26 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. How many people will pick up on this? So much fake shit going around but the money they suck from the masses is real.

  2. It won’t matter to any of the American college students waving the “Palestinian” flags at anti-Israel protests. These people aren’t the least bit interested in things like … truth. They are just AGAINST anything Judeo-Christian … or American. Thank you public schools ! For generations of brainwashing the American youth.

  3. Some of the media people have everything Trump ever said in his life, that was recorded, indexed and ready to prove an inconsistency 20 years old? Why don’t they spend a bit of that effort on the lies constantly coming out of the Middle East.

  4. Maybe Trudeau’s brother can go over there and marry that little girl.

  5. I thought that that photo was part of a Muslim dating site where 60 year old Imams bid on fresh brides.

  6. For allah’s sake!
    If you want your propaganda photo to really bring out the teddy bears and candles crowd,have the kid pose ON the rubble,lying there as if DEAD!
    You guys got it right once,now get that kid to close her eyes and lie tragically on a pile of rubble,maybe sprinkle some small rocks on her. Oooh,anybody got a dollie or teddy bear to put in her dead little arms?!
    It doesn’t all have to be sandy beaches ya know!

  7. The UN has had huge connections to the Brookings Institute
    The Communist activism coming from the “Brookings Institute” in the present MSM is telling. The number of CNN Anti-Trump guests with connections to Brookings is alarming…
    1. the “Source” of the existence of the false Comey Memo (NYT) was Benjamin Wittes of Brookings
    2> Susan Rice, (EX UN) the unmasking Pro, went to the Brookings. How much Intel went with her…
    3. John O Brennan Ex-CIA director has provided excuses for Susan Rice.. He has a connection to Brookings
    4. Ex UN Ambassador Samantha Power… Connections to Brookings…
    All three: Rice, Brennan, and Power are under investigation by the House for Unmasking

  8. “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”
    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again
    The United Nations is nothing more than the Black,the Brown,the Yellow, the Red and the Mystery Meats all against the Whites

  9. It’s a means to an end, basic leftist MO.
    Any lie, any distortion, any destruction, is justified if the end goal is achieved.
    Glowbull Warming anybody? Massive gubmint deficits? Poverty industry? “Safe ” injection sites? Mass illegal immigration?
    The list goes on and on.

  10. She’s already fully trained in … stabbing the infidels. In kindergarten, the children receive Joo dolls with which to practice their stabbing skills. Such a precious childhood that the American Left never seem to notice.

  11. “… In kindergarten, the children receive Joo dolls with which to practice their stabbing skills…”
    Not training our kids to hate and kill the enemy is our mistake.

  12. That, and letting them all come here and giving them tax-free bases of operation, free stuff… not to mention electing them into office, etc.
    The list of mistakes we’ve made is pretty big, I fear.

  13. “religion of peace”
    Talk about an oxymoron (with an emphasis on moron). It is neither. Not a religion nor of peace.
    As I said in the past there are two kinds of mooselimbs. Aggressive mooselimbs that want to kill you and non aggressive mooselimbs that want the aggressive mooselimbs to kill you.

  14. The Liberals are proud they restored funding to this particular thing:
    Marie-Claude Bibeau Compton—Stanstead, QC
    Mr. Chair, once again, I would like to remind the House that this is the only United Nations agency helping Palestinian refugees. Since Canada renewed its funding to the agency, there has been a vast improvement in terms of follow-up and monitoring, including with respect to school books.
    Our funding has paid for training for employees, managers, and teachers, and for background checks for employees in finance. We are following up on the school books issue. Our participation is making changes possible.
