Oh… That’s Gonna Hurt

The BC NDP/Green Alliance not only has a knife at the throat of the Alberta NDP, but also at the dreams of every basement dwelling pot smoking planet loving activist from the Coast to Manitoba.

6 Replies to “Oh… That’s Gonna Hurt”

  1. Everybody take a deep breath, the commie alliance may only have a lifetime of weeks at most. It has become clear that the election of Speaker will be troublesome for all.
    It will result in either tie votes, as no sane Liberal will take the job, forcing the Commies to elect one of their own, resulting in ties, unless they break tradition and the Speaker stops being impartial.
    If no Speaker is elected, back to the polls we go. Too bad Christy didn’t resign though, she is the problem.

  2. If I were the Lieutenant Governor and a commie speaker went rogue, I would immediately call an election.

  3. Listening to this, and all I can say is, “Thank God for President Donald J Trump.”

  4. The AB dippers are pretending to support pipelines but in reality oppose them like they always have. Notley says one thing and her hand picked co-chair of the Oil Sands advisory group tzeporah berman says the exact opposite. The truth is the ndp whether from BC, AB or Ontario will all cheer if the KM pipeline fails.
    Notley loves sitting in the big chair in the Premiers office. She will say anything to remain there. The day she gets punted look for her at the very next pipeline protest that takes place. She is a disingenuous phony and any political party that succeeds her should be duty bound to undue the damage she has inflicted on this province and country.

  5. If the Paris accord was about C02 the OPEC nations would have to commit Trillions…but nobody is chasing their OIL…It would be interesting to find out how/who OPEC is funding

  6. One further point. The ndp federally/provincially are one unit. Completely sympatico.
    Berman must operate with special dispensation from notley. She is free to say anything and obviously speaks for the government. No cabinet minister enjoys this freedom.
    Make no mistake about it. The Alberta ndp is speaking out of both sides of it’s mouth. They hate the O&G industry always have always will.
