The Towering Inferno

The recent Labour Manifesto:

Labour will insulate four million homes as an infrastructure priority to help those who suffer in cold homes each winter. This will cut emissions, improve health, save on bills, and reduce fuel poverty and winter deaths.

And the Lib-Dem Manifesto

Ensuring that four million properties receive insulation retrofits by 2022, prioritising fuel-poor households.

Grenfell Tower

29 Replies to “The Towering Inferno”

  1. “The UK is suddenly in a dreadful mess. Over crowded. Insufficient housing. Near bankrupt. Dead woman walking PM. The only solution for these poor quality tower blocks is to start again.”-Euan Means
    From the informed comments following linked article.
    That quote should be the dailymail headline.

  2. Reading the PRINTED “evacuation” plan posted in the Grenfell Tower is SHOCKING. When evacuating your unit … “close the door behind you.” What !?
    In EVERY multi-family Residential building in America … of ANY number of stories … the CORRIDORS are part of a SUPERIOR Fire-protected EXIT system. The corridors are 1-hour (or greater) Fire Rated, and EVERY door opening onto that corridor has a SELF-CLOSING mechanism (to protect the corridor envelope). Further, each of those doors are equipped with DRAFT SEALS and THRESHOLDS that prevent smoke infiltration. In addition, the Corridor system (including vertical Stairwells) are required to have POSITVE air pressure which keeps smoke from penetrating
    What IN THE HELL do the Brits use for a Building Code ? I KNOW that the IBC (International Building Code) requires the same EXIT Corridor protection. Does the UK not use/adopt the IBC ?
    The Corridors and Stairwells … and all other components of the EXITING system are REQUIRED to provide SUPERIOR FIRE PROTECTION to the dwelling units. The SAFEST place to be in a residential building SHOULD BE the corridors and stairwells. The SAFEST course of action is to GET THE HELL OUT of the building ASAP (no panicking please).
    The UK building codes seem closer to that of rural Afghanistan than Western civilization.

  3. Yuri (Dr. Zhivago): “… yes, this is a better arrangement comrade … more “just” …”

  4. … and of course … the unit doors onto the Corridors … are FIRE RATED doors (bearing the UL labels certifying them as so). Usually 1-hr Fire Rated doors. Self-closing.

  5. Someone should enquire as to why the cost of heating fuel is so high that exterior cladding was deemed necessary, and who made a fortune on insulation, and which political party received the “donations” from the contractor. Then punch a Green.

  6. So, the shanty-town building they use to hold the replacements for the British people burned down, and now the left is using that as a pretext to impose more financial burden on the British people, or maybe overthrow the government…
    I imagine one of the illiterate savages couldn’t use a stove, so he built a fire in the oven, or something along those lines.
    In short, I couldn’t care less.

  7. The Greens only worry about collateral damage unanticipated consequences when they are caused by a project they oppose. The only thing that matters to them is that little snail darter, that just might not survive if the temperature goes up half a degree.

  8. EXACTLY ! The UK “green”-government created ENERGY-POVERTY … which is choking-off economic activity as more and more personal $$$ income is directed to usurious ENERGY costs. So … the solution is to LINE the POCKETS $$$$$ of ever-more “green” Contractors (read: Green political cronies) to “solve” the problem they created. Sounds like the “broken window” Socialist economic theory.

  9. This is what happens when technical policy is driven by politics and not sound engineering principles. Optics is everything while proper safe function becomes a missing nice-to-have. A large majority of engineers I know would reject green government categorically as anti-common sense…which is why so much of what the greenies come up with is unsafe unstable inefficient uber-costly crap. The Lefties really have no clue on doing anything right.

  10. Kenji, you sound like you are about to explode, which is kind of like how I feel. But how do you stop this band wagon? Started by Al Gore with his commic book? In the UK our kids have been taught in primary school for years that CO2 causes global warming. In the UK there are probaly no deaths that can be attributed to manmade climate change but probably several hundred linked to efforts to try and prevent it.

  11. The FALSEHOOD of A. Global Warming is my #1 issue. Yeah, it gets my panties in a twist. Because it is ALL LIES … as you say … disseminated throughout the entire globe (here in the USA too) by elementary and middle school teachers who have fully indoctrinated a couple generations of children to believe that their mothers and fathers are actively KILLING them with every SUV trip to dance class or soccer (futball) practice. And the proposed solution is a return to 3rd world status for the entire 1st world. And a return of ALL our $$$$$ into the hands of unelected bureaucrats (did YOU vote for a single member of the IPCC ?).
    And the so-called “green” FLAMMABLE refrigerant which led to a refrigerator EXPLOSION, FIRE, mid-rise building conflagration, and mass DEATH is … quite sickening. It reminds me of when the State of CA insisted that ALL California’s gasoline be reformulated to include MTBE. As is typical of the “green”, “environmental” anti-global warming decrees … nobody calculated the “unintended consequences” of their malignant decision. Well … after years of burning the mandated MTBE-laden gasoline throughout California … it was discovered that the gasoline additive was POISONING our water supply as the MTBE settled onto open reservoirs, lakes, and streams. The anti-science “green” scientists with the CA Air Quality bureaucracy deliberately, and systematically POISONED our water. POISONED ALL of California’s water !!! Why ? well … it was to “clean” the air of Co2.
    Global Warming = DEATH
    Not from the actual warming of the globe … but from the FAKE greens who are using the ruse to STEAL $$$ and RUIN lives. Arrrgghhhhh !!!!

  12. The ‘rules’ are more important than the escape process.
    About 20 years ago we had an I’ll fated airline launch a national service. Vista jet. I boarded in the east and sat next to the emergency exit. The gal came by and asked me if I was comfortable with my responsibility should a crisis arise. I told her I’d been in a plane wreck and she could count on me. She told me that if I had to open the door that I should hang onto the door as it was worth $1

  13. Indeed, no word yet on whey they are planing to round up the kulaks or where the gulag is to be located.

  14. Bureaucrats and bureaucracies are about process; outcomes are irrelevant. As long as the TPS forms are filled out on time, and in great enough number, the bureaucracy is satisfied.
    The evidence has always been there. Without fail, people always vote for more.

  15. Ummm … uh … yeaaahhh … The Council Housing Authority will be issuing the final TPS report outlining why this housing block burned so rapidly. It’s still early, but it appears that the entire conflagration was due to … “user error”. It seems that some of the African and middle eastern foods reacted badly with the greenpeace refrigerant … so there shall be no more Gamalkah stored in Council housing refrigerators.

  16. Like when Pol Pot’s teenagers slit the throats of the kneeling victims and said to them, “It is for the good of the people”.
    Kenji, well said, every time.
    A whole lot more people’s lives will be sacrificed and financially beggared to Al Gore’s Gaia religion, including Canadians to IQ80’s carbon tax.
    Sid Vicious, yes, my gpa and my wife’s gpa experienced that “more just” society and would extremely lament the political drift in that direction today.

  17. Actually, MTBE was never a really bad gasoline additive. Not only is it not particularly toxic (in spite of the gnashing of teeth and the rending of garments by the Greens), it has a very nasty taste and odor at pretty low levels. If the MTBE gasoline contaminated groundwater, you would know it very quickly. Without the MTBE, you could drink quite a lot of benzene in your water before anyone tumbled to the fact it was contaminated.
    The Corn-Ethanol lobby killed MTBE, because it was a much better octane enhancer, and provide excellent lean-burn properties as well. Also, you didn’t have to worry that a tiny bit of stray water in your tank would cause the gas and ethanol to separate.

  18. All that horror and mayhem occurring regularly in London is the result of Liberal think.
    Bringing in the 3rd world hordes of low IQ and violent muslim and Africans …. well .. what the hell did they expect would happen.
    Soon is will be Mad Max everywhere.
    “Never give up your guns” – Aristotle.

  19. The deadly fire that broke out at Grenfell Tower was caused by a faulty fridge in the fourth-floor apartment owned by Behailu Kebede. He reportedly attempted to warn other residents about the blaze in his kitchen, potentially saving lives.
    Maryann Adam, who lived next door to Mr Kebede, said he had woken her to warn her about the fire. “It was exactly 12.50am because I was sleeping.”
    “The fire was small in the kitchen. I could see it because the flat door was open. There was no alarm.”
    The fire engulfed the building within a short period of time.
    What I’m asking is this: Since Mr. Kebede contacted the police and fire services immediately, how did the fire engulf the building in such a short time. Forget the cladding for the moment. How did a small fire in one apartment spread so quickly?
    It is said he packed a suitcase and left the apartment, which means he didn’t consider his life was in danger.
    Photos of the residents posted in today’s Daily Mail are heartbreaking.

  20. anything suggested or planned by any government should always be suspect.

  21. Doncha know that “Green” is way more important than a fire suppression sprinkler system?

  22. It turns out that Greenpeace is responsible for the “Green freeze” refrigerators in Britan that started, and fueled, the Greenfell tower fire. They use propane and butain as refrigerant.
