10 Replies to “Blowout 179”

  1. It’s a free world out there. Why don’t all those liberals that are so free with other people’s money pull out their own wallets to save the world. Then they can send hundreds of billions to China and India so they can afford to build hundreds of new coal fired power plants.

  2. The Globalists keep parroting that China & India have both increased their AGW commitments… Absolute nonsense if they don’t explain where the MONEY was sourced. The Obama Admin paid for China & Indian Alt Energy….
    The free MONEY is gone & China would help itself if they knocked down the Activists who threaten revolution in China… PBS (Charlie Rose) interviewed the NYT economist “Paul Krugman” after China flat-lined Kyoto…He snickered and said they (activists) would flood china & overturn the China Government if they didn’t support AGW.

  3. So … according to the Euro’s … The Paris Climate Treaty is non-negotiable. Ostensibly, “because the survival of the planet hangs in the balance”. So … the only way to “save the planet” is to cripple America’s industry and energy.
    I find it ironic that every Sports Star, who has had a GREAT year … feels entitled to renegotiate their contract with the team. And the team owners never “resist” the renegotiation. But President Trump, who has had a VERY GOOD YEAR … is told he cannot renegotiate the Paris Climate Treaty.
    If … “the survival of the planet hangs in the balance” … then it would make the MOST sense to CLEAN UP the Chinese, Indian, and Russian industry’s NOW ! It would make the MOST sense to impose detailed environmental regulations on these foul, nasty, countries. Environmental regulations EQUAL to those which already exist in America. Thus eliminating a primary incentive for offshoring American manufacturing. But the Paris Climate Treaty has NOTHING to do with the environment, now does it ? It has NOTHING to do with “saving the planet” … but EVERYTHING to do with crippling Capitalism.

  4. The sad part of the 121 years of failed climate predictions is that now politicians have figured out how to tax us on snake oil and control our lives even more.

  5. Kenji…you are bang on the money.
    The Whole Environmental movement has been overtaken by socialists and marxists.
    In Canada the Feds have approved an expansion of an Oil pipeline (Trans Mountain by Kinder Morgan), – actually a twinning of an existing line within an established right of way…Keeping that in mind, the recent BC Election ended in somewhat of a stalemate with the Liberal party with 43 seats I believe, The NDP (Marxists), with 41 an the Greens (complete ECO-Nazi’s of the most virulent strain), with 3 and thereby holding the balance of power. incredible.
    The NDP and Greens are vehemently opposed to this Expansion and have vowed to stop this from happening regardless of what that entails. In Alberta, where I live and used to work in the oil/gas industry..we are landlocked and our only out of province routes are into the USA, not a bad thing but relying on a sole source of demand is never good, ergo our desire for tidewater access. Our government is also of a Socialist nature (don’t ask how), yet while destroying our labour laws to enrich/favour Unions they have somewhat reluctantly championed pipelines and now find themselves battling their own kind.
    PM (_i_)Hat Trudeau has stated: A: that any energy infrastructure must have “Social Licence” B; The oil Sands “will be Phased out” and C: Enabled a Tanker Ban on our West Coast…. and there you have it.
    Canada is well an truly F’kd with this lot of Marxist loving garbage in charge….sound familiar.??

  6. Just read that entire article….THAT my friend is the best analysis of what has REALLY been going on the past 60 years and also explains quite clearly the reasons why Donald Trump is doing what he is doing.
    Super Read….Thank you for posting that.!!! Recommend ALL to read it.
    Renewable Energy is SCAM…not so much as it enriches those that invest in it but that it punishes the host country with significantly higher costs so as to make European and Asian Imports Cheaper and supported the off shoring of US Industry.
    The ROW has depended upon the US for Defence yet paid little for that….all the while spending their money on better technologies and products to sell to the US and pay for socialist policies at home such as seperately paid 4 week vacations for all – retirement with full pay at 50 etc.
    So in 2 shots across the bow: Pay your share for NATO and Adios Paris, Mr Trump has started to level the playing field….I LOVE it.!!
    To hell with RENEWABLES…PURE Unmitigated BS….as can be seen in California, Ontario and ANYWHERE Else it has been rammed down the populaces throat….while at the same time destroying that jurisdictions economy with outrageous energy costs, millions of dead birds/bats while leaving steel garbage and leaking turbines in their wake.
    Thats the Environmental legacy of the Marxists.
