33 Replies to “A terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist.”

  1. When it’s muslim the left cries mental issues and the right cries terrorist. When it’s a white guy the left cries terrorist and the right cries mental issues. Non-partisans that think all these terrorist attacks are bad are outnumbered by partisans that think their truck driver is purer than the other guys truck driver. Politics, my tyrant is better than your tyrant.

  2. The headline photo shows an obviously Muslim woman (witness her full head covering) sitting next to a dark-skinned man. The Muslim woman looks quite “white” to me. So. WHY is every media description of the crazed van driver as being “white”. As if it were some sort of distinction between the driver and his targets. The implication is “racism” … instead of “terrorist backlash”. Don’t be stupid. There are “white” Muslims, and “tan” Muslims. So unless you want to be honest and say the “white” driver targeted a mixture of “white” and “tan” “pedestrians” … shut the hell up you dishonest media shills.

  3. Below are two headlines currently on the CBS News website. Interesting that the “T” word is only present in one of them:
    Paris attack on police vehicle on Champs-Elysees
    Finsbury Park, London: Muslims targeted in terror attack near mosque

  4. When it’s Islamic terrorism we see Muslims interviewed and their pleas for peace, unity and inclusiveness. When Muslims are the target we see Muslims interviewed explaining how they are now scared to attend their mosque.
    If stats weren’t available, one could be forgiven for thinking the British population is made up of 60% Muslims by watching the news.

  5. White guy hits a bunch of people walking in the middle of a dark street in the middle of the night. Eight minutes for the cops to declare it terrorism.
    Orlando still isn’t terrorism.

  6. “If stats weren’t available, one could be forgiven for thinking the British population is made up of 60% Muslims by watching the news.”
    You get the same idea walking down the streets of London.

  7. The name under the bank robbery suspect pictures should probably be “Ladrón de Bancos” making them all Hispanic.

  8. the ‘terrorists’ are doing it all wrong.
    they need to fake a mechanical failure by shredding an important cable and then letting it sit to corrode enough to look authentic and weaken it further.
    then aim for the target group and with a really hard pull or some such thing, plow into them.
    in Canuckistan, if you want to kill an enemy and avoid a life sentence, practice driving drunk until you can do it well under the influence. then stalk the target and run them over with a .14 blood alcohol count.
    4 or 5 years tops with suspended license which still wont actually prevent you from driving.

  9. … and in America … if you are an illegal Central American fence-hopper … you can compile a DOZEN DUI’s … and STILL keep returning after multiple deportations … to eventually murder a family of five in your 13th DUI.
    Why ? Because we had NO BORDERS with Obama and his swamp creatures in charge.

  10. Hours later :
    “Not a terrorist attack”. Because shouting Hello Snackbar and rushing a police officer with a knife must not lead us to jump to conclusions (Probably a frustrated Quaker).
    and then again:
    again “investigating a motive” oh and “its not linked to the Finsbury Park terrorist attack”
    The last link was out side of a TA (Territorial Army) establishment lets see if I can help:
    He was;
    Commemorating Private Lee Rigby.
    Returning items found to the hardware store.
    On his way to work
    Lone wolf
    Mental issues
    Disaffected youth
    An isolated and shunned individual
    Frustrated asylum seeker
    Member of the far right
    Or my guess
    No known motive.

  11. Finsbury Park … perp was a “white” man
    All other attacks … the perp’s “color” cannot be disclosed at this time. More investigation is necessary. He may have just returned from a luxury vacation in Syria … where he collected a “tan”.

  12. S’funny how this is labelled a ‘terrorist’ attack rather than workplace violence, lone wolf, mentally unstable, or how about what it actually is and that is a “revenge attack”. Maybe just maybe the average ‘Cockney’ or ‘Pommey’ have finally had enough. The Muslims have completely changed our societies and the governments that are appointed by the people to protect us have completely abdicated their authority. The Islamophobia label is totally redundant when your way of life has been changed to the extent it has over the last twenty years. The people have become aware of the direction that the politicians are trying to lead us and this may be the turning point. So start calling it what it is in response to a terrorist attack it is a revenge attack, and if the leaders cannot stop the terrorist attacks we can expect the rank and file to begin taking revenge. The Brits weren’t too long in bombing Berlin in WWII and the Yanks did the same after Pearl Harbour, it was called retaliation so now we are having palpitations because Joe Q. Public is starting to privately retaliate after having his way of life changed. Problem is we waited too long by half for this to happen.

  13. It’s the hate filled Muslim Infidelophobia that caused this. Muslims need to reflect on their responsibility for this accident. The oppressed little man from backward Wales comes from a people who still mourn the Islamic conquest of North Africa and are sensitive to radicalization therefore not really responsible for his actions.

  14. This jerk has totally ruined his life, all by himself, with no help from anyone it would seem. Excerpt from the Daily Mail account:
    “The Finsbury Park terror suspect was thrown out of a pub on Saturday night after ‘cursing Muslims’ and vowing to ‘do some damage’ when drunk, it was revealed this evening. Father-of-four Darren Osborne, 47, has been named locally as the man accused of ploughing a van into a group of Muslim worshippers. regulars at the Hollybush pub in Pentwyn, Cardiff, described Osborne being ‘drunk’ the night before the attack. One said: ‘He get chucked out as he was so drunk. He was cursing Muslims and saying he would do some damage.'”

  15. Maybe this attack was self-inflicted? Kind of like the “MSNBC Host Suggests Rep. Steve Scalise Deserved To Be Shot Due To Conservative Record” thread above.
    Just wondering.

  16. And the left STILL doesn’t see who the enemy is.
    Of course it does. The enemy is Donald Trump and those of the right that support him. If it wasn’t for them, those soldiers of Allah wouldn’t be provoked into action and defend themselves, would they?
    (sarcasm = off)

  17. Of course it is all Trump’s fault … his “inflammatory” rhetoric toward all illegals of all description … all fence jumpers, burrowers, flotilla refugees, anchor pregnancies, dreamy “children” … of course ALL of whom have “brown” skin. No wonder all these Muslims want to murder citizen infidels and apostates … because they probably all voted for Donald Trump … and deserve to die. How DARE these Trumpeteers enforce their borders and defend their cultures. That simply PROVES they are all racists !!! Because they want to enforce the LAWS of the USA. How DARE they reject multiculturalism !! How dare they reject a group of people … just because they breed large litters of children and overwhelm your people and your culture.

  18. Months ago a similar attack was described as if the truck had done it, not the muslim driving the truck.
    this time within minutes they all “knew” it was a white man who had done it.
    Why do we tolerate all these manipulations, lies and propaganda by the lying snakes that are the media?
    why aren’t ten thousand conservatives marching into CNN, the New York Times, the CBC and a few other media and smashing their cameras, microphones and printing press to pieces?
    Voting will not stop them
    boycotting them will not stop them
    nothing will stop them unless we physically stop them.
    I did NOT say murder them, I said stop them.
    why the hell do we tolerate such a tyranny?

  19. Hey, anyone know what happened to the guy who attacked the mosque in Quebec City?

  20. You’re in Ottawa and you haven’t heard either?
    Do some sniffing around as someone must have heard some kind of a whisper.
