One Word

All monies from Saskatchewan business, municipalities and people should be run through the Provincial gov’t before being handed over to the Feds. Basically, be Quebec because you’re making empty threats unless you’ve the ability to turn off the money spigot.
Having said that, if Saskatchewan doesn’t want to pay into the federal GST kitty via carbon tax, which we don’t, then we shouldn’t whine if the Feds decide to hold back some contributions from PEI.
Be Danny Williams to this infantile regime, remember the PITA he was for PM Harper?

25 Replies to “One Word”

  1. Boy, being compared to Danny the health hypocrite – how would a guy ever live that one down? I mean, what could be worse? Copps? Boudria?

  2. I don’t give two f’s about anything east of the Manitoba/Ontario border anyway. Also, I want Quebec gone, none of this keep Canada together BS.

  3. “All monies from Saskatchewan business, municipalities and people should be run through the Provincial gov’t before being handed over to the Feds.”
    1. Provincial governments have no constitutional authority to interfere with Federal taxation (just as the Federal government has no constitutional authority to interfere with provincial taxation). This includes Québec.
    2. Federal taxation isn’t levied against provinces; it’s levied against Canadians and corporations regardless of where they live in Canada.
    I completely agree that the Federal revenue outputs in question here (the carbon tax infrastructure bribes, er, payments) are political extortion but provinces can’t stop Ottawa from handing out Federal revenues anyway they want.
    I’m afraid it’s up to Canadian voters to do that at the ballot box.

  4. Firewall is not enough. The real, big, beautiful wall with few line of barb wire and mine fields in-between would be needed at Manitoba/Ontario border to stop future migration from Eastern Canada.

  5. Don’t forget, one of the major reasons Danny Williams was such a PITA was because the media rallied behind him every time he took a personal swipe at Harper.
    Wall, in contrast, would be undermined at every turn by the exact same media for daring to defy the Liberal/socialist way.
    I say, go for it anyways!

  6. Sask helped infect the rest of the country with the socialist disease…they’re getting their own back. Wall is a socialist, anyway…he’s just quibbling over the kind of socialism, he’s all for welfare funding from the Feds. He who pays the piper calls the tune…get over it.

  7. I seem to remember a policy where a certain province could opt out of a federal program and receive the funds that would otherwise be their share directly. No reason why Sask can’t receive the same consideration.
    In addition, Premier Wall could make it an issue with all the Sask Liberal caucus as to why Sask is being shortchanged. As the entire Sask liberal caucus consists of Goodale it will be a short conversation.

  8. Plus one. Agree wholeheartedly.
    Whenever I point it out, I get the untestable hypothesis response: “but imagine how bad it would be if the other guys were in charge”. The other guys basically are in charge; it’s Wall’s 50% unreliable power socialists vs the 30% unreliable power socialists. When Maoists fight Stalinists, we lose. If only Canada or Saskatchewan could get Margaret Thatcher… or Ayn Rand. Or freaking anybody who doesn’t believe it’s the job of government to care for people.

  9. The federal government has no Constitutional authority to impose income tax.

  10. “The federal government has no Constitutional authority to impose income tax.”
    Section 91 Paragraph 3 of the Constitution Act, 1867:
    “91. It shall be lawful for the Queen, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate and House of Commons, to make Laws for the Peace, Order, and good Government of Canada, in relation to all Matters not coming within the Classes of Subjects by this Act assigned exclusively to the Legislatures of the Provinces; and for greater Certainty, but not so as to restrict the Generality of the foregoing Terms of this Section, it is hereby declared that (notwithstanding anything in this Act) the exclusive Legislative Authority of the Parliament of Canada extends to all Matters coming within the Classes of Subjects next hereinafter enumerated; that is to say:
    3. The raising of Money by any Mode or System of Taxation.”

  11. “92A. (1) In each province, the legislature may exclusively make laws in relation to (a) exploration for non-renewable natural resources in the province; (b) development, conservation and management of non-renewable natural resources and forestry resources in the province, including laws in relation to the rate of primary production therefrom; and (c) development, conservation and management of sites and facilities in the province for the generation and production of electrical energy.”
    The federal government has no authority to shut down the oil sands as Trudeau said he will do.
    “(4) In each province, the legislature may make laws in relation to the raising of money by any mode or system of taxation in respect of (a) non-renewable natural resources and forestry resources in the province and the primary production therefrom, and (b) sites and facilities in the province for the generation of electrical energy and the production therefrom, whether or not such production is exported in whole or in part from the province, but such laws may not authorize or provide for taxation that differentiates between production exported to another part of Canada and production not exported from the province.”
    The federal government has no authority to shut down coal fired power plants as Trudeau said he will do.

  12. heh.
    I guess I shouldn’t have skipped section 91 and just read 92.

  13. Opting out and still getting the dough only applies to quebek. The ROC gets penalized. It’s designed to bring you to heel.

  14. Separation, at the Manitoba / Ontario border. straight through to the north pole.

  15. yah marc, we will send Wynnbag to you to run the joint. Nutley may not be up to the job

  16. Bingo!
    Wall should tell IQ80 to shove it in the same place that IQ 80 has his head. Hopefully Manitoba’s new government hangs in there and also fights this carbon tax fraud.

  17. I saw the Nut Job on CBC explaining that all the Money collected from a Province will be returned to that Provence… That is called a NULL transaction.. (Enticement) that is used to FOOL provinces into agreeing to allow the Fed’s to tax Carbon… Once done, Sask is done & all future money will go to Ontario & Quebec
    Null transactions are nonsense…

  18. “…all the Money collected from a Province will be returned to that Provence… That is called a NULL transaction..”
    Yes. Still waiting for anyone to ask Prime Minister Castreau, “With what funds will you pay the people who collect all this carbon tax and process it and refund every penny to the people from whom it was taken? And how much carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere in the process of producing the energy to heat their homes, and offices, and power their computers and transport them to and from work, etc?”

  19. What a novel idea that the books of the nation be opened for citizen review. Equalization payments are regularly trotted out by Westerners as an example of actual inequality of accountability. Equalization is an obvious slush fund to garner progressive votes in the east.
    Why stop there? ‘Follow the money’ is what I tell my kids. That is the absolute last thing that easterners want to have happen in Canada. The economy of Canada is fully structured to subsidize the east. The true extent is multi faceted and hid from ctizens by both Liebel and CPC governments. It will not be debated as it would alienate Westerners beyond the verbal BS we seem contented to do. The so called backbone of the CPC Harper governments made no attempt to enter a national discussion during their 10 years of government.
    The idea that Western provinces collect all taxes and remit to Ottawa is absurd? Well Quebec does most of that already. The same way they sell $ billions of hydro power to the USA without the funds being included in Equalization calculations. How about the Dairy Marketing Board that is skewed hugely in Quebec’s favor. That nugget has plagued trade negotiations for decades and cost Western Canadians $ Billions in lost export sales.
    It might appear that I focus on Quebec but the Maritimes are even worse on a per capita basis. We all know that Ontario orchestrates the infrastructure that facilitates these payments. It maintains their ability to keep control and skim their piece of the action.
    For the reasons above I do not expect Canada to survive a fiscal collapse that is long overdue. Financial stress inevitably leads to hard looks and the joke that is Canada will wilt.

  20. “The federal government has no authority to shut down the oil sands as Trudeau said he will do.”
    “The federal government has no authority to shut down coal fired power plants as Trudeau said he will do.”
    You seem to have opted for dangling red herrings as a debating tactic. I don’t believe the discussion here was over the Federal government’s “authority to shut down the [oil sands/coal fired power plants] as Trudeau said he will do”.
