22 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Try and imagine what would happen if 58 million dollars were applied towards renovations to your local hospital or to repair the Trans Canada Highway between Swift Current and Medicine Hat! Instead, we’re using that amount of taxpayer’s dollars to detain illegal immigrants. Yup! We got our old Canada back.
    And this is how Justin plans on paying the $58 million off!! By making homemade wine!

  2. So there’s no empty chair at Clint’s place. This hoax may be political…desperate and defeated, Democrats will stoop lower than a snake’s belly.

  3. Tell me again who tried to rig the 2016 Presidential election?
    House Democrats are continuing to block testimony from about a dozen witnesses who sought to appear before the intelligence oversight panel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election.
    “In blocking my open testimony, they seem committed to covering up the extreme disgrace of the Obama administration’s secret FISA warrants and influential propaganda tactics which unsuccessfully tried to rig the 2016 election.”

  4. Manufacturing victimhood at University of Toronto
    On Monday, the Toronto Star reported that two African-Canadian students at the University of Toronto, Jessica Kirk and Nasma Ahmed, were organizing U of T’s first-ever ‘Black graduation ceremony’, an event restricted to students of the right skin pigmentation.
    No graduates of Scottish, Chinese, Indian or dare I say English ancestry will be permitted. What next, ‘No-White Days’ at Canadian universities?

  5. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS after they were convicted of a crime that never happened, Fran and Dan Keller were formally exonerated on June 20 in Austin, Texas.
    The couple’s prosecution in 1992 was part of a wave of cases across the country amid an episode of mass hysteria known as the Satanic Panic. Beginning in the 1980s, accusations flew that the childcare industry had been infiltrated by bands of Satanists hell-bent on brainwashing and sexually abusing young children. The Kellers’ exoneration closes a decadeslong chapter of profound injustice for a couple that paid an exceptionally high price for the credulousness of local law enforcement.

  6. AGW RIP.
    “Al Gore likens battle against climate change to fight against slavery” (grauniad)
    “Freak June blizzard shuts down bike relay
    For the first time in its 25-year history, the Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay was officially shut down by a freak June blizzard. The blizzard left the road covered in black ice and several inches of snow.
    Many cyclists who had camped near Haines Junction, Yukon, on Friday night woke up to near-freezing temperatures and heavy snow. Some tents collapsed under the weight of the snow.”

  7. Fun hypothetical:
    Canadians do the unthinkable and rise up.
    Being Canadian, the revolution is bloodless and misreported by the CBC.
    Canadians decide to cut the head off the beast and banish the 100 most responsible to an Arctic Archipelago for eternity.
    Who makes your top 100?

  8. Watch out for “attackers” !!!
    BRUSSELS — The quick shooting of an attacker who tried to detonate a nail bomb and shouted “Allahu akbar” at a Brussels train station averted fatalities, officials said Wednesday, as Belgium increased security measures around the country.
    The attacker was a 36-year-old Moroccan national…

  9. AGW RIP.
    “Scientists rescue ice from melting Bolivian glacier – before it disappears
    Samples from Illimani mountain will be taken to Antarctica for preservation
    Researchers say global warming is rapidly melting the glaciers of the Andes” (grauniad)
    “22,000 years of history evaporates after freezer failure melts Arctic ice cores
    Around 13% of cache of ice cylinders extracted from glaciers in Canadian Arctic exposed to high heat in new storage facility at University of Alberta”

  10. MAGA.
    Cohen say:
    “Power, power, power. The moment they see they are losing it, the Republicans will flee this raging bull. And then, see how they run.”
    “Watch the outcome of the special congressional election held Tuesday in Atlanta. The Democrats have not won other special elections this year, but these were in districts in states such as Montana that are heavily Republican. The Georgia Sixth was held by a Republican, too, and Trump won it narrowly last fall.
    But the Democrats have poured unprecedented money and resources into the district. It has been the most expensive house race in history and is called, with authority, the most “consequential” election in decades.
    Power, power, power. The moment they see they are losing it, the Republicans will flee this raging bull. And then, see how they run.”
    (“Andrew Cohen is a journalist and author…”)
    “Ed Rogers: Sorry, Trump haters. The GOP victory in Georgia is huge, and here’s why
    Democratic pundits will try to distract from the devastating loss they experienced Tuesday, but there’s no hiding the significance of the Democrat’s loss in Georgia’s 6th.”

  11. Just a few weeks ago, Trudeau and Obama had their heads together over coffee in Montreal.
    New revelations have surfaced that the Obama administration abused intelligence during the election by launching a massive domestic spy campaign that included snooping on Trump officials.
    The irony is mind-boggling: Targeting political opposition is long a technique of police states like Russia, which Team Obama has loudly condemned for allegedly using its own intelligence agencies to hack into our election.
    The revelations, as well as testimony this week from former Obama intel officials, show the extent to which the Obama administration politicized and weaponized intelligence against Americans.
    Thanks to Circa News, we now know the National Security Agency under President Barack Obama routinely violated privacy protections while snooping through foreign intercepts involving US citizens — and failed to disclose the breaches, prompting the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court a month before the election to rebuke administration officials.

  12. Juxtapose this – Find the “M” word in these stories…
    ‘Allahu Akbar’; Canadian allegedly stabbed cop in neck in possible terror attack at Michigan airport
    London attack suspect heard ‘cursing Muslims’ in pub before van hit pedestrians
    A man who reportedly announced he wanted to “kill Muslims” drove a van into a crowd early Monday morning in London’s north end, striking several pedestrians near a mosque in the city.

  13. Mohammed’s Hate Crimes.
    Leftist grauniad is Mo’s fellow traveller.
    “This constant fear of hate crime is no way to live
    The Guardian – ‎1 hour ago‎
    Anti-Muslim offences have surged. Government, media and everyday people must do their bit to break the cycle of violence and mistrust.”
    “Jihad Report
    Jun 10, 2017 –
    Jun 16, 2017
    Attacks 40
    Killed 170
    Injured 175
    Suicide Blasts 8
    Countries 15”

  14. He/she/it/xe/xim/whatever is simply following his/her/its/xes/xim/?? dreams.
    Somewhere there’s an asylum missing an inmate…..

  15. Camille is not a nutty lefty professor, not a nutty lefty professor; nor, is Camille a schizophrenic professor.
    ““I’m a professor of media studies, in addition to a professor of humanities,…”
    “Are Democrats really doomed by the GOP’s win in Georgia?
    Karen Handel’s narrow win puts Republicans one step
    closer to repealing Obamacare, while its effects on the Democratic party’s psyche could be profound” (grauniad)
    “Camille Paglia Blames Dems for Destroying Journalism — ‘It Is Going to Take Decades to Recover’”
    “… Camille Paglia railed against the current state of journalism in America.
    Paglia called what she said the Democratic Party had done to journalism “absolutely grotesque” and warned it would take decades to recover.
    “It’s obscene,” she said. “It’s outrageous, OK? It shows that the Democrats are nothing now but words and fantasy and hallucination and Hollywood. There’s no journalism left. What’s happened to The New York Times? What’s happened to the major networks? It’s an outrage.”
    “I’m a professor of media studies, in addition to a professor of humanities, OK?” she continued. “And I think it’s absolutely grotesque the way my party has destroyed journalism.”
