20 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Spent many hours as a lil’un enjoying West’s campy character, Batman. Spent almost as many as an adult listening to him voice Mayor Adam West on Family Guy. Will miss his brand of humor. From an article…
    “…… but he and his wife, Marcelle, spent most of their time at their ranch near Sun Valley, Idaho, where he remained in on the joke. An online search of the Sun Valley directory for Adam West results in a prompt to “See Wayne, Bruce (Millionaire),” which results in “Please consult Crime Fighters in the Yellow Pages,” leading to “See Batman,” leading back to Adam West. None have phone numbers.”
    Sadly, there is no more seeing him next time… same bat time… same bat channel.

  2. AGW RIP.
    “Expectations for the G-7 talks were already low,given Trump’s decision on June 1 to withdraw from the Paris agreement that was signed in 2015 by almost 200 nations. His plans to renegotiate a more favorable deal for the U.S. have been rebuffed by the leaders of Germany, France and Italy.”
    “U.S. Environment Chief Exits G-7 Climate Talks in Italy Early
    U.S. environment chief Scott Pruitt is being recalled from Group of Seven climate talks in Italy.
    Pruitt, who as Environmental Protection Agency administrator successfully campaigned for the U.S. to quit the landmark Paris climate agreement, will leave Bologna for a meeting with President Donald Trump just hours after arriving Sunday,…”
    “Merkel’s G-20 Climate Alliance Is Crumbling
    The German chancellor had been hoping to isolate Donald Trump on climate issues at the upcoming G-20 summit in Hamburg. But Merkel’s hoped-for alliance is crumbling, underscoring Germany’s relative political weakness globally. Many countries are wary of angering the United States.”

  3. After posting a comment earlier in the “Killing Comey” thread, I went back to see if there was any reaction but I got this message repeatedly:
    Keep digging.
    (Try the home page”
    Any explanations?

  4. Socialism’s natural end result.
    ““Those were other times, another Venezuela,” Ms. Tovar says, her mouth a bitter line.”
    “Venezuela’s mass anti-government demonstrations enter third month
    Clashes between protesters and security forces have become a deadly cycle and doctors are seeing disturbing patterns in the violence” (grauniad)
    “Cry for Venezuela
    Not so long ago, the country enjoyed a semblance of comfort, security and hope. Today, Stephanie Nolen reports, it is a shambles, the people suffering from inadequate health care, food shortages – and government that appears to be looking out for its own, sometimes brutally”
    “Carmen Tovar remembers the apologies. The doctors who stood around the body of her 17-year-old daughter Nakarid told her they were so very sorry, but the girl had died, and so had the baby she was trying to deliver. We did all we could, the doctors told Ms. Tovar – we’re terribly sorry.”

  5. AGW RIP.
    “At his climate science critical website, Die kalte Sonne, Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt says the USA has de facto “begun the exit out of the Paris Climate Accord“, or PREXIT, and that among world leaders at least Donald Trump comprehends that natural factors are at play in climate.”
    “No sign of healing in G7 climate change rift”
    “The United States’ partners in the G7 club of wealthy democracies vowed Sunday to pursue efforts to curb climate change despite a rift caused by the American withdrawal from the Paris accord.”
    “Trump Correct To Reject…Founder Of German Environmental Movement Calls Paris Accord A Bad Deal!”
    “One of the founders of Germany’s modern environmental movement and a former renewable energies executive has publicly announced that President Donald Trump’s rejection of the Paris Accord is the right thing to do.”

  6. A pimp gets a Liberal government contract to supply pharmaceuticals to Indian reserves? That’s not news – just business as usual. As Brian Mulroney said about a Liberal, Bryce Mackasey I think – “There’s no whore like an old whore.”

  7. In all seriousness, Adam West and the schmaltzy, campy, Batman TV series were the modern day equivalent of Grimms Fairy Tales. Stories of morality and the penalties paid when doing evil. It is actually sad that our society moves further and further from such instruction. Instead, we tolerate and enable the thugs of Antifa, and BLM.
    RIP Adam .. you taught a generation well.

  8. And right on cue one of the nostalgia channels runs the 3part Batman with Joker and Penguin. Featuring the delectable Terry Moore as Venus. Pushing 40 and rocking that red minidress. Snort

  9. Tampering in the UK election? With the EU run by one-world-government globalists? Naaaah!
