13 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. PET Cemetery Report.
    Liberal Justine say, Moi am not now a commie useful idiot; nor, have Moi ever been a commie useful idiot.
    Trump rolls back Obama legacy
    “Trump keeps rolling back Obama legacy by tightening travel and trade with Cuba
    The new rules will stop individual travel to Cuba and seek to restrict the flow of payments to the many Cuban companies owned by the regime’s security forces” (grauniad)
    “Fidel Castro dies. Justin Trudeau issues statement. Much hilarity ensues.”

  2. Remember that complaint by leftists about Harper saying “You won’t recognize Canada when I am done”. Then he proceeded to do things like restore the picture of the Queen in Embassies, clean up waiting lists in immigration, lower taxes, etc. etc. — all good. Anybody recognize Canada now that Liberals are in charge? Increasingly, the only thing in our country with a familiar ring is the Liberal abuse of the taxpayer.

  3. Kate: Not showing up to riot is a failed conservative policy.
    Ace: It is imperative we begin emulating the left in its tactics.
    Ace’s Declaration of War.
    Whoa! http://ace.mu.nu/archives/369999.php
    As we all know stopping bullies is a very simple, low-risk undertaking:
    fight back in the same manner but with double the force and watch the cowards fold. As someone recently opined those fascist “antifa” are mostly beta males. I say go alpha on their bony beta asses.
    “It’s not who we are” is the dumbest phrase in the English language.
    It only makes sense in response to the phrase “be smart”.

  4. “‘See if you can take the social-justice warriors out at the top,’ Jordan Peterson says”
    Kathleen Wynne is a radical leftist who wants to tear down the things that made Ontario, Canada and the West great, University of Toronto psychologist Jordan Peterson told a crowd assembled by Tory MPP Randy Hillier in Carleton Place on Thursday night.
    “If she had a shred of integrity, she’d resign,” Peterson said to applause, from a riser in a corner of a second-floor ballroom at the town arena.
    “See if you can take the social-justice warriors out at the top,” he advised.”

  5. Perhaps it’s because the complexity is difficult to distill; maybe it’s because some just can’t give President Trump any credit; or perhaps it’s because the scope is too challenging to comprehend against the constant belittlement meme du jour. Regardless of reason, President Trump is fundamentally realigning international geo-political alliances and almost no-one is connecting the dots.

  6. Liberal Wynnetario.
    Liberalism kills.
    “Dead. Six feet under, or in a jar on a shelf.”
    “Desperate Ottawa man turns to Germany for cancer care — ‘It’s not a bad tooth'”
    “Macmillan — who has advised Elmas and others, including former Ottawa Rough Rider Rick Sowieta — was asked this week where he’d be without the trip to Germany.
    “Dead. Six feet under, or in a jar on a shelf.””

  7. AGW RIP.
    Close call for TO … AGW to the rescue.
    “Tornado warning issued for Toronto, parts of GTA
    CityNews – ‎1 hour ago”
    “Tornado warning called off in Toronto, GTA
    CBC.ca – 23 minutes ago”

  8. If this isn’t irony, it’s comedy.
    Since the beginning of the year 2017, German police have counted just under 9000 illegal immigrants in that country. In 2016, 167,500 illegal immigrants entered Germany. That’s the one’s they’re aware of. Common sense would have it that border control officers would be keeping a watchful eye on seaports, airports and border crossings for certain suspects who fit the description of illegals. Instead, they’ve located and confiscated 35 metric tons of Fidgets.
    Their main concern?? Small parts could fall off the popular toy and present a choking hazard for little children! The toys will be crushed. Meanwhile, illegals are entering Germany in hordes.
    Illegals entering Germany.

  9. Now now LindaL. Where have you been??
    Here is one example of a fine young man who is now enjoying a fruitful life, thanks to Mr. Trudeau and Co. and their new policies on gender and freedom of expression.

  10. “A whole lot of people owe Kellie Leitch an apology”
    “Now I get that Leitch lost, but it’s still odd that she’s completely disappeared from the liberal media hit list and now the previously harmless Scheer has taken her spot as top ogre.
    Maybe the liberal-friendly media never truly believed the, er, psychic insights they discerned about Leitch and spoon fed to their audience.
    Maybe it was just because they always need to find a conservative to cast as an evil villain, regardless of the facts.
    And if that’s true, a whole hell of a lot of people in the liberal media owe Kellie Leitch a very big apology for playing this dirty game on her.”
