United Nations of Canada

Lebanese air-lift act II will continue after this short intermission.

New act: This provision is repealed. Applicants are no longer required to intend to continue to live in Canada once granted citizenship. This provides more flexibility to Canadians who may need to live outside of Canada for work or personal reasons.

20 Replies to “United Nations of Canada”

  1. Notice the circular reference? Now Canadians who aren’t Canadian citizens yet have a clause removed to help them be Canadians in other countries.

  2. In the words of the Greatest Prime Minister This Country Ever Had (TM), a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian.

  3. While some of the provisions make sense, many have a “post-national state” smell.
    The very first provision about what could cause citizenship revocation that is to take effect immediately is bad. Dr. Mengele and Adolf Eichmann would now not have a citizenship revoked.
    Also, the provision allowing applicant citizens to live in another country is not good and this is what Lance is referring to by saying “Lebanese air-lift act II”.

  4. “This provision is repealed. Applicants are no longer required to intend to continue to live in Canada once granted citizenship. This provides more flexibility to Canadians who may need to live outside of Canada for work or personal reasons.”
    Repealing that provision actually makes good sense. Canada is not North Korea; you can’t “force” a Canadian citizen to live here.*
    And the “Lebanese airlift” reference is a red herring. By a wide margin, most Canadian citizens living overseas are native-born and reside in the US “for work or personal reasons”.
    There are other ways of balancing the system to deal with large numbers of ex-pat citizens: tax regulations, limitations on social services for non-residents and so forth.
    * Immigrants are another matter entirely; you certainly can demand a period of continued residency from them. But once someone becomes a Canadian citizen they have exactly the same right to remain in or leave the country as any other citizen.

  5. A Department of the Government of Canada (CIC) has been completetly co-opted by The Liberal Party of Canada and is now a fully functioning arm of he party. The statement following the outlining of the changes to the act is a Liberal Party propaganda statement and has no place on what should be a non partisan Government site. There is no shame on the part of either the bureaucracy or it’s preferred Liberal Party governors. It Churns my stomach. From the CIC Statement:
    “The reaction
    Upon passage of the new citizenship legislation, Canada’s Minister of Immigration tweeted that ‘Two-tiered citizenship has no place in Canada. Bill C-6 has passed, ensuring that a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian.’
    The latter portion of this tweet had previously served as a mantra for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during the 2015 federal election campaign, during which he famously issued the ‘Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian’ retort to then-Prime Minister Stephen Harper during a live television debate. Harper’s Conservative government had introduced Bill C-24, Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act, in 2014; this legislation was widely perceived as having created the two-tiered citizenship referred to by the current Minister of Immigration in his tweet.
    “Canada’s identity has always been shaped by the significant economic, cultural and social contributions of immigrants. Changes to the Citizenship Act will enhance program integrity, while giving more flexibility to eligible applicants to meet the requirements for citizenship so that they can continue building successful lives in Canada,” added Mr Hussen. ”

  6. I fail to understand why a foreigner should be granted Canadian citizenship if his intention is to work overseas. He doesn’t even have to file Canadian taxes every year during the waiting period. It looks like he can claim non-resident status for tax for a couple years of the waiting period. Where did the demand for this stuff come from? Why would this be a good idea even to a demented Liberal?

  7. Your nation is being run by John Lennon fan boys and gyrls who actually took his song lyrics literally … and have reimagined Canada as something other than a nation … with borders …

  8. To the Liberals,Canadian citizenship means no more than membership in a service club such as the Elks or Lions.
    Those of us whose ancestors came here hundreds of years ago,and whose ancestors fought in several wars for this Country, and the many who died for this Country, are of a different view. We are stakeholders,many of today’s immigrants and refugees are tourists of convenience,ready to leave when a better opportunity appears somewhere else.
    Many years back when the media still had some integrity,BCTV did an expose of citizens of convenience,many of whom were Hong Kong citizens who wanted a hedge against the China takeover of that former colony.
    I will never forget one honest woman who said she would continue to work in HK as the taxes were way lower than in Canada,but would retire here due to our “great health care system”.
    Thanks. The LPC is the enemy of Canada,willing to sell us out for power.

  9. Can you explain WHY someone needs to become a Canadian citizen if he has no intention of living in Canada?

  10. “Can you explain WHY someone needs to become a Canadian citizen if he has no intention of living in Canada?”
    Before you can apply for citizenship, you must have permanent resident status, have lived in Canada a set amount of time, have filed a certain number of annual tax returns and have met the English or French language requirement (you can google the specifics if you wish).
    So, anyone applying for citizenship (with a very few exceptions*) must be a Canadian resident, i.e., must be living in Canada.
    How would you prove an immigrant resident in Canada has no intention of living here when they become a citizen? And what exactly would be the point since, once they become a citizen, they then have the same right as you or any other citizen to either remain in or leave the country as they wish?
    * Such as being born overseas to a Canadian citizen.

  11. Montréalaise replied to comment from JJM | June 21, 2017 12:17 PM | Reply
    Can you explain WHY someone needs to become a Canadian citizen if he has no intention of living in Canada?
    … … …
    they do that so they can get free services at our expense…they may live and work in someplace like Lebanon but when they need free health care services they come back to Canada.
    This scam has been going on for decades but now Trudeau and his liberals want to make it even easier for people to steal from Canadian tax payers. Real Canadians who actually live and work here.
    Trudeau and his liberals are traitors, this is not even close to an exaggeration.

  12. Get out of jail free card when shtf at home.
    Essentially, for LPOC votes. They are buying votes (mail in no less, the LPOC will make that a priority) of non residents, who remain willfully non resident & seem to have the idea that this country needs them more than their current domain. Like we need more slippery, slidy foreigners adding their multicultural diversity to this country. When we’ve got enough of our own doing the brown bag, jiggery pokery, the LPOC goes out of their way to import, facilitate & probably pay folks to become “Canadian citizens” without any impediments, this country is finished.
    Complete sellout (literally, for the minimal fees paid to acquire citizenship) of this country by the LPOC & their handmaids in the civil service. All bought & paid for. By you. Soon, large swathes of Toronto agitate for Nation State status, just like our dear First Nations.
    Faster, please. The Yanks will be forced to invade to save us from ourselves.

  13. You are asking this question??
    I’m from Montreal in the past & my last trip back (a decade ago) indicated to me that a large chunk of Montreal is taken over by North Africans of various genetic makeup. The French better get a clue. Your own .gov in Quebec is selling you out on this issue, as well.
    Shoulda kept nice wit de h’Eengleesh. You are looking at our replacements at the donair shop & they don’t speak French at home.

  14. You folks are going to have to make up your minds just what it is you’re actually upset about.
    Is it immigrants coming into Canada? Or is it Canadians living outside of Canada?
    It should again be pointed out that the overwhelming majority of Canadians living outside Canada – well over a million of them – are native-born citizens resident in the US, not the “convenience Canadian” variety in Lebanon, as you call them.

  15. And more importantly, can you explain why Canada needs to make citizens of immigrants who have no intention of residing here?
    And speaking of red herrings, ‘…most Canadian citizens living overseas are native-born and reside in the US “for work or personal reasons”. …’
    Are there not enough of those native-born Canadian citizens living overseas for work or personal reasons? Is there some reason why our country is in so much need of Canadians living overseas for work or personal reasons that we should temporarily import foreigners, grant them citizenship, and then export them?

  16. “Is there some reason why our country is in so much need of Canadians living overseas for work or personal reasons that we should temporarily import foreigners, grant them citizenship, and then export them?”
    Once a foreigner becomes a Canadian citizen, they’re no longer a foreigner, so your statement is a nonsense.
    Or do you believe the state should routinely control whether Canadians should be free to live overseas for work and personal reasons?
    The premise of this thread was apples-and-oranges silly from the outset: conflating applicants for citizenship with Canadian citizens.

  17. “You folks are going to have to make up your minds just what it is you’re actually upset about.”
    Brown people comin’ fer der white wimminz. It’s always racism and xenophobia.
    “Citizens of convenience” are both flattering to and a boon for Canada. These people will power our country to higher highs.
