Showing Up To Riot


It is nice to see the Republican campaign apparatus exploiting Kathy Griffin’s “art project” to point out to voters how crazy the left is today, and to suggest to Democrats that there are consequences for the acts of their celebrity supporters. Ossoff’s campaign is crying foul and demanding the ad be taken down, which shows that it is effective. Good for Republicans for hitting back twice as hard.

Related — sorta, if you’re into United Nations approved proportional response rioting.

17 Replies to “Showing Up To Riot”

  1. Excellent ad! We need many more of that kind of ad in the US and big time in Canada. For too long the Lenin wannabes have held the stage.

  2. Yep, earning all the opprobrium and derision they so richly deserve!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group ‘True North’

  3. No more double standards.
    The only way to make the Social Justice Bullies stop is to bully them right back. Notice how Antifa has been quiet since they got their asses beat in Berkeley? They were the ones that ran away, and they have not been back.
    Stand Up! Push Back! Demand they be fired, boycotted, and shamed. The Left will not stop until they are MADE to STOP. It is time to make them stop.
    (Captcha is Kennedy Hotel. Just think, if Teddy took Mary Jo to a Hotel instead of the beach, he might have been our President?)

  4. Epic ad. Republicans should always – ALWAYS – IN EVERY SINGLE ELECTION – be hanging left wing violence around the necks of Democrats. Make them OWN IT. Law and order – go figure – can be a very appealing policy position. Especially to undecideds and independents. This isn’t rocket science Repubs!

  5. Push back indeed remember the Paul Martin ad that had “troops in our streets” and a gun going off in your face.

  6. Kathy Griffin’s “art project” doesn’t just demonstrate how crazy the left are. It’s misleading to describe them as “crazy”.
    It’s clearly demonstrates how violent they are.
    The left (and Islam) are all about intimidation, threats of violence (e.g., Kathy Griffin’s so-called art project), and violence.
    Kathy Griffin is simply demonstrating that she has become a soldier for the left’s army.

  7. The Republican’s MUST create a Kathy Griffin crazy INDEX of 1-10
    Kathy- Bat Shit Crazy= 10
    Kathy- Pelosi Crazy = 10 … Dead people don’t have Grandchildren..fool
    Kathy- Hillary Crazy = 9 + 9- 1 (Bill’s Bimbo)

  8. Why do I get this feeling that the bat-sh*t crazy Libs start salivating, bark uncontrollably at their TV’s and run around in tight circles searching for their righteous social justice anger every time the Ossoff Ad appears. Pavlov couldn’t have done a better job.

  9. This woman is like a mugger who is caught and goes to jail, but blames his victim for ruining his life.
    It must be Donald Trump’s very existence is so offensive and demoralizing to them that they must destroy him to survive, so he is to blame if they fail.
    Kind of like Israel.

  10. NME666, why assume the opposition to the Left is defacto Christian-motivated? Also, I believe serious NT scholars will tell you Jesus was speaking of the phenomenon of tribal vendettas – honour killings when he describes “turning the other cheek”. The command is not that you stand by and watch your town sacked and your children raped…assuming you are a Christian. Personally, I just have a thing for Victory…

  11. This ad would be even better if they could add Hillary’s recent comment about her “joining the resistance” or “being part of the resistance”
    Picture the exploding heads had any republican ever said anything like that.
    The double standards keep getting richer and better.

  12. A new group of conservatives have started a movement called “stop the scalpings”. Just started and over 70thousand member on facebook and millions have visited their web site. Started by Mark Levin, Brian Maloney and Melanie Morgan. serving back to the leftists….

  13. “We overlook the fact that corporations routinely — some might say “eagerly” — join Social Justice War-Bands to curry favor with them and to improve their “brand image” in the eyes of the progressives, which make up about 20% of the country, but seem to be the only demographic that matters.”
    Just a reminder that if you’re with Telus you are supporting their endorsement of Trudeau and his carbon tax.

  14. “were is the Christian attitude of turning the other cheek?”
    Right where its always been NNE666.
    You give me your best shot.
    Then I take my best shot.
    Only then do I turn the other cheek.
    Now it’s your turn again.
    Provided you can get up…

  15. how long would I have to wait for you to get up off the floor, or would the wimins, like with the last tuff johnny, have to come to your rescue?
    throw out the line, a sucker will always bite
