12 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. She never heard that old Russian line….If you play with the bull, you get the horn print?

  2. Too bad SHE didn’t win. Seemed like a sure bet at the time. So now we are NOT going to hear “sexism” 24/7 from the White House … like we heard the White House spout “racism” 24/7 for the last 8 years. So me-GYN has got nothing to peddle … except her cosmetic surgery.

  3. I never saw the interview,but can imagine this was similar to the infamous Katie Couric/Condoleeza Rice interview.
    I doubt very much that Putin actually needs an interpreter,probably speaks English better than most of us here.
    Kelly is an overpaid lightweight. I wonder who she played “Monica” to early in her career to launch said career.

  4. You know mainstream “journalists” in the west are way out of control when you find yourself cheering for the likes of Putin.

  5. Careful, you might get excoriated for saying anything that could be remotely construed as suggesting Putin has some national leader qualities.
    I though Megyn Kelly was alright until she began to show a more progressive bent and when she came out full bore against Trump I dumped her show.

  6. Lets place things into perspective. Vladimir Putin was trained as an intelligence officer in a country that adhered to a rather stringent political ideology. Russia is now going through an intense transformation.
    Megan Kelly was trained as a gorgeous blond who knows how to attract guys like myself who, when seeing her on the big screen, will put the remote down, and watch her perform until the next Chevrolet, Gillette or Coca Cola ad comes and hopefully, we’ll fall for the product that’s being advertised, including the blond and her magazine..
    In the end, Putin was using his intelligence and she was using her looks to achieve their respective goals. To make Russia powerful again, and to turn the United States around to look like the country we used to read about in LIFE and TIME. And the Coke that was advertised on the center page did taste damned good on a hot day.
    Let’s not complicate a simple story.
