36 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Wow!! Fake news at CTV, CBC and Global have not uttered a word about this march.
    Marching in a single file, that’s a parade about three miles long!!
    The Fake News Networks can thank God that the London attacks diverged the Liberal sheeple’s attention away from reality!

  2. “Ain’t it nice we have to hear about this from a foreign news source?”
    I have searched all three national news agencies and there isn’t a single line about it.
    However, there is lots of coverage over the 6 that are protesting STC closing.

  3. Here’s the future of the gun controlled and politically corrected West. Desperate people throwing random objects at Muslim terrorists stabbing a girl while shouting, “This is for Allah”. -Daniel Greenfield
    Daniel Greenfield on the London Bridge/pub jihadi attacks, 6 dead, 48 wounded in 8 minutes.
    “Here’s the future of the gun controlled and politically correct West.”
    Hey, that’s us, Canada’s civilian disarmament program always had an agenda.

  4. Bystander ‘shot in the head as police opened fire’ on knifemen…
    not supposed to happen in peace time but in the fog of war, an undeclared war, well no, global jihad has already declared war. It’s the U.K. government who is still at peace.
    The price to pay for having to wait 8-10 minutes for police instead of some armed citizen stopping the jihadis within seconds by shooting them a point blank range.
    But that would be a crime, a violation of gun control. A charge by the same government that refuses that identified would be jihadis be interned in P.O.W. camps for the duration of the war.

  5. That’s a significant number. I unfortunately did not know about it or would have joined in,so there may be many other anti-Trudeau people out there. We don’t have a “Moveon.org” and $$ for organizing,so 5000 is a lot. And yet –when when 100 people were out there protesting some policy of Harper’s,media was all over it. Such betrayal of the Canadian public.

  6. The following is typical CBC “News” nonsense. The article attempts to explain that increases in the minimum wage lead to job growth. The evidence they provide is a study by NELP (National Employment Law Project), a US organization that is devoted to “strengthen protections and support for low-wage workers”.
    An advocacy group for low-wage workers publishes a study that higher minimum wages lead to employment growth and the CBC publishes it as news. But it’s really an advocacy article (aka fake news).
    The CBC journalist is a “senior business writer”.

  7. There are zero examples where more Islam in a country or region has improved said country or region.
    Therefore Trump’s limits on travel an immigration are sensible.

  8. US governors and mayors can support the Paris Agreement all they want. Fine by me. I’m betting they aren’t going to be writing hundreds of billions in cheques to third world shit-holes which is what the deal was all about. I’m betting they will be nothing more than a cheering section.

  9. *
    mis-remembering the good old days…
    “As I recall the actual British response to the ‘Blitz’
    was not Keep Calm and Carry On – but building
    as many aircraft as they could and bombing
    German cities
    with them.”


  10. Well, before it gets to the third world, there are a lot of UN employee bank accounts it has to pass through.

  11. Socialism’s natural end result.
    “Snipers Surround Venezuelan State TV Building as Protesters Demand Real News”
    “The protesters are targeting VTV in protest of their 24/7 broadcasts of pro-socialist propaganda, which depict dictator Nicolás Maduro as a benevolent democratic leader and routinely refer to anti-socialist demonstrators as “fascists.””

  12. The British may wake up after they reject the status-Quo & Elisabeth May.
    The nonsense is the failure of existing politicians…Folks will dump fools & go with a new way
    The same can be said of Senate Republicans…They are the problem & the USA would be better off if they are gone in 2018…I am not a Democrat, but trying NEW shit is better than stinking old shit

  13. “The British may wake up after they reject the status-Quo & Elisabeth May.”
    Theresa – Bucky ia all ours.

  14. “Tow-out of Hebron platform happening today
    St. John’s, N.L. — Today’s the day that ExxonMobil Canada will begin towing the massive Hebron platform from Bull arm to its ocean destination about 350 kilometres southeast of St. John’s.
    The $14-billion project employed more than 3,500 people at the height of construction.
    Hebron is the province’s fourth offshore oil project.”

  15. So then, WHY did Israel attack the ship? The author suggests a few reasons but then promptly either dismisses them as unlikely or fails to support them in any meaningful way and moves on. Things like that make me question the entire premise ….. which is that Israel attacked ON PURPOSE AND WITH MALEVOLENT INTENT.
    So, a long and detailed and indignant story, designed to inflame passions, about a deliberate attack, American military incompetence, complete cover at the highest levels of government, intimidation of surviving crew to prevent truth from coming out, etc, etc but ……. WHY?
    On the other hand, I just read…. on the internet so it must be true ….. that ALIENS built the Egyptian pyramids. The article presented a good case.

  16. Who organized this march? Funny the Rebel didn’t know about it or any conservative group??
    Breitbart get hacked?

  17. I’ve been getting that same pop up when trying to access SDA. I try a coupla times unsuccessfully and move on. Must be some gremlins in the system cuz I have no idea WTF they are talking about – abusive behaviour? poking around where your not supposed to be? huh?

  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wb_4U2UJucE
    “We [Jews] see ourselves fighting together with our Muslim brothers who want a free Europe, who want a peaceful Europe, who want to integrate like our [Jewish] forefathers integrated in Western Europe 120 years ago. And they [i.e., Muslims] are our natural allies.”
    — Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, president of the Conference of European Rabbis

  19. Another example of the total and complete corruption of the Trudopian Media cartel… Its not bad enough that the Media campaigned to “Stop Harper” and get the globalist half wit lispy Juthtin elected, now they are literally covering up any push back against the Media’s candidate. Not one Trudopian “news” source is covering this story, just shameful. Imagine 5000 Trudopians marching against PM Harper’s policies and the Media refuse to even acknowledge its existence. That would never happen. The corruption of Trudopia is a sickening stench that makes America’s swamp look like a picnic. Disgraceful.

  20. Strad are you off your meds again? Take the pills the nice nurse gave you and the Joooos will go away, I promise.

  21. The epitome of fake news with a synopsis of the Russia-Trump lie the Dems must cling to with no other explanations for their loss to Trump:
    “What began as a simple false notion from the American Left―that the Russians hacked the 2016 presidential election to benefit Donald Trump’s candidacy―slowly evolved into a full-blown constitutional crisis. Soon, that false notion—that lie—could work its way from the far Left political fringe and into the political mainstream. If the lie is repeated enough times and by enough different voices that it becomes indistinguishable from other, more believable news (i.e., that Hillary Clinton used her family’s charity as a sop for illegal campaign donations when she was Secretary of State), then just as it did in the movie, the false notion will begin to consume the target audience. It will proceed until the target acts according to the dictates of that false notion—in this case, to impeach (or otherwise to turn against) President Trump.”
    In fact, today, June 1, 2017, Congress issued seven subpoenas insisting that four Trump Campaign officials and three Obama Administration officials come to testify on Capitol Hill. While there is little evidence proving any Trump Campaign collusion with Russia to steal the 2016 election, there is ample evidence that primary national security figures in the Obama Administration misused their power to improperly spy on Trump Campaign officials. There is further proof that those Obama Administration officials then leaked the details of those covert investigations to the press as a means of degrading the Trump Administration’s ability to govern. Should Congress press the issue, it is quite possible that it is the Obama Administration rather than the Trump team that committed the real crimes against democracy. Only time will tell. What is certain, though, is that the corruption and manipulation of the 2016 election (and the months afterward) were the result of Leftist chicanery and not the fault of the Trump team.”

  22. I posted about it earlier but I guess my comment triggered a censor.
    Anyway, this March on Ottawa seemed to have only had a few hundred attendees according to their own Facebook page.
    Check it out.

  23. I believe this “report” is pure bullshit.The only photo of the alleged march shows about five people,not 5000.
    Ezra would have been all over this one,IF it had happened.

  24. I notice leftists do that too, frantically throw their feces at the facts 🙂
