The World Won’t Run Out of Stupid People

“Certainly, a genuine and real epiphany could be being realized amongst American youth. They may identify the baby boomer and Gen X professorial and teacher class for the generational vampires they are. But this is only the smart youth, and they are outnumbered by the
participation trophy
“my teacher is my BFF”
trench coat wearing
“I’m a high school vegan”
slop that is being mass-produced by today’s teachers and parents. Worse, as I’ve said before, these sheep are completely sold college as not only a Utopian Nirvana, a place where they “finally” can graduate to and find their place in life, but a birthright, and entitlement that their then-17 year old lives have nothing else to live for. With such a large and establishing infrastructure brainwashing these kids, with such a tasty and addictive lie, it doesn’t matter how many smarter students are red-pilled on the fringes via the alternative media, nuclear families, present fathers, or even my book, there is ALWAYS going to be sheep, willingly lining themselves up to be slaughtered at the altar of Big Education.”

9 Replies to “The World Won’t Run Out of Stupid People”

  1. One reason for that is, as was said in the original article, education became a consumer item, a commodity to be packaged, marketed, and sold.
    I noticed that while I was a post-secondary educator. I was reminded of it during my Ph. D. convocation ceremony when the university president addressed the audience as if he was a board chairman making a speech to shareholders at a company’s annual general meeting.
    The emphasis was not on instilling knowledge, insight, and wisdom, a passing of the torch, so to speak. Instead, it was “the student as customer”. While I was teaching, it seemed that whatever whim or desire my students had, I was obligated to cater to.
    My teaching job ended nearly 15 years ago. It had become absurd when I left. I shudder to think what it must be like now.

  2. You’re missing something. LibDem Governments, by making 4 years education an expected entitlement, get to keep entire generations out of the workforce (in which there are no jobs) for 4 years and get the students to borrow hundreds of thousands to pay the salaries of politicians fellow bolshie travelers.
    One more LibDem scam.

  3. Please don’t give up on our youth.
    I have two daughters in their mid-twenties, currently fighting hard to establish/maintain careers in that economic NDP wasteland called Alberta. I believe the school system would have failed them without our schooling at home. I submit their literacy in both math and English is due as much to our extra training as it was with their teachers. The enormous power of Teacher’s Unions are a cancer to our education systems, IMO.
    I have always kept a dialogue open with them re: politics with the general tone of NOT TRUSTING any politician. Imagine my surprise and delight when my youngest daughter and a group of her friends approached me to find out what Fox News was all about. They NEEDED to know why they were being told two different stories and the world of partisan journalism was explained to them. Today, these young adults are smarter and more astute than some of my fellow baby-boomers.
    You know, I friggin’ hate sweeping generalizations. Millenials are all this, Muslims are all that, Atheists are all this or Conservatives are all that. It is lazy thinking that promotes bigotry and squelches free thought. Ha, I am still waiting for someone, somewhere to slap a label on me and then tell me I am exactly the same as every other person who doesn’t believe in flying saucers. Cause…. we all know what those saucer-deniers are like, right?
    So please, stop making general slags at an entire generation when it has many winners. Or, my girls just might come kick your ass.

  4. Easy, now, don’t go all Joe Biden on us. Some teachers (me) are Viet-Nam veterans, Christians, and Reagan conservatives. If you focus on the negatives and indulge in generational stereotyping you’ll sound like the serpents in Book X (I think) of PARADISE LOST, a “dismal universal hiss.”

  5. Canadian Observer;
    Great post. Generalizations are common and often exhibitions of, as you aptly put it, laziness.
    While I might think the MSM has an agenda which is not healthy all I can do is point out what I see and question it. My grand daughter of eight years old has a very inquiring mind and rarely accepts things at face value. Not unheard of from a grand parent but she is scary smart. She has questioned my BS tall tale stories for 2 years now!

  6. EXHIBIT C: Common Core
    As the education escalator spirals downward … the professional educators have kept pace. Reformulated SAT’s (removing all “cultural” bias), more social promotions, less “dependence” on “standardized” tests, “new” math, “new” English, “new” History … and now … Common Core. Common Core is the participation-trophy for a FAILING student body. Ensuring that the entire nation reformulate FAILURE as “success”. The institutionalized dumbing-down of America’s student body should be CRIMINAL ! But … who is there to argue for TOUGHER standards. That’s as absurd as suggesting a means-test for food stamp recipients. What ? Are you NUTS ? Do you HATE poor people ?

  7. One of my sons-in-law, an elementary school teacher, is doing his best to at least instill responsible citizen values in his classes. He wonders how long he will be allowed to teach.
