7 Replies to “Swamp Creatures”

  1. Kate should create a place for suggestions – Perhaps she could label it “Reader Tips”

  2. Hmm… It might seem possible that Democrats should fear Mueller. The only criminal acts, requiring a Grand Jury, are by Lynch, Bill Clinton…. The EX-CIA Brennan, Susan Rice Unmasking team….and Comey….
    Comey did not trust the whole Justice Dept to “NOT” indict Hillary, and George Soros had paid him to drop the case
    The sources for WaPo Bernstein was most likely Brennan… and real sources don’t exist now…
    BTW: Comey dropped a Nugget in his Testimony… ONE member of his Group (Circle-Jerk) did not agree that Trump was NOT a subject of the Russian Investigation… Who was that Person?

  3. I have to vote NO confidence in Robert Meuller … since I heard he hired (on my tax dime) a woman who was Clinton Foundation lawyer. Probably so she is protected from prosecution. His collection of leftist Democrap misfits joining his “investigative” team smells to high heaven.

  4. They just need to put a time limit on these investigations. The Republicans need to be fully vindicated by the end of the year. 2018 is another election year. The FBI have spent a year and found nothing. Give Mueller until the end of October to issue a report and go away.

  5. Indeed ! However the Democraps will tell you that it takes … tiiiiiiimmmmeeee … to invent specious connections between Trump and Vlad.

  6. The CNN “entertainment News” are mad as hell that Spicer is not allowing Video or Audio from WH presser..Unfair that their Production schedule was messed up…Think of poor NBC SNL without a Spicer skit..
    Funny how the Media is focused on Tapes… They should know that Open Mic’s have multiple ears on the other end….In REAL television Corporate LAW may, or not have Tapes…SS or Color Guard have ears.
    The AG could demand any lawyer with a conflict resign… Hillary had Loretta Lynch, Sally and Comey….enough…. Lawyers & the Courts are as popular as snakes in your sleeping bag, they run a risk of assisted suicide by the rope…(~64 Million reasons not to F**kUP)
