18 Replies to “New Rules”

  1. I suppose one might say “Sauce for the goose…” but, really, adopting the disruptions common to the poor bolshies is counter-productive. Let them sit around feeling clever all by themselves.

  2. BRAVO !!!! However if you REALLY want to make this counterprotest … comparable … to the looney leftists, then the protestors should; show up in groups of a dozen or more, dressed in all black with head coverings and black bandanas, and/or chain themselves together with sections of PVC pipe and refuse to leave the stage. Or, splash buckets of RED paint on all the Actors, or plant literally HUNDREDS of “right wingers” in the audience who … one after another stand up and scream political slogans to disrupt the play.
    However I DO NOT condone any violence whatsoever … but just DENY the “free speech” of this play which is clearly HATEFUL and Trumpophobic. If Milo is not allowed to speak, because of his “hateful”, “provocative” content … then surely this idiotic, HATEFUL, DANGEROUSLY VIOLENT play should NOT be allowed to continue.
    BRAVO counterprotesters ! BRAVO !!!

  3. The new rule is what exactly? That Lauren Loomer and her fellow mongoloids have no guiding principles and no tricks beyond mimicking the people they hate but are really the same as? That’s not new. That’s been the right’s MO for a long time. Bunch of right-wing SJWs.

  4. The new/old rule is what exactly? That leftard trolls and their fellow hate-fueled mongoloids have no guiding principles and no tricks beyond vilifying the people they hate but are really far worse than? That’s not new. That’s been the left’s MO for a very long time. Bunch of leftard SJWs.
    There fixed it for you, numbnuts.

  5. Hahahaha … lack of awareness ? How so very nuanced of you. You leftie drones actually believe your own crap … totally divorced from reality. Yet reality eventually catches up with you as sure as a Venezuelan food riot.

  6. Lots of NeverTrumpers condemning. Condemning a teensy weensie pushback to a nightly, gory simulation of the murder of a sitting President. In a week that saw the attempted mass murder of Republican Congressmen. I despise these ball-less NeverTrumpers even more now.

  7. Maybe it’s just me, but unome’s arguments seem to be getting thinner and more desperate. Is this the beginning of a transformation as he/she/zee/zir scrapes for some more hopeless rationale? Even the “no” has curiously disappeared from the moniker. Yes?
    Not likely. Incapable.

  8. Just because someone can think and doesn’t indulge in your fantasies of sticking it to ‘the other team’ doesn’t make them ‘ball-less’. It is no surprise that a Trumptard can’t distinguish between balls and brains.
    With so many phony advocates of free speech like those here it’s no wonder that right isn’t doing well.

  9. There are good reasons not to indulge in the kind of behavior of the stage-stormer. First, you make the culture war into a symmetrical conflict by doing “what the other side does” reinforcing the nihilists who morally equivocate resulting in useless “balanced” mush instead of principled debate. This amounts o surrendering the moral high ground. Second, it’s always wise not to get into a fight with a pig as you can’t win and you only get dirty in trying. The stage stormer didn’t change the hearts and minds of the drones in the audience but he did give the leftist media cause for equivocating. Peaceful protest would have been just as effective and futile. IOW, leave them to their hate-fests.

  10. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Turnabout is fair play.
    The proper way to do it though, is to use mobs of people just as the Left does because individuals can be too easily removed.
    Either we all get free speech and it is universally respected, or only the toughest SOBs in the valley get to be heard.
    I intend to be on the side of the toughest SOBs until respect is universal.

  11. This isn’t turnabout. The people putting on this play had nothing to do with violating anyone else’s free speech. You’re just another hypocrite.

  12. This play is inflammatory Leftist agitprop speech portraying a Trump proxy character in the role of Julius Caesar.
    It is turnabout to shut this speech down as such, BUT it will be fair turnabout to shut down or interfere with ANY and ALL LEFTIST SPEECH henceforth.
    They sowed the wind and now they are going to reap the whirlwind…
    “You’re just another hypocrite.”
    I’ve been called worse by better people.
    Sticks and stones are going to break your bones…I care not for your names. It’s deeds that matter now.

  13. Doesn’t matter if it’s agitprop. That’s free speech.
    “They sowed the wind and now they are going to reap the whirlwind…”
    That’s not how it works. Two wrongs still don’t make a right.

  14. “Doesn’t matter if it’s agitprop. That’s free speech.”
    Yes and so too is the Free Speech made by private citizens who shut down the agitprop. See?!
    “Two wrongs still don’t make a right.”
    No, but three wrongs breaks a tie. It’s called Game Theory and it’s the only way to win if the other side has chosen to break with civility.
    Want the wrongs to end? Stop the contest in wrongs that the Left started. Apologize and swear off such tactics.
    Until such time, mirroring such tactics(started by the Left) is the only way to win or even compete at all.
