35 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Lance, you brought back good memories. In 1966, we played a short gig at our high school, and I was the lighting tech. Than tune stayed in my head forever. After the play, Liza and I drove around in my 54 Meteor. Her mother was furious when I took her home too late. Late as in Midnight. Back then, that was late.
    Here’s one for all the Small Dead Animals fans who keep this site lively.

  2. Because is was a white man it will now become extremely difficult to rent a truck or van anywhere. You will probably need security clearance that will make acquiring a gun look like child’s play.

  3. Done, thanks for the heads up.
    At over 2,700,000 votes, 70.2% against, only 29.8% for investigating Trump for obstruction. Poor little hate-mongering CNN.
    More than happy to pile on, unlike my football days, wish I could add an elbow.

  4. “Journalists” on the take.
    “Media publishers group asks feds to set up $350M journalism fund”
    One can simply ask, what journalism?
    The media that majority don’t care about to be “informed” by them want your money, since nobody cares about their fake product.
    The article mentions “A group representing print and digital media publishers….”, OK who is this group?
    Is it the group that bought all the major newspapers in this country and now is running of money?
    You got to ask, were they buying and buying and now that they control all the newspapers in major cities, feel that they now is the time to go and scam some cash from the government.
    In practical terms there is virtual monopoly in the newspaper business. There is a saying, don’t know how it came about, it goes something like this: go pound salt, or some such.
    The Calgary Herald article of the same article sez (sic)
    “The Canadian Journalism Fund would reimburse newspaper and Web-based journalism providers 35 per cent of journalist’s salary, capped at $85,000 in line with five-year union rates.”
    These scammers are pretty clever, they set their take and if they can’t get it, go to the government and beg.
    One can ask, who these characters think they are. If they want to survive, they need to live within their earnings.
    Just ponder that every one person that thinks they don’t get paid what they think they are worth, should go to the government and as them to fill the gap.
    What a novel concept, only the idle minds of “journalism” could come up with nonsense like that and be pleased with themselves.
    It is most likely that the government will go for the scam, since they want the good press and all.
    The airhead in Ottawa will just turn on a dime and suck more taxes of the working stiff.
    What journalism?
    I ask again.

  5. Part of an ongoing series on the decline of the Canadian energy sector…
    The development of the technique using steam two decades ago made Canada’s sands the new frontier for the oil industry, and majors were among the firms that flocked to buy in.
    Since then, innovation has stalled. That failure, energy-industry entrepreneurs and venture capitalists told Reuters, is rooted in a risk-averse culture that has left oil sands years behind U.S. shale.
    Canadian producers have fewer projects to experiment with and are unwilling to risk their massive upfront investments, said Steve Fisher, chief executive of Calgary-based startup Veerum.
    “Shale is like going on a date, the oil sands is like getting married,” he said. “The risk for capital is high in the oil sands, you have massive assets that need to complete on time and operate for 40 years to make money.”

  6. So they’re cancelling the Syrian refugee program?
    Liberals to announce gender-based violence strategy
    “It will focus on prevention, aim to address the root causes of gender-based violence, and enhance our knowledge of why gender-based violence happens in the first place,” Monsef said in a message accompanying the 2017-18 plan for Status of Women Canada.

  7. Wall could have taken the easy road and increased the deficit in order to maintain his popularity, however he chose to display some political courage and do the right thing. Yet, despite putting forth an unpopular budget and suffering unrelenting attacks from the public service unions, apparently the Premier remains a better choice than the NDP. Good news for Saskatchewan.
    Perhaps the horrific accounts of rural Saskatchewanians hopelessly stranded in small towns and villages due to STC’s demise were embellished somewhat.

  8. I bet the males in certain communities will be very upset that they can’t beat their women with a small stick to show their displeasure. It’s just a freaking ruse, money tossed at something they can’t possibly police. They needed something to keep Monsef busy.

  9. Your automobile is EVIL … and needs to be “battled”.
    Huh, imagine that ? In the MOST LEFTIST city in America … the leftists STILL want LOW HOUSING DENSITY, HIGH HOUSING PRICES (to keep out the poor people) … and STILL want to drive their own automobiles. NO mass transit for Leftist Elites … they’ve too IMPORTANT for THAT (although they insist all you “other” people take mass transit)
    I can hardly imagine Berkeley without lesbians driving a Subaru Outback with “COexist” and “split wood, not atoms” bumper stickers

  10. Whoa ?! And directed by none other than Peter Weir … who directed the FABULOUS … Master and Commander. I’m gonna have to Netflix this quirky auto-slaughter film. How prescent !?

  11. Mohammed is under investigation: Update.
    Meanwhile, Ich-Bin-Eine Merkel’s heart has been broken by MAGATrump.
    “Shale’s Record Fracklog Could Force Crude Prices Even Lower”
    “If OPEC thought shale was a thorn in its side before, just wait until U.S. explorers turn their spigots on full blast. Wells waiting to be fracked and flowing are an overhang that could mean a burst of new supply in the second half of the year and into 2018,…” (blmbg)
    “Merkel Reaches Out to Trump With Pledge to Work for G-20 Unity”
    “Chancellor still says U.S. climate move ‘breaks one’s heart’”

  12. The National Post has suspended the Monday print edition during the summer for several years now. This is not new.

  13. Indian immigration is 25,000 years old.
    “Fossil shocker: Humans may have been in North America 100,000 years earlier than originally believed”
    G-G said: “Our Indigenous peoples are not immigrants. They are the original peoples of this land.”
    “Governor General David Johnston apologized Monday for a flippant comment he made likening indigenous peoples to immigrants, rather than descendants of the original inhabitants of Canada.” (huffpo)
    “Fossil shocker: Humans may have been in North America 100,000 years earlier than originally believed”
    “Studies based on genetic analysis of modern Native Americans suggest that humans didn’t make it over the land bridge that once linked northeast Asia to Alaska until 25,000 years ago.”
