Operation Russian Bear

CNBC: Russia’s Defense Ministry claimed on Friday it had killed the Islamic State leader, Ibrahim abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, as well as up to 330 other fighters with an air strike on Raqqa at the end of May.

26 Replies to “Operation Russian Bear”

  1. oh! oh ! Trump once dropped bombs on ISIS!…and now Russia has dropped bombs on ISIS! that can not be just a coincidence! there is obviously some sort of collusion between Trump and Russia! quick! let’s open an inquiry on Trump!

  2. Russia has accomplished more in defeating ISIS in 1 year than Obama did in 8 years. The new Trump strategy of encirclement and starvation in Syria and Iraq has been much lauded by the USA military but of course no coverage by MSM.

  3. Note how the various Syrian “human rights” organizations had classified the casualties in this raid as “Civilians”. Technically true I suppose.

  4. Indeed … Putin is not afraid of the Wolf … and will parade thru the streets of Moscow with the head of Al Baghdaddi in a noose … on Young Pioneers Day !
    PS … nor is President Trump (afraid of the Wolf) … however he will eschew the parade thing

  5. I can already see CNN’s Breaking News header….
    Attack on ISIS leaders proof that Putin and Trump conspired to promote Islamophobia.

  6. Russians have been fighting Muslims – successfully – since the Siege of Kazan in 1552. Tatars, Turks, Chechens – they all try the same terrorist tactics, and find that the Russians outdo them at terror.
    As for the US “leadership”, such as it is, it is pro-ISIS. They are not our allies.

  7. The next time you here Miss Lindsy Graham or John Insane McCain say “Russia is our greatest threat” now you know why.

  8. “As for the US “leadership”, such as it is, it is pro-ISIS. They are not our allies.”
    Just like the French, British, German, etc, leadership.

  9. “… Miss Lindsey Graham …” BEAUTIFUL !! I wonder if Shim has … fully … transitioned ?

  10. LOL
    “Islam is an outstanding element of Russia’s cultural makeup, an integral, organic part of our history,”
    “Some analysts of Christianity say Orthodoxy is in many respects closer to Islam than to the Catholics,”
    Can you find out by yourself who said those words?

  11. kristianity, jewdaism, and Muslimism, all have the same roots, and they are in the old testicalment. Fact is many early moques were run by rabbis. Also, in madern time very orthodox jews treat their wimin about the same as muzzies do

  12. they are in the old testicalment
    You fellahs are always thinking of your testicles aren’t you? Islam is a mere adulterated bastardization of the Christian/Jewish texts and no, you won’t hear a thing about ragheads and their moon god in the Old Testicular.

  13. Yeah that’s nice. Missed my point by a mile, but hey, at least you got to fulfill your daily quota of religion bashing. Never mind you’re talking to an atheist, give yourself a gold star (just be careful it is not the star of David or things may get awkward).

  14. and you miss when yer just being used as a prop. I don’t really give a shit about blowhards like you, butt you sure can be entertaining, even when yer loud. You and 99 should meet, 2 assholes in a pod.

  15. I must admit … there are times I would like to go all Old Testament on your atheist ass ! A real book of Joshua pre-medieval slaughtering … but then I remember Christ told me to LOVE you and embrace you. That LOVING my enemies is like heaping hot coals upon their head. So NME of Christ … I love you maaaan. I pray for you maaaan. I wish your life to be filled with sweetness and light. May you be blessed by the God you ignore and mock. Blessed 7×70 times with wealth, joy, love, and contentment. Of course you will claim complete and total authorship of your success … but that’s OK. Death will deliver all the answers … or none … your choice. Unlike Islam which forces conversion at the point of the sword … the God of Abraham gives YOU the choice of belief or disbelief. The God of Abraham sets you FREE. Judeo-Christianity is FREEDOM and LIBERTY. Christ came to set you FREE. Your choice to Love, Hate, or be indifferent. God waits, with open arms … not arms (as in weapons) that would strike you dead. It’s all up to you. You shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall set you FREE.

  16. Given that Mr. Putin is responsible for the deaths of some 250,000 Muslims in Chechnya I’ll cut him a little slack.

  17. You know people, who can’t control their obsession with irrelevant topic and feel the need to insert it into every discussion are usually not considered very smart…

  18. Yeah you haven’t studied the Chechen wars and the FSB inspired growth of wahabism following the first war (that wasn’t about Islam btw)? As for ethnic clenching and genocide perpetrated by the pootinista yunta in Chechnya, being a good thing…
    Islam is flourishing in Russia under Pootin’s rule. It is growing at a rate higher than anywhere in EU and Pootin has praised it repeatedly.
