46 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person. Like a bellwether glaring and then snapping at a wolf. And then being surprised that the rest of the flock isn’t all that much support.

  2. Shim’s mouth was writing checks shim couldn’t pay. On shims back on one punch. Who’s confused NOW Shimmmottcch ?

  3. And he said unto her the magic words: “Make me!” There is no verbal response to that which makes a damn bit of difference. I think antifas watch a lot of tv/movies where angry person achieves unlikely victories because of attitude.

  4. This girly guy could be going away for some serious time sometime soon. That’s like 4 or 5 assault charges in as many months. Mind you it is the People’s Republic of Portland.

  5. Hahaha…bet it wished it had all its testosterone now. Not that it would have helped.

  6. Did I have to look at that video clip? No.
    Why was I curious? I don’t know.
    Do I go around looking under every rock I see to find what is crawling under it?
    Not after age 11, I haven’t.
    Will you do this again? I hope not.

  7. Most people lose their natural curiosity by age 11. That is why the world is full of boring people.

  8. Hey, c’mon, it’s always good to get the patients out of the institution when the weather’s fine.
    But never scrimp on the burly orderlies and the sedatives when you do. You need to nip any tantrums in the bud.

  9. But, I think I was still into pollywogs.
    Then when I was 13 all the young men began enlisting.
    When I was 14, I was into big band music.
    When I was 15, I was into dancing with young R.N. Fleet Air Arm pupils. (Okay, I looked more mature.)
    Then when I was 16, I was into falling in love with young Fleet Air Arm pupils.
    Then when I was 17, the war was over and that’s when life began to be boring.
    Maybe that’s what we need to keep trannies and whatever they’re called occupied other than making total asses of themselves:
    A real good drag-em all in World War III.

  10. “Maybe that’s what we need to keep trannies and whatever they’re called occupied other than making total asses of themselves:
    A real good drag-em all in World War III.”
    WW III is here now. So far just opening skirmishes and most of our politicians and many of the people have not yet realized it. The sad part is that, as Liz J so aptly calls them, “pack of sick slugs, putrid slime”, never seem to be the ones that take the Queen’s Shilling or the eagle’s droppings.
    Phantom @ 3:36, exactly. Good for him for dropping the piece of filth.

  11. Yes, I know we are, Ken. I think a lot of us on here realize it.
    If you couldn’t laugh, you’d cry, and back in the 40’s we did an awful lot of laughing because life was so uncertain.

  12. Oh, my–such unladylike behaviour…..
    I guess “her” charm school closed closed before “she” could graduate, eh?
    (sarcasm = off)

  13. The thing that leaves me utterly flapping-in-the-breeze gobsmacked is, where does whatever-it-is-this-week GET OFF???
    What gives him (her (it)) the notion that he (she (it)) can behave like that in a regulated society? In a society that he (she (it)) knows has a bill of rights, free speech and freedom to go where one will? In what parallel universe does whatever-he-is imagine he’s (she’s (it’s)) some sort of king or generalisimo who can order people around like that? I find myself fondly wishing two things, from the incident –
    1) Whatever-he-is goes up the river for a goodly while, and not on a luxury canal barge; and
    2) his/her/its friends go up the river too, for obstructing justice and accessories to assault.

  14. Do people like Lucy Elizabeth realize that when Sharia Law becomes the law of the land, she and her friends will have a very untidy death?

  15. So…the ‘gathering’ was an Antifa against White Nationalism protest, and the Black man was told to take off…not welcome…
    What are we missing here folks?

  16. There are ways of dealing with a mouth like that. I won’t print what I’m thinking.

  17. I know a couple of transgender people. You wouldn’t know to look at them–they’re just otherwise regular folks who want to get on with their lives.
    I feel sorry for them, in that they might be lumped in with people like the attention-seeking nut seen in this video. In fact, I wonder if this wacko even is transgendered. Gender reassignment treatment, with or without surgery, sounds like a long haul and I don’t think a physician would be keen on offering it to an unstable person.

  18. She wanted to act like a man and she got her vagina knocked in the dirt! Does not matter in this case
    if it was a real man because they are even bigger pussies than their chicks. I wonder how much time she
    needed in the “Safe Space” with puppies, Play-Doh, and finger paints after that incident?
    And these pathetic creatures fancy themselves “Revolutionaries?”

  19. She wanted to act like a man and she got her vagina knocked in the dirt! Does not matter in this case
    if it was a real man because they are even bigger pussies than their chicks. I wonder how much time she
    needed in the “Safe Space” with puppies, Play-Doh, and finger paints after that incident?
    And these pathetic creatures fancy themselves “Revolutionaries?”

  20. I hate it when absolutely useless freaks force me to reconsider strongly held opinions AGAINST forced sterilization.

  21. forced sterilization?
    They have their own nuts nipped off – and usually expect us to pay for it. A lot of them join the military and have it done for free. Just what we need for victory – an army without testosterone. I suspect it is a lot like a PPCLI corporal I know. You want your $30,000 of dental work done – sign up for another 10 years.

  22. I’m still confused. Is this a man trying to be a woman or a woman trying to be a man. Honestly, I can’t tell. It looks and acts and sounds like a man whose name is Lucy.
    Upon reflection, I suppose that is exactly the point. No one knows for sure.
    This fits:

  23. The epitome of one’s mouth writing cheques that one’s body can’t cash. This SJW has been cradled within its political bubble for so long that it convinced itself that it was tough.

  24. What terrific publicity for an enjoyable vacation in Portland!
    Portland, Maine, that is.
    Or better still: Portland, Ontario.

  25. That was truly enjoyable watching that subhuman waste of flesh get punched in the face. Only thing better, would be if it had been George Foreman or Mike Tyson doing a one punch unconscious body flying through the air thing. A serious face crushing would be funnier, and closer to what is needed.

  26. Poor Lucy didn’t realize those estrogen hormones she’s taking to turn herself into a woman are also turning her muscles into mush.

  27. Smokin’ Joe Frazier with one of his patented left hooks. He knocked Ali silly a couple of times.

  28. Smokin’ Joe Frazier with one of his patented left hooks. He knocked Ali silly a couple of times.

    Those were right hooks.
