21 Replies to “This Is FNN”

  1. How many more must die before they stop the talk and take action? Martial law needs to be enacted in order to invade the privacy we all hold dear in a civilized society? We need to get into the violent Islamic communities in order to do it, no more political correctness,call it what it is loud and clear. We need to get rid of people who hate us for who and what we are. We’ve had enough reaction, mourning those innocents killed with flowers and teddy bears and candles gives them more encouragement, they succeeded in killing and terrorizing more infidels in the name of allah.

  2. How many more celebrities will step forward to tell us that “love will conquer hate”
    Stevie Wonder sez that it ain’t “Allah’s” fault ?
    Really ?
    I know he ain’t read the Koran.
    It ain’t funny anymore , not that it ever was, enough already, do the families of these cowards get a cheque every month.
    That is what happens on the West Bank.
    But, but, but the real problem is global argle bargle.
    Yup that and Donald Trump is the problem.
    That fugly very weird comedian holding a severed head, if you don’t know that is wrong you must be a leftard.

  3. Can’ decide who I hate more at this point. The terrorists. Or is it our apologist media with their insane coverage of these atrocities.

  4. In the category of … “things we will never know” … is the question of WHAT would have happened to the USA during WWII, had FDR NOT interned Japanese and surveilled suspicious Italians and Germans ? Who knows what crucial information would have been transmitted to our Attackers ? Yeah, yeah … today’s liberals have completely FORGOTTEN that their Statist HERO FDR, summarily suspended the rights of US citizens and aliens during WARtime.
    Should we round-up all the ILLEGAL aliens, and Muslims and hold them in internment camps ? I suppose it all depends on how you equate slaughter of innocents against the civil rights of those doing the slaughtering. I suppose we will – tolerate – lots and lots of DEAD people … before we intern ONE SINGLE peaceful Muslim.
    I suspect it will take a NUCLEAR act of Terrorism before the equation gets sufficiently out of balance to do what it takes to PROTECT the American people. Nuking a great American city and rendering it uninhabitable for a thousand years MIGHT … just MIGHT wake the squishy leftists from their slumber of denial. And considering how our last Muslim president just enabled the most radical Islamic State in the world to create their OWN Nuclear bombs (both dirty and explosive) … I suspect that this cataclysmic event is approaching much more rapidly than anyone believes.

  5. We would never have won the 2nd World war if we had governments like we have now. During the second World War a 3rd generation German family were visited by the RCMP and interrogated, just on their name alone This family had four sons in the Canadian armed forces, three of them already overseas. That’s how it will have to be done. We know the source of the the murderous scumbags, we need shut up and invoke whatever laws it takes to go after them where they live, work or pray.

  6. The solution to ISIS is very clear, just take away their Paradise…
    We know that Pests & Vermin (YES they are Vermin) are best prevented from reproducing, and they will be eliminated in a generation…
    When a Terrorist has committed his act by blowing himself Up. All Male Members of his family are sterilized (laser zip) Painless, but necessary.
    1. That Muslim Family blood-line will not produce future generations of terrorists..No grandchildren to fight
    2. The terrorist has totally destroyed his families future, which is an Islamic Sin.. No virgins or paradise…Comes back as a Pig
    This does not punish all Muslims & will remove all religious motive..
    The Turks & Russians get somethings right!

  7. As I FIRMLY believe … America has been importing and breeding a VAST underclass that will eventually SINK our country economically. We have accommodated every need of the unqualified and unable, to remain … unqualified and unable. When the taxpayers can no longer support this growing army of TAKERS, there will be Revolution. America will become Venezuela in the blink of an eye. The TAKERS will TAKE – everything. The RICH leftists and politicians will FLEE (like Hugo Chavez’s entire family) with the $ FORTUNES $ they have made from accommodating the Revolutionary underclass Army.
    Muslims and Central Americans are vastly outbreeding native born (white) Americans

  8. the discourse today has hit an all time height of reactionary stupidity. Internment camps? forced sterilization? really???? What could possibly go wrong there?

  9. “reactionary stupidity” is what you get after you use political correct censorship to squelch people’s more mundane opinions.

  10. I have already forwarded this link to a couple of neighbor idiots who still regularly believe the MSM.
    And, as we recently witnessed with the coverage/non-coverage of the Saturday march on Ottawa by Conservatives, this biased behavior is not unique to leftists, though they are the FAKE NEWS PROS. To my knowledge, there is not a single “news source” ANYWHERE that accurately reported the facts of that rally.
    And of course, CNN doubles down on their lies….
    CNN are soooo far down the rabbit hole, I suspect they currently lie to themselves even more than their shrinking audience.

  11. Do tell us … what “went wrong” with Japanese Internment Camps ? Did we NOT WIN WWII ?Other than the outrageous exploitation by some ruthless, greedy, bankers virtually STEALING the land and assets of the internees … each and every Japanese-American reintegrated into American Society and virtually ALL of them became overwhelmingly successful. And, they’ve been PAID reparations – twice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Liberties_Act_of_1988
    I am QUITE CLOSE to one of those Japanese-American families … hence my nom: Kenji. The family LOST their Salinas Valley Farmland, along with all their possessions and money. But when the WAR ended, they returned to college and entered well-paying professions and thrived. A sad chapter ? Of course. But WE didn’t start it … WE just FINISHED it.
    Sometimes … you just have to do … what needs to be done.

  12. Indeed.
    We can talk about what “should” and “needs” to happen till the cows come home. But face it, given Canada’s oversupply of keyboard warriors, there is zero prospect of anything constructive being done until (a) the mobs are howling through the streets of Westmount and Rockliffe Park, or (b) the muzzie-wugs start assassinating the ivory tower trash.
    As proof, I offer October 1970. Turdo la first didn’t give a damn when ordinary folks were falling victim to the FLQ. Only when a member of the inner sanctum was murdered (Pierre Laporte), did he shit his pants, triple his bodyguard, and call in the army.
    That’s how it will have to work with turdo la doo as well, and/or any of these other yellow bellies posing as leaders in most of the western world.

  13. I’ll tell you one thing. I’ve had enough of being told, at yet another candle light memorial or somesuch hand holding, not to be cowed, not to live in fear, it’s just a few crazed fools that have nothing to do with islam – while at the same time being told not to offend islam or they will attack us.
    Well, the muslims are winning; we do live in fear – if not then why all the expensive security everywhere. At the same time muslims kill us, we are suspposed to accept muslims telling us how sad it is; they are already on the path to a superior status.
    On the economic level alone, the muslim terror strategy has caused enormous expense in security delays etc.

  14. the key board intellects in here and my shoe size have something in common, and I have small feet. BUT, this is not new in here, this overt stupidity comes in dribs and drabs, and on several topics, and from different elements, INCLUDING the GG (good god) kristians. Much of the problems we face have been identified, and ignored by the politicians, and religious types. I posted about the Christian “turning the other cheek”, and some idiot must have come back from his mental work out and played key board tuff guy, it just doesn’t get any funnier, and they disparage the “moderate muslims”. The stupid doesn’t get any thicker or deeper!

  15. If I hear one more TV newscaster call terrorism “senseless” I just may go all jihadi myself!
    For fu**’s sake,it makes perfect sense,to them,the perpetrators,it doesn’t have to make sense to the victims,you stupid twats.
    And the sense of it is: every time they do this type of act, our politicians become more cowed,nervous,and afraid,and our alleged intellectual elite (the media) defecate in their trousers and beg us not to be islamophobic,which eventually will lead to special rules,”motions”, then laws,then full sharia law and a complete takeover of the Country by Islam.
    THAT is the goal,it makes perfect sense,AND IT IS WORKING! you dumb f***s!
    Get back to me in 20 years,then you’ll see the “sense” of it all.

  16. the key board intellects in here and my shoe size have something in common, and I have small feet“. Har! (Oops…).
    And you know what they say about that! Over compensate much Mr Tuffy??

  17. I know. I’d like to see some actual model for what can be done without blatantly violating the civil liberties of Canadian citizens. I don’t care about optics; I want to know what can be done under the law.
    Cancelling visas and deporting any non-citizens is a good start, but we’ve given Canadian citizenship away like free candy to so many people, and we know the jihadis increasingly come from second-generation, native-born Muslims. I do wonder if aggressively targeting the non-citizens while hewing to the letter of the law is enough at this point.

  18. nothing can be done under the law. when and if they are successful in killing politicians and or their families, laws will be changed and islam, and all those who follow the death cult will be dealt with in the manner necessary to remove them from all society.

  19. maybe read some history little girl….?
    This is a WAR….what about that don’t you get.??
    Internment camps are EXACTLY what we need in North America.
    As to the State terror supporters, here is what we will do at some point in the future.
    Drop a 5Mton on Medina. Tell these SCUMBAGS, that if one more westerner is killed by a Muslim anywhere on the planet, we will do MECCA, and then Tehran and so on….until at some point, one would hope they get the picture.
    Continue doing as what we are currently doing..?? in 25 years you will see the Crescent Moon Flag on Capital Hill in both our nations with SHARIA for all.

  20. You are 100% bang on the scimitar Don.
    Our elites: Media, Academia and Political consider the Muslim Brotherhood as being a benevolent society….I see them as the Lead Criminals in this Islamic Crusade (The Project), that has been going on in North America since Eisenhower invited them into the White House back in the 50’s….plotting and planning to ensure that the dreams of Hassan al Banna come true.
    And to date, they are still not listed as a Terrorist organization….funny that the UAE does.?? I wonder what it is that they know and we don’t eh.??
