22 Replies to “Reality: Loser”

  1. Reality?….meet reality. We will be transfering reality to building c …..as in c you later there now reality is a winner an unemployed winner.

  2. Exactly.
    Just watch the leftist media spin her from the admitted lawbreaker to the poor victim.

  3. The real question, is what sort of data she leaked. That’s been carefully concealed, as far as the reports go.

  4. Don’t know what it is, can’t make head or tails of this, as the saying goes.
    Can some smart guy ‘splain?

  5. Sounds like she is a real winner. Hopefully she gets the full term sentence. Although no doubt a high priced lefty lawyer will be hired for her by the progressives.

  6. Her first name is reality?
    her parents must have been pot smoking Hippies disconnected from reality

  7. A google search with ” reality leigh winning” gives zero results yet I have seen this story on at least 3 different blogs and have seen it on facebook.
    but I am not surprised, google is an accomplice of the criminal left.

  8. This REEKS of an Obama-plant … with the sole purpose of LEAKING (supposed) damaging information about President Trump. “Reality” was hired the 1st of February … which is timed almost identically with Obama’s last-minute passage of the new rules demanding ALL intelligence agencies exchange information. Reality was on a MISSION to leak. On a MISSION to undermine President Trump. Shame … Obama shames America.

  9. The leaks supposedly incriminate Russia. Given what MacAfee said, if there are Russian footprints, the Russians didn’t do it – they aren’t that stupid.

  10. I have a 30 something year old plus daughter who worked in many government depts. including work on Kyoto and TPPP and even though they all hated Harper I was told . Sorry Dad those are things I cannot disclose. That was her job and I was so proud of her. She is still moving up the ladder and has the trust she deserves.

  11. Can one believe anything for the CIA/FBI/NSA, who are after all SPY agencies in the business of lying.
    Just more of “the Russians did it” storyline as the Comey show rolls. Once again, no evidence.

  12. The picture of CNN’s Cooper, and his thank-you note…may keep him & CNN in Court for awhile…They will have all communications & transactions
    Not surprised it is a young lady… the Obama mafia connections

  13. You mean the personal information she took the time to put on the “social” media forum…along with a very biased position on a current issue while holding a position in an organization that requires objectiveness? That “Personal” information?

  14. The most interesting thing I thought … at least in the NP story, was that printers can spy on you…I DID NOT know that…!
    Tiny yellow dots that will indicate Serial number, type of printer and date/time the data was printed. Supposedly this is how she was caught.

  15. The reality, Reality, is that you took a Top Secret piece of paper and blew it out to the world.
    The Top Secret piece of paper in-question may not even have been real – it may have been planted by the NSA, to see if somebody would actually do just what you did. It does seem like the sorta’ thing they’d do. But one thing was very real, and completely unarguable – the “Top Secret” stamped-on the top and bottom of the page.
    And another reality, Reality, is that your name is Reality Leigh Winner, not Hillary Clinton – she might get-away with it, but you won’t. You’re going up the river, for a long time – we hope that Hillary will join you there eventually, but there’re lots of other Americans already in that facility serving long sentences for lesser (and less openly egregious) offenses. You don’t have a leg to stand on, and jail will look good on you.
    I wonder – does this mean we can safely ignore Reality for the next ten years? So confused…

  16. Her step father says her status as a usaf veteran means she is a patriot. He knows she is guilty as charged. Prosecute her to the fullest extent of the law.

  17. Although she has a gift for languages, she is clearly not very bright. She should get a lighter sentence is she can implicate any co-conspirators or people who egged her on.
