14 Replies to “What Would We Do Without Experts?”

  1. “anti-government activism that characterized the early years of the Obama presidency”
    I don’t recall any Democrats being shot by McCain or even Palin supporters.

  2. I think he is taking about the TEA party. Do you remember all of the violence at their rallies? Yeah, me neither?

  3. Gabby Giffords was shot by a nutcase but he was in no way a Republican or even vaguely right wing.

  4. I have ZERO fear … ZERO … of being assaulted by ANY so-called “right-wing” Terrorist group. However, perhaps since I live minutes-away from the Antifa HOT ZONES of Oakland and UC Berkeley … I am MUCH MORE afraid of the black-scarf brigade of leftist losers riding BART into MY town and smashing things. Did this “expert” even mention The Antifa, or George Soros by name ? Yeah, didn’t think so.
    This “domestic terrorism” expert was obviously hired by Janet Napalitano (Big Sis) … and has been fully indoctrinated by her HATE for conservatives, and defense of radical Islam.

  5. No Muslims carried out any terrorist attacks. Weren’t those all disgruntled employees?

  6. Jared Loughner was a registered Democrat at the time he shot Gabby Giffords(considered a bluedog Democrat).
    I can remember at the time one of his many reasons for shooting her was that, she didn’t vote for Nancy Pelosi for Minority leader following the 2010 mid term elections.

  7. Leftist violence is a normal part of day-to-day life in the west now, just like Islamic violence. Do try to keep up.

  8. The really bad thing is that we may have passed the point of no return, without realizing it. I cannot see how the hard-core Left would ever dial back their quest to regain power in government. I cannot see the conservative Right ceding any ground without a fight. I suppose the news media could stop it, but they seem to choose cheerleading for their side, instead.

  9. The hard core Left will be winnowing and selecting their hard core terrorists, just like they did in the 1960’s and 1970’s when the radical fanatics in the peaceful Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) broke off and created the Weatherman Underground.
    Expect this to get worse. I remember 1965-1975 when entire sections of cities burned. Later we had the Weatherman Underground blowing stuff up, along with the SLA, Panthers, and a bunch of Puerto Rican terrorists too.

  10. I have been saying this for quite some time now. Some of the media like MSNBC is purposely fomenting this and most of the rest are pretending it is not happening. A few voices on Fox are warning.
    And, I expect that rd is right about this will get worse.
    Does anyone know what Alynski and Ayers are up to lately?

  11. Gabby Giffords’ shooter would more than likely be a Bernie supporter today.
