8 Replies to “But It’s Scary Out There And We’d Have To Get Jobs”

  1. And who pays the utilities and picks up the trash? Or is this like the “occupation” of Camp Ipperwash in the 1990’s by a renegade group from the nearby First Nation, who after trashing the heating plant phoned up the army to demand that the boilers be fixed; the gas re-connected; and someone come and patch the windows?

  2. … and … their “occupation”(squatting) has accomplished exactly WHAT ? In ALL those years ? Perhaps therein lies the reason they won’t speak with the “mass media”

  3. I may just convert to Islam to help exterminate these utterly useless creatures.
    Surely at my age I must qualify as an Imam.
    Ever met a socialist/communist who doesn’t imagine him/her self as a member of the new ruling class?
