8 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Why don’t provinces just adopt US wiring code verbatim. I’ve run into a senseless thing or two. Maybe the Yanks aren’t so anal.

  2. The CISC used to send out revisions to the Handbook of Steel Construction once you bought a printed copy. Not sure about now. CSA sounds like the Cosa Nostra.

  3. “Comment at 12:38pm wasn’t me. Someone thinks it’s funny I guess”

  4. Wait till Scheer is PM! He’ll straighten out that bunch of CSA rats! You know, just like Harper was going to do…..

  5. As a non Canadian, I find all this CEC talk very confusing. First, electrical codes have not changed much in the last 50 years in the U.S. And the code is available on line, at least the last I checked. But in Canada, apparently every house, every appliance, every street light, needs to be rewired every three years to meet code….. how can that be??
    What am I missing in this understanding?

  6. Dave – Not rewired, but the laws governing wiring are changed every 3 years. Existing wiring is unaffected, only new installations or upgrading of wiring.

  7. “Why don’t provinces just adopt US wiring code verbatim”
    For the same reason Canadian Auto Safety and Emission Standards are different – a lot of government bureaucrats are making a handsome living writing and enforcing them.
