11 Replies to “The Tolerant Left”

  1. The woman spoke the truth,don’t excoriate her doing that,it’s a rarity these days when everybody always takes the PC line and you never know where the hell they’re coming from.
    A (un)healthy percentage on the Left would cheer if we were exterminated,put into concentration camps or made slaves of the Progressives. When one of them lets her true feeling be known,we should be giving her a pat on the back as it might ,might wake up the people on the right who believe that they just wear a different colored tie.
    We’re engaged in a civil war, declared by the Left, and it’s time we stopped being so civil to them.
    Tell it,Sister, kill de white man!

  2. How to ramp up the rhetoric, by black female MSNBC host.
    One paragraph from an online bio subtitled “Who Writes This Stuff” says:
    “She is a sensational correspondent and she is one of the very best in the business. Her work for some networks and TV shows has been out of this world. She has been absolutely brilliant with her work for MSNBC and in the near future, she will get more opportunities to shine. She is none other than the very talented Joy-Ann Reid.”

  3. She’s a typical hate-filled, race-baiting leftard. No wonder MSNBC defends her.
    Oh well, at least she doesn’t hide the fact that she is as ugly on the inside as on the outside.

  4. I expect that kind of thing from anonymous web surfers, not from MSNBC hosts.

  5. Joy’s a graduate of Harvard…
    maybe you’s / ya’ll can already tell?

  6. Is this really where they want to go? I mean if killing conservatives for being concerned conservative is ok why can’t we kill leftists? Start with this witch maybe?

  7. If I adopted THAT attitude toward the insane left, who HATE half of America and denigrate us as … “deplorables” … I would need more than a gun … more than a Hiroshima-sized FAT BOY … no, I would need the entire nuke Arsenal of America, Russia, China, India … Iran … to “justifiably” … eliminate these mental defectives. Good thing I don’t have a malignant HATE filled soul, like most leftists cultivate.

  8. Keeping in mind of course that Hitler was a leftist. OOOPs, sorry!! I know,, we’re not supposed to draw comparisons with Hitler when dealing with modern politics.
    How about Stalin who executed millions?? In the Ukraine during the Holodomor of 1932-33, at least 5 million died of starvation thanks to Stalin’s policies. Should I continue???
    One death is a tragedy, one million deaths are statistics.
    Why are those communist era stories never featured on CBC???

  9. I am willing to wager that Joy-Ann has “unwittingly” met with multiple Black Hate Groups; Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, The Obama reelection Committee … which she now disavows, saying she had no idea they were RACIST HATE groups. Oh … what ? Racism is only a one-way street ? Give it a rest sistah … nobody is buying what you’re selling … except Black RACISTS.
