33 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Question:
    I’m looking at some of posts and comments regarding the Kinder-Morgan pipeline through BC.
    Check this map out.
    Notice that the pipeline has to go through some of the roughest terrain in North America, the Rockies, not to mention right through greater Vancouver.
    Then, look at a Map of the North American crude oil pipeline systems.
    Are you going to believe that they can’t divert our crude (Sask-Alberta) through the Northern
    Edge of the US and go out through the west coast, utilizing existing pipelines??
    Why are we kissing BC butt??
    Another mess of fake news and info!!

  2. Shine On You Crazy Diamond and Wish You Were Here were tribute songs to Syd Barrett whose erratic behavior forced the band to drop him as a member. The brilliant guitar player David Gilmore took his place.

  3. I haven’t seen this here before; Rebel had it up the other day.
    “Officers were called out after reports the music was too loud and people were allegedly shouting anti-Islamic abuse.”
    “‘This police officer said she took offence at the song and pressed her panic button on her body cam and that’s when about ten police turned up and the police helicopter.'” (said one person in attendance, adding that the song had no reference to colour, race, or religion)
    The comments note several real crimes that police were very slow to investigate, if they ever did.
    In World War 2, the British used to sing derogatory songs about Adolf Hitler. I wonder if that’s a “hate crime” now too?
    That police officer is not fit to be on the force. Maybe all of them who were there.

  4. The bitumen is worth more when it hits the coast and is shipped overseas. Plus, the existing pipeline is approaching its usable life, and KM wants to deal with that, being a responsible company. KM has its LEGAL RW all the way to the coast, yet, in these times, activists believe laws can be flouted if their cause is just and pure.
    KM should either delay, or ship by train, letting the NDP/Watermelon government show the economic destruction they can wreak, awaiting their oncoming defeat. Too many idiot moon bats in BC

  5. Those goons in BC want to thwart the pipeline which was to bring significant revenues to the BC government. The new pair (NDP/Green) seem keen to put in place all kinds of social programs, but they have not indicated how they will pay for these. I think they do not get the connection between a healthy economy and the social well-being of citizens.

  6. Rumours are circulating that the Americans are set to announce they are leaving the Paris Climate Accord.
    Let’s hope so.

  7. There isn’t a law written, that the left doesn’t feel obligated to ignore.
    After all, if it was written by a legally elected politician in a democratic country, it must be oppressive.
    Some examples: Sanctuary cities, protesting anything anywhere and for any reason on private or public property,
    striking picket lines, etc, etc.

  8. It’s whitey, so mental illness not mentioned…
    PORTLAND, ORE. – A man charged with fatally stabbing two men and injuring a third who tried to shield young women from an anti-Muslim tirade appeared to brag about the attacks as he sat in the back of a police patrol car, saying “that’s what liberalism gets you,” according to court documents.

  9. Science that Bill Nye would love:
    Yup, Newtonian mechanics is part of the evil patriarchy. I suppose she’ll be going after his work in optics next. Then there’s that misogynistic abomination known as calculus….
    Here are some webpages about her:
    This kind of malarkey is yet further evidence that the academic tenure system needs to be abolished.

  10. Nova Scotia provincial election won by the Liberals with a slim majority; 27 of 51 seats.
    Unsurprising if disgusting. About a year ago, in the post-Trudeau honeymoon period, the provincial Liberals were hovering north of 50% in the polls. The temptation to call a snap election and crush the opposition must have been tantalizing but for some unknown reason they didn’t do it. They proceeded to have a giant public fight with the teachers union (disclaimer: my wife is a teacher) which led to the first ever teacher strike in Nova Scotia history. I said during that process that the Libs were riding so high in the polls that they could afford to anger a lot of people and still win reelection. Well that’s exactly what they did. Four more years of Liberal arrogance to come, and of course continued backwater status for the province. Not that a PC win would’ve changed anything.

  11. PET POT Cemetery Report.
    “Scores killed, Canadian embassy damaged in Kabul car
    bombing” (g-m)
    “Kabul attack death toll reaches 90” (ctv)
    “Here’s why opposition MPs are calling Harjit Sajjan a liar
    It started with National Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan’s proclamation that he engineered the Canadian-led NATO offensive against the Taliban during the Afghan war – the largest such operation in decades.
    Sajjan has since retracted that statement and apologized.
    But the opposition Conservatives and NDP are saying the minister’s “lie” is just the latest in a series,…”

  12. Be careful what you “like”:
    “BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU CLICK Facebook user found guilty of defamation for ‘liking’ posts accusing an animal rights activist of being racist” – via Drudge
    “According to a court statement, the defendant had accused Erwin Kessler and the animal protection group he heads, Verein gegen Tierfabriken (Against Animal Factories), of racism and anti-Semitism in Facebook posts……
    …..Kessler had been convicted under Switzerland’s anti-racism law nearly two decades ago, receiving a brief prison sentence for comparing Jewish ritual slaughter methods with Nazi practices.
    But the Zurich judge ruled Monday that the defendant had failed to prove that the comments he had “liked” on Facebook were true”

  13. AGW RIP.
    B.O’narcissist’s legacy oozing away.
    “Crushed Obama Aides React to Trump’s Decision to Withdraw from Paris Agreement
    Former aides to former President Barack Obama reacted sorrowfully to the news that President Donald Trump would withdraw from the Paris Climate agreement, sharing their feelings on Twitter.
    “Malicious idiocy derived from willful ignorance motivated by avarice,” Obama’s former senior advisor Dan Pfeiffer wrote, reacting to the news.”

  14. No comment section for the Lorrie Goldstein tweet, “Oh, Shiny Prime Minister”?
    In any case. Can you imagine the MSM uproar if Harper’s PMO would have pulled this gagging stunt. Once again the media members of the Laurentian Elite will protect their government and bureaucrat Laurentian Elite buddies.

  15. cultural appropriation? you want cultural appropriation?
    I’ll give you go**amn cultural appropriation:
    while youre at it, check this BEST cover I’ve found of the classic tune:
    I might add I got a deal with the Big Boss Creator if he lets me acquire similar impressive skill level
    I promise to learn gospel tunes first . . . .
    yeeeeeHAAAAAA!!!!!! Rock and Roll rules !!!!!!!!

  16. anybody take in the documentary on the hated PBS last nite (Wednesday) on the Flint Michigan tap water lead contamination thing?
    jeezuz murphy. why do we have a thingy called ‘gubbamint’ if they refuse to handle stuff like safe drinking water?
    is this related to the abject failure of the SEC during the $60,000,000,000 Madoff Ponzi scheme?
    maybe they hired leftovers from the mike harris gubbamint post Walkerton, you know, bragging rights for ‘saving money’ by firing thousands of inspectors who would have doubtless caught on to the fact a couple drunks were in charge of the city’s chlorination plant. heh. no wonder they were boozing it up instead of taking anything from a faucet . . . .
    sign of the times, sign of the times.

  17. this just in:
    reminds me of the time I visited the farm critters at the Bronte Creek Provincial Park for the 60th time with goodies in hand, to be met by some film crew lackey in the parking lot telling me to buzz off.
    my response consisted of informing him I had no intention of cornering any of their B level aktorz, and no intention of leaving until I had provided said treats to the critters and especially since I bicycled about 5 or 6 clicks to get there and if they objected, feel free to discuss things with the park management.
    the short version, the horsies and cows got their allotment of discarded grocery store produce that day.
