13 Replies to “Showing Up To Riot”

  1. The leftist asks, “…ever watched a play or read Shakespeare?’.
    Yes, quite a number in fact, but not the Proletkult versions.

  2. I support the First Amendment right of these performers as members of the institutional left to mock up the assassination of Trump. It tells us all who they are behind a facade of “art”. Too bad there would have been no reciprocal support for the right of someone to do a similar mock assassination of Obama, assuming anyone on the “right” had the equivalent poor taste. The magic negro had institutional protection from his secret past, his philosophy, his numerous meetings with scumbags, his deceit and lies, his unconstitutional behavior, his treasonous international agreements, his disregard for the rule of law and his contempt for half of the nation. But Trump might have talked to a Russian once………..

  3. I wish President Trump had talked to Valerie Jarret so there could be a full fledged investigation how Iran swung the previous election for Obama.
    Just saying….

  4. The REAL problem with this argument is that is LIBERALS who do not read the Bard. Illiteracy is their excuse for
    embracing political ideologies derived from termites and ants! My mother was a book whore who had me reading at a
    2nd to 3rd-grade level when I entered Kindergarten. I was wolfing down classic and contemporary literature like
    French Fries as a teenager. It is safe to say that I had read more books by the time I was a 14 than ANY Mileannel
    is likely to read in his or her lifetime!

  5. Too bad there would have been no reciprocal support for the right of someone to do a similar mock assassination of Obama, assuming anyone on the “right” had the equivalent poor taste.
    Except there was.

  6. yes, my 12 year can quote obscure Shakespearean plays, fun watching her take adults down a notch

  7. The Demobrats, deep state totalitarians and other assorted fruit flies buzz about, is it the scent of Trump imPEACHment or imPEARment attracting them?
    “The left is simply perverse lunacy pampered and protected by cynical cadres who use it as a source of power, wealth, and prestige.  This sick madness leads leftists to do profoundly stupid and evil things.  This sick madness also leads the left to political suicide and revulsion by the majority of Americans.”
    What if one of the crazy leftists takes a shot at President Trump or tries again to kill important Republican congressional leaders?  What if he seriously wounds the president?  What if – God forbid! – some demented leftist actually kills our president?”
    The response of the vast majority of America would be strong, clear, and devastating.  When Kennedy was assassinated, even though no Republican had called for harm to him, Democrats went from having an incumbent president likely to lose re-election to a party that won the 1964 election by a landslide.  No one dared even criticize Kennedy for a generation.”
    The left lacks any real rhetorical attack on the policies of Trump, so only the person of Trump is the target, intending to frighten or intimidate a mature billionaire president who has doubtless been threatened by bad guys before and clearly is unimpressed with threats.  While injuring or killing Trump would privately delight perhaps the 14% of Americans who describe themselves as “very liberal,” the 63% who call themselves “moderate” or “somewhat conservative” or “very conservative” would be appalled, and half the 24% who call themselves “somewhat liberal” would be ashamed and disgusted.”
    Leftists will have no place to hide, no excuse of any worth, no alibi of any sort if a conservative leader is killed for his beliefs and his political intentions.”
    Americans – at least all the conservatives and moderates, who are the overwhelming majority – will see leftism as a mental disorder … and will demand that the left be denied power not only in government, but in those institutions of society which are leftism’s secret source of power.”
    The left’s very dangerous game, this awful game of physical intimidation and attempted murder of conservatives, is something all of us ought to hope leftists quit – for the sake of the nation and for the sake of their souls.”

  8. I really shouldn’t publicly express my innermost fears and prognostications … but the currently insane LEFT has driven me to say that I actually EXPECT some LOON (similar to the unemployed home inspector) to actually try to assassinate … Barron … Trump. Yep. that is just how far I believe the depravity of the LEFT has cratered. Hint: I think they learned and admired this technique by observing their “philosophical partners” – radical Islam.
