8 Replies to “UK General Election”

  1. The solution to every problem? A tax!
    From the UKIP website:
    “UKIP proposes that a Treasury Commission, using the best brains of that elite Whitehall department, be set up to design a turnover tax for large businesses. Every major company would have to show it had paid a set proportion of its turnover in corporation and other taxes or would face an additional charge to bring it up to the minimum. This would work as a back stop for the tax system and ensure that every big company pays a fair share of tax.”
    As the Mises Institute blog remarked – Want bigger deficits? Vote Republican.

  2. Is UKIP really on the extreme right? Isn’t it just English people who like England? I guess it’s on the extreme right of the British Soviet Socialist Kingdom. They would consider Lenin to be extreme right.

  3. I am with Trump concerning his attitude towards Euroland. Europeans have let the Americans pay for their defence and subsidize their economy for decades. Euros have pontificated on their moral superiority for the same number of decades. Oddly their political stance is mostly progressive. Imagine that.
    American and Canadian soldiers of died in the tens of thousands to defend these countries. I did not agree with Canada in Croatia or Libya. Iraq and Afganistan a weak maybe. Accepting refugees from the area where the religion is openly hostile towards our values is a non starter except for extreme scrutiny with a recognizable benefit to Canada in skills.
    What am I other than another right wing nutbar!

  4. UKIP, like all so called right wing parties suffer from populist whackos ignorant of economics, however their energy policies are the best of the lot. liberal democrats are typical of fatally compromised libertarians (centrists) compromising further with fascists, socialists and green priests resulting is a very mushy watermelon perspective.

  5. UkIP have pretty much imploded – not even standing in South Cambridgeshire where I live. What we’ve got are all basically socialists (including the RINO Tory) or (Green Party) Kamehr Verte. All keen on “Social Justice” and bigger state spending someone else’s money and with zero clue on what will happen if we Brexit without a deal and don’t re-join EFTA.
    (By zero clue I mean that they didn’t even know what a non-tarrif barrier is. You might not, and not know the pain that will follow – but you can google it. These clowns however – including the current MP – pretend they are fit to run a country but don’t even know how this stuff works).
    We are doomed.
