16 Replies to “Oh Look! A Poll!!!”

  1. 70% agin it, with more than 2.7 million votes.
    Probably not the result they were looking for.

  2. Witch hunt is right. All this investigation crap about Russia, obstruction of justice, etc is just designed with the active instigation and connivance of the media with the Democrats to try and keep the Trump administration on the defensive and obstruct the implementation of policy.

  3. Just a blank page for me on all of FF, IE and Chrome. I think they took it down. Lefties are such sucks.

  4. I’m sure the 30% are all wound up waiting for Holder and Obama to be investigated regarding Fast and Furious.

  5. I’m waiting for the Comey investigation along with Loretta Lynch. Meuller will not recuse himself as he is a Demorat…liar. Hill’s and the Clinton Foundation, then onto Obumer along with Holder, Fast and Furious, along with Benganzi Hill’s and Obumer…lies, so many. This investigation is all about keeping President Trump from doing his job. Go Trump Go!!

  6. I am beginning to think that the actions of the people trying to remove Trump have gotten so bizarre that they have reassured his re elction. It reminds me of the people I spoke with last summer while visiting the US . Only one I spoke to were disposed to vote for Hilary ( a long time Republican Harvard grad ) . Many wre down right angry . It leads me to believe the results of the election likely were rigged and Trump likely did have a lot higher percentage of the vote than the final tally showed. The opposition has done an excellent job of obscuring what people really think and to a large extent controlling the narrative. However , it appears a far larger portion of the population is not buying in – something they are totally obtuse to .

  7. RN, it’s still up (I just voted.) The Obama goon squad is being outed. (Samantha Powers is apparently being investigated for her role in the spying.)

  8. I hope the double down again. The one thing they may accomplish, is to cause a single person to think about what and who they have been supporting. And why. If their witch hunt deprograms even one mind…

  9. The whole thing is completely Kafkaesque. First, during the election when Trump indicates that there is the possibility that the election process can be compromised ridicule and berate him and anyone suggesting such a thing as being a simple-minded hick. Then, once you’ve lost the election claim without a shred of evidence that “the Russians” “interfered” with said election without specifying which Russians, or what the “interference” consisted of (“Hi, constable Smith here, I’m charging you with a crime. What crime specifically? Well, I dunno, just ‘a crime'”). Then, when Trump calls ‘BS’ on the whole process and says he wishes they’d drop it, accuse him of “obstructing justice” for pointing out the tedious absurdity of the whole thing right from the get go and proposing that some people should drop it and move on. Typically lib nonsense: “You weren’t kind to my imaginary unicorn so I’m charging you with cruelty to animals, waaaaaaah!”

  10. Poll still up. I regret that I have but 3 devices with which to vote close to hand. Note the unflattering picture they chose for Trump? No bias here.

  11. Vote as often as you wish. Clearing history seems to enable multiple votes.

  12. There’s an old Russian proverb … “The empty drum sounds loudest”. That’s the way it is with our leftist media … they scream, shout, moan, and droan on about … NOTHING. EMPTINESS. NADA. Making a Uuuuge sound … about President Trump … which appears to be simply ANNOYING the general public. The American media sound like the neighbor kids garage band … simply awful … and everyone in the neighborhood wishes they would just STOP. Thank God for “noise” ordinances … at least the kids awful music has to STOP after 10pm … CNN on the other hand goes on 24hr … nonstop.
