14 Replies to “Nouveau Deplorable”

  1. It’s been said elsewhere, and far more eloquently, that the left ignores and in fact decries the fact that a woman defeated a rich, white, male parachute candidate.
    And yet, she persisted.

  2. Is Handel particularly good or Ossof particularly bad? I don’t think so and don’t see much reason to celebrate.

  3. This is what happens when you preach hatred and bigotry against white men and then parachute one into another district yourself. Those silly leftards, screwed by their own virtue signalling, unable to learn ANYTHING from their repeated failures.
    Ha, as for being meaningless, leftards would be dancing in the streets chanting that Trump’s end is nigh if they’d won Georgia. Despite all the resources thrown at it, the Dems failed to BUY this election, so it was faaaaarr from meaningless. The despondent look on the CNN panelists’ faces clearly proved that.

  4. Sorry .. off topic.
    Poll needs support
    Do you think there are more extreme weather events than there used to be?
    IPCC can find no trends
    Extreme events are hyped by media
    Double the population and vulnerability increases
    Build cities in flood plains and they WILL flood sooner or later
    Build cities inside poorly managed forests and they will burn sooner or later.

  5. I voted no but they didn’t give an option for more media coverage and hysteria.

  6. “The despondent look on the CNN panelists’ faces clearly proved that.” Yes, it is so beautiful to behold. Just like it was last November when the results started to show that Crooked Hillary was going to lose. It is also beautiful to behold when the Madcow goes on some of her rants.
    CAS, I voted no, but it is dis heartening to see how many people have believed the Fruitfly doctor’s lies.

  7. CAS, I voted no, but it is dis heartening to see how many people have believed the Fruitfly doctor’s lies.
    That’s because most people think: “He a Ph. D., he are smart.”
    After what I saw during my time as a graduate student, I concluded that getting a doctorate was all about politics and had little to do with intelligence or talent. If it did, a lot of universities would have to close because they couldn’t find enough qualified faculty.

  8. Hahahaha … all that matters now are HER conservative VOTES in the House. That’s the problem with you leftists … you tried to FABRICATE a personality cult in some smarmy hipster punk. FAIL. The American people fell for that junk ONCE with your half-black, half-Muslim, loser of an anti-American President. Lesson learned. The American people are a lot smarter than leftists give them credit for. A lot less deplorable than some loser Democrat elitist said they were

  9. ” HER conservative VOTES”
    Like the coming vote for Obamacare Redux that the GOP is pushing through the senate? Oh and protip: you are one of the last people who should be talking about ‘personality cults’. Also: seek help. The CAPITALIZATION may indicate psychosis.

  10. Calgary CTV poll at midnight
    Do you think that there more extreme weather events now?
    1409 votes
    52% No
    48% Yes

  11. Cap Nazis are so 1992 …
    Meh … who cares about the Obamakkare vote … just let that moronic legislation die of its own stupidity.
