destination, or the course. They don’t even have someone like Trump, who is willing to lie about pulling out of Paris to get elected.

  5. Today’s Marxists use “carbon-free” like past Marxists used “class struggle” and essentially for the same reason – to convince the prols of the necessity of giving up freedom for “utopia” that is never quite within reach but can only be pursued by the same Marxists. And, thanks to socialist education (child abuse) leaving electors illiterate, innumerate, and devoid of critical thinking, they are succeeding.
