Blog Notes

I begin a 3 week road trip today to points south, and will have only intermittent access to the net, and little time for blogging. The guest bloggers have been notified, but they have busy lives, too.
If things slow down here, head on over to Mark Steyn or Kathy Shaidle or Instapundit and the other folks on the blog roll. And don’t forget the Reader Tips threads — often the best content of the day is in those threads.
Thanks everyone for your patience!

6 Replies to “Blog Notes”

  1. Sanctuary Mass Transit
    Next thing … the taxpayers will be FUNDING a BART extension straight to Guatemala … wouldn’t THAT be wonnnnnnderrrrrfulllllll … shriek the Leftists living in the Berkeley Hills in their $ 2.5 million dollar bungalows ?
    Have a safe and pleasant trip, Kate. And for the LOVE OF GOD … please avoid ALL Sanctuary Cities !!
